[House Prints, 108th Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

                           [COMMITTEE PRINT]

                              May 10, 2004
                        EXPLANATION OF H.R. 4319

     To Complete the Codification of Title 46, United States Code, 
                     ``Shipping'', as Positive Law


    This bill is a joint product of the Office of the Law 
Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives and the 
Department of Transportation. On November 10, 2002, the 
Secretary of Transportation transmitted to Congress proposed 
legislation to complete the codification of title 46, United 
States Code. The Secretary's transmittal was referred to the 
Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives. The 
Committee in turn requested the Office of the Law Revision 
Counsel, which has responsibility for preparing codification 
legislation pursuant to section 285b of title 2, United States 
Code, to review the Secretary's proposed legislation and to 
work with the Department of Transportation in preparing a bill 
for introduction. This bill is the product of that cooperative 

                    Conformity With Original Intent

    The intent in this bill is to comply with the standard for 
codification legislation set forth in section 285b(1) of title 
2, United States Code, which provides that the restatement of 
existing law shall conform to ``the understood policy, intent, 
and purpose of the Congress in the original enactments, with 
such amendments and corrections as will remove ambiguities, 
contradictions, and other imperfections both of substance and 
of form''.

                History of Title 46 Codification Efforts

    The codification of title 46 began with the enactment of 
subtitle II (``Vessels and Seamen'') by Public Law 98-89 in 
1983. Section 2(j) of that law provided that:

        ``Within 2 years after the date of enactment of this 
        Act, the Federal Maritime Commission and the Secretary 
        of Transportation each shall submit to Congress a 
        proposed codification of the laws within their 
        respective jurisdictions related to shipping and 
        maritime matters.''

    In 1985, the Federal Maritime Commission and the Secretary 
of Transportation submitted drafts to Congress. Those drafts 
formed the basis of a bill which was introduced as H.R. 3106 in 
the 100th Congress in 1987. That bill would have codified the 
remainder of title 46 other than subtitle III (``Maritime 
Liability''). That bill was not enacted.
    Also in 1985, three related bills (H.R. 3156, H.R. 3157, 
and H.R. 3158) were introduced. Each of those bills would have 
enacted certain chapters in subtitle III (``Maritime 
Liability''). Those bills were not enacted.
    In 1986, part C (``Load Lines of Vessels'') and part J 
(``Measurement of Vessels'') were added to subtitle II by 
Public Law 99-509.
    In 1988, subtitle III (``Maritime Liability'') was enacted 
by Public Law 100-710. However, only two chapters were included 
in that enactment. The remaining chapters of subtitle III were 
planned for subsequent enactment but were never enacted.
    In 1989, an updated version of H.R. 3106 (referred to above 
and introduced in 1987) was prepared and printed as a 
``Committee Print'' of the Committee on Merchant Marine and 
Fisheries. However, that draft bill was never introduced.
    In 2002, subtitle VI (``Miscellaneous'') containing only 
chapter 701 (``Port Security'') was added by Public Law 107-
    In 2003, subtitle V (``Merchant Marine'') containing only 
chapter 531 (``Maritime Security Fleet'') was added by Public 
Law 108-136.

                           Disposition Tables

    The following tables show the disposition of existing 
provisions affected by the bill. These tables include 
provisions from titles 19, 46, 46 Appendix, and 48 of the 
United States Code and provisions of certain Reorganization 

                                Title 19
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)
128.......................................  60502
130 (1st sentence)........................  60501
130 (last sentence related to 19:128).....  60502
130 (last sentence related to 19:130).....  60501
131.......................................  60501

               Title 46 (Already Enacted as Positive Law)
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)
2101(2)...................................  102
2101(3)...................................  103
2101(3a)..................................  104
2101(6)...................................  105
2101(10)..................................  106
2101(10a).................................  107
2101(12)..................................  110
2101(17b).................................  111
2101(36)..................................  112
2101(41)..................................  113
2101(44)..................................  114
2101(45)..................................  115
2101(46)..................................  116
2108......................................  504
12101(a)(1)...............................  108
12101(a)(2), (b)..........................  12101
12101 note (Pub. L. 104-324, Sec.  1117)..  55113
12102(a) (related to tonnage).............  12102
12102(a)..................................  12103
12102(b)..................................  12103
12102(c)..................................  12113
12102(d)..................................  12111
12102 note (Pub. L. 105-277, Sec.  203(b)-  12113
12103(a) (less filing by owner)...........  12105
12103(a) (related to filing by owner).....  12104
12103(b)..................................  12104
12103(c), (d).............................  12105
12103(e)..................................  12133
12103a....................................  12105
12104.....................................  12134
12105.....................................  12111
12106(a)..................................  12112
12106(b)..................................  12102, 12112
12106(c)..................................  12116
12106(d)..................................  12117
12106(e)..................................  12119
12106 note (Pub. L. 105-383, Sec. Sec.      12121
12108(a)..................................  12113
12108(b)..................................  12102, 12113
12108(c)..................................  12116
12108(d)..................................  12113
12109.....................................  12114
12110(a), (b).............................  12102
12110(c)..................................  12114
12110(d)..................................  12131
12111(a)..................................  12135
12111(b)-(d)..............................  12136
12112.....................................  12115
12117.....................................  12137
12119.....................................  12138
12119 note (Pub. L. 107-295, Sec.  403)...  12138
12120.....................................  12139
12122.....................................  12151
12123.....................................  12152
12124.....................................  12106

                            Title 46 Appendix
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)
3 note prec. (Act 12-27-1950, Sec. Sec.     501
 1, 2).
3.........................................  Superseded. Provided that
                                             the Commissioner of Customs
                                             shall supervise the laws
                                             relating to the
                                             admeasurement of vessels
                                             and the assignment of
                                             signal letters and official
                                             numbers, and that the
                                             Commissioner's decision
                                             relating to the
                                             interpretation of those
                                             laws and the collection and
                                             refund of tonnage taxes is
                                             final. These functions have
                                             been transferred to other
9(a), (b).................................  Previously repealed.
9(c)......................................  Obsolete reporting
9(d)......................................  Previously repealed.
14 (words before last proviso)............  12107
14 (last proviso).........................  12151
42........................................  60103
57........................................  60102
59........................................  Obsolete. Provides penalty
                                             for officials neglecting to
                                             perform acts required by
                                             title 48 of the Revised
91........................................  60105
97........................................  60106
98........................................  60109
100.......................................  60107
104.......................................  60504
111.......................................  Omitted but not repealed.
                                             Provides that Great Lakes
                                             trade does not make vessel
                                             liable to entry and
                                             clearance fees. Same
                                             provision at 19 U.S.C. 288.
121 (1st sentence)........................  60302
121 (2d sentence).........................  60301
121 (3d sentence related to distress).....  60305
121 (3d sentence related to trade)........  60306
121 (4th sentence words before proviso)...  60302
121 (4th sentence proviso)................  60302
121 (5th sentence words before semicolon).  60302
121 (5th sentence words after semicolon)..  60304
121 (last sentence words before semicolon)  60312
121 (last sentence words after semicolon).  60302
122.......................................  60307
123.......................................  60308
124.......................................  60309
125.......................................  60310
128 (words before proviso)................  60303
128 (proviso).............................  60303
129.......................................  60303
132.......................................  60301
133, 134..................................  60311
135.......................................  60312
141.......................................  60503
142.......................................  60505
143.......................................  60506
144 (1st par.)............................  60507
144 (last par.)...........................  60507
145.......................................  60507
146.......................................  60502
163.......................................  60101
181.......................................  30503
182.......................................  30504
183(a)....................................  30505
183(b) (1st sentence).....................  30506
183(b) (last sentence)....................  30507
183(c)....................................  30506
183(d)....................................  30506
183(e)....................................  30506
183(f) (related to 46 App.:183(b)-(e))....  30506
183(f) (related to 46 App.:183b)..........  30508
183(g)....................................  30510
183b......................................  30508
183c......................................  30509
184.......................................  30507
185.......................................  30511
186.......................................  30501
187.......................................  30512
188.......................................  30502
189.......................................  30505
190 (16th-30th words).....................  30733
190 (less 16th-30th words)................  30735
190 note..................................  30731
191 (9th-25th words)......................  30733
191 (less 9th-25th words).................  30735
192 (7th-21st words)......................  30733
192 (less 7th-21st words).................  30736
193 (17th-31st words).....................  30733
193 (less 17th-31st words)................  30734
194.......................................  30737
195.......................................  30732
196.......................................  30731 note
251, 251a.................................  55114
251b......................................  Unnecessary. Authorizes the
                                             Secretary of the Treasury
                                             to issue regulations for
                                             the enforcement of certain
                                             provisions. See 31 U.S.C.
262.......................................  Unnecessary. Provides that
                                             documented vessels shall
                                             not be employed in any
                                             trade whereby the revenue
                                             laws are defrauded. See 19
                                             U.S.C. 1703.
277.......................................  12133
289.......................................  55103
289a, 289b................................  55103 note
289c......................................  55104
290.......................................  Previously omitted from U.S.
                                             Code. Superseded by 46 App.
                                             U.S.C. 883.
291.......................................  55120
292.......................................  55109
316(a), (b)...............................  55111
316(c)....................................  55118
316(d), (e)...............................  80104
316a......................................  55112
319.......................................  Transfer to 19 U.S.C. 1706a.
320.......................................  Unnecessary. Provides for
                                             remission or mitigation of
                                             certain fines by the
                                             Commissioner of Customs.
                                             See section 504 of the
                                             revised title.
321.......................................  Obsolete. Provides penalty
                                             for officials acting
                                             contrary to title 50 of the
                                             Revised Statutes in
                                             connection with
                                             documentation and
                                             measurement of vessels and
                                             collection of fees.
322.......................................  Obsolete. Provides penalty
                                             for officials neglecting to
                                             perform acts required by
                                             title 50 of the Revised
323.......................................  Unnecessary. Provides
                                             penalty for officials
                                             falsifying vessel documents
                                             under title 50 of the
                                             Revised Statutes. See 18
                                             U.S.C. 507 and 2197.
324.......................................  Unnecessary. Provides
                                             penalty for persons who
                                             assault, resist, or
                                             obstruct officers in
                                             execution of vessel
                                             documentation laws and
                                             title 50 of the Revised
                                             Statutes. See 18 U.S.C.
326.......................................  502
327.......................................  503
328.......................................  Obsolete. Provides that
                                             penalties and forfeitures
                                             incurred under title 50 of
                                             the Revised Statutes may be
                                             recovered the same as those
                                             relating to the collection
                                             of duties.
336.......................................  Obsolete. Provides that
                                             canal boats and boats
                                             employed on the internal
                                             waters of a State (except
                                             those with sails or
                                             propelling machinery and
                                             those employed in trade
                                             with Canada) are not
                                             subject to the Act of Feb.
                                             18, 1793, ch. 8, 1 Stat.
                                             305 (relating to the
                                             enrolling and licensing of
                                             vessels in the coastwise
                                             trade) and are exempt from
                                             the payment of customs and
                                             other fees.
354, 355..................................  60104
441, 443, 444.............................  50503
446-446c..................................  50504
466c......................................  Transfer to 7 U.S.C. 8304
491 (words before semicolon)..............  30102
491 (words after semicolon)...............  30103
688(a)....................................  30104
688(b)....................................  30105
721.......................................  80101
722.......................................  80103
723.......................................  80103
724.......................................  80102
725.......................................  80105
726.......................................  80106
727, 729, 730.............................  80107
731.......................................  2304, 80107. See Sec.  14(8)
                                             of bill.
738.......................................  80301
738a......................................  80302
738c......................................  80303
740.......................................  30101
741 (11th-26th words).....................  30902
741 (less 11th-26th words)................  30913
741 note..................................  30901
742 (1st sentence)........................  30903
742 (2d sentence).........................  30906
742 (3d sentence).........................  30903
742 (last sentence).......................  30906
743 (1st sentence)........................  30908
743 (2d, 3d sentences)....................  30910
743 (4th-6th sentences)...................  30908
743 (last sentence).......................  30907
743a......................................  Superseded. Prohibited
                                             interest on claims prior to
                                             filing of suit under 46
                                             App. U.S.C. 745. Superseded
                                             by 1950 amendment to 46
                                             App. U.S.C. 745.
744.......................................  30914
745 (words before 1st proviso)............  30905
745 (1st proviso).........................  30904
745 (2d proviso)..........................  Obsolete. Relates to suits
                                             under the Act of Mar. 9,
                                             1920 (popularly known as
                                             the Suits in Admiralty Act)
                                             brought no later than Dec.
                                             13, 1951.
745 (last proviso)........................  30910
746.......................................  30909
747.......................................  30915
748.......................................  30912
749.......................................  30911
750.......................................  30916
751.......................................  30917
752.......................................  30918
761(a)....................................  30302
761(b)....................................  30307
761 note..................................  30301
762(a)....................................  30303
762(b)....................................  30307
763a......................................  30106
764.......................................  30306
765.......................................  30305
766.......................................  30304
767.......................................  30308
768.......................................  Obsolete. Provides that the
                                             Act of Mar. 30, 1920
                                             (popularly known as the
                                             Death on the High Seas Act)
                                             shall not affect any
                                             pending suits.
781.......................................  31102
781 note..................................  31101
782 (1st sentence)........................  31104
782 (last sentence words before last        31103
782 (last sentence words after last comma)  31107
783 (words before proviso)................  31102
783 (proviso).............................  31105
784.......................................  31110
785.......................................  31111
786.......................................  31108
787.......................................  31109
788.......................................  31112
789.......................................  31106
790.......................................  31113
801.......................................  Unnecessary. Defines terms
                                             for purposes of the
                                             Shipping Act, 1916. Some of
                                             the terms appeared only in
                                             sections which were
                                             previously repealed and
                                             others are redundant with
                                             title-wide definitions in
                                             chapter 1.
802.......................................  50501
803.......................................  50502
804a......................................  Obsolete. Reorganized the
                                             U.S. Shipping Board which
                                             was subsequently abolished.
808(a)....................................  Previously repealed.
808(b)....................................  57109
808(c), (d)...............................  56102
808(e) [both versions]....................  56102
808a......................................  56102
811 (1st sentence words before 1st comma).  50105
811 (1st sentence words after 1st comma)..  50106
811 (2d sentence words before 2d comma)...  50105
811 (2d sentence words after 2d comma)....  50107
811 (3d sentence).........................  50106
811 (4th sentence)........................  50109
811 (last sentence).......................  50111
817d(a) (1st-5th, 29th-last words)........  44103
817d(a) (6th-28th words)..................  44101
817d(b)...................................  44103
817d(c)...................................  44104
817d(d)...................................  44106
817d(e)...................................  44105
817e(a) (1st-14th, 37th-last words).......  44102
817e(a) (15th-36th words).................  44101
817e(b)...................................  44102
817e(c)...................................  44104
817e(d)...................................  44106
817e(e)...................................  44105
833.......................................  Unnecessary. Contains a
                                             separability provision for
                                             the Shipping Act, 1916.
834.......................................  60108
835.......................................  56103
836, 837..................................  56106
839 (1st par.)............................  56104
839 (last par.)...........................  56105
842.......................................  Unnecessary. Provides short
                                             title for the Shipping Act,
861.......................................  50101
864a......................................  Obsolete. Authorizes
                                             allowances to purchasers of
                                             vessels for cost of putting
                                             the vessels in class,
                                             without regard to 50 App.
                                             U.S.C. 1736(d), which was
                                             subsequently repealed. Also
                                             impliedly repealed by 46
                                             App. U.S.C. 1119 for other
                                             than title XI (1936 Act)
864b......................................  57108
865.......................................  Obsolete. Authorizes sale of
                                             vessels to aliens. Executed
                                             for 1920 vessel inventory,
                                             superseded by Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1936, and
                                             impliedly repealed by 1950
                                             freeze. See Sec.  14 of Act
                                             of Mar. 8, 1946 (50 App.
                                             U.S.C. 1735 note).
865a......................................  53101 note (ODS)
866.......................................  Obsolete. Provides for
                                             determination of
                                             appropriate steamship lines
                                             and for sale or charter of
                                             vessels. Executed for 1920
                                             vessel inventory,
                                             superseded by Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1936, and
                                             impliedly repealed by 1950
                                             freeze. See Sec.  14 of Act
                                             of Mar. 8, 1946 (50 App.
                                             U.S.C. 1735 note).
867.......................................  50302
868.......................................  Unnecessary. Requires
                                             insurance for risk of loss
                                             in installment sales
                                             contracts under Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1920. Executed
                                             for 1920 vessel inventory
                                             and unnecessary because
                                             such insurance is now
869.......................................  Obsolete. Authorizes
                                             Secretary of Transportation
                                             to insure vessels and
                                             facilities under Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1920. Impliedly
                                             repealed by 46 App. U.S.C.
871.......................................  57106
872.......................................  50304
875.......................................  50304
876(a)(1).................................  Unnecessary. Authorizes the
                                             Secretary of Transportation
                                             to make rules and
                                             regulations to carry out
                                             the Merchant Marine Act,
                                             1920. See 49 U.S.C. 322(a).
876(a)(2).................................  42101
876(a)(3).................................  42102
876(b), (c)...............................  42102
876(d)....................................  42103
876(e)....................................  42101
876(f), (g)...............................  42104
876(h)....................................  42105
876(i)....................................  42106
876(j)....................................  42107
876(k)....................................  42108
876(l)....................................  42109
877.......................................  55101
883 (words before 1st proviso)............  55102
883 (1st proviso, 2d proviso less meaning   12132
 of ``rebuilt'').
883 (2d proviso related to meaning of       12101
883 (3d proviso)..........................  55116
883 (4th proviso).........................  55119
883 (5th proviso).........................  55117
883 (6th proviso).........................  55107
883 (7th proviso).........................  55106
883 (8th proviso).........................  Expired in 1984. Related to
                                             transportation of
                                             merchandise in coastwise
883 (2d-6th sentences, last sentence less   55105
883 (10th proviso)........................  55115
883 (11th proviso)........................  55102
883 (12th proviso)........................  55110
883 (last proviso)........................  55108
883 note (Pub. L. 104-324, Sec.  1120(f)).  12120
883 note (Pub. L. 100-329, Sec.  1(b))....  55108
883-1.....................................  12118
883a (1st sentence).......................  12139
883a (2d, last sentences).................  12151
883b......................................  Unnecessary. Authorizes the
                                             Secretary of Transportation
                                             to prescribe regulations to
                                             carry out certain
                                             provisions. See 49 U.S.C.
884.......................................  58108
885.......................................  Transfer to 15 U.S.C. 38.
887.......................................  Unnecessary. Contains a
                                             separability provision for
                                             the Merchant Marine Act,
888.......................................  Unnecessary. Incorporates
                                             definitions from 46 App.
                                             U.S.C. 801-803 and defines
                                             ``alien'' for purposes of
                                             the Merchant Marine Act,
                                             1920. See definitions in
                                             chapter 1 and section 50501
                                             of the revised title.
889.......................................  Unnecessary. Provides short
                                             title for the Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1920.
891.......................................  50101
891b......................................  57106
891c......................................  Obsolete and unnecessary.
                                             Recognizes the need for
                                             replacement vessels owned
                                             by the United States and
                                             directs the Secretary of
                                             Transportation to present
                                             recommendations to Congress
                                             for new vessels.
891u......................................  Obsolete. Defines terms for
                                             purposes of the Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1928.
891v......................................  Obsolete. Reaffirms the
                                             policy of 46 App. 866. See
                                             disposition of that section
                                             in this table.
891w......................................  Obsolete. Relates to the
                                             allocations of operations
                                             of ships under the Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1928. Executed
                                             for 1928 vessel inventory
                                             and impliedly repealed by
                                             1950 freeze. See Sec.  14
                                             of Act of Mar. 8, 1946 (50
                                             App. U.S.C. 1735 note).
891x......................................  Unnecessary. Provides short
                                             title for the Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1928.
1101......................................  50101
1111(a), (b)..............................  Previously repealed.
1111(c) (related to seal).................  301
1111(c) (related to records)..............  303
1111(c) (related to rules and regulations)  305
1111(d) (related to Commission)...........  307
1111(d) (related to Secretary)............  Unnecessary. Authorizes
                                             expenditures and
                                             appropriations under the
                                             Merchant Marine Act, 1936.
1111(e)...................................  Unnecessary. Authorizes the
                                             Federal Maritime Commission
                                             and the Secretary of
                                             Transportation to employ
                                             personnel. See 5 U.S.C.
                                             3101 and 49 U.S.C. 323.
1111(f) (1st, last sentences).............  Unnecessary. Provides for
                                             traveling and subsistence
                                             expenses. See 5 U.S.C. ch.
1111(f) (2d sentence related to             Obsolete. Provides for
 Commission).                                additional pay of military
                                             officers detailed to
                                             Federal Maritime
1111(f) (2d sentence related to Secretary)  49 U.S.C. 109. See Sec.  11
                                             of bill.
1111 note (Pub. L. 89-56).................  301
1111 notes (Reorg. Plans).................  See disposition table for
                                             Reorg. Plans following this
1111a.....................................  Obsolete. Restricts
                                             expenditures for
                                             administrative expenses by
                                             the Federal Maritime
                                             Commission and the
                                             Secretary of
                                             Transportation. Presumably
                                             only intended to apply, as
                                             originally enacted, to the
                                             U.S. Maritime Commission,
                                             which has been abolished.
1112......................................  50303
1114......................................  Obsolete. Provided that
                                             functions of the former
                                             U.S. Shipping Board under
                                             certain laws, which
                                             previously had been
                                             transferred to the
                                             Department of Commerce,
                                             were transferred to the
                                             Federal Maritime Commission
                                             and the Secretary of
1115......................................  58107
1116, 1116a...............................  Obsolete. Provides for
                                             creation of a construction
                                             fund for use by the
                                             Department of
                                             Transportation. Impliedly
                                             repealed by 46 App. U.S.C.
1117 (related to Commission)..............  Obsolete. Authorizes the
                                             Federal Maritime Commission
                                             to make contracts and
                                             disbursements under the
                                             Merchant Marine Act, 1936,
                                             and provides for auditing
                                             the Commission's financial
1117 (related to Secretary)...............  49 U.S.C. 109. See Sec.  11
                                             of bill.
1118 (related to Commission)..............  306
1118 (related to Secretary)...............  50111
1118 note (Pub. L. 106-398, [Sec.  3506]).  50111
1119......................................  49 U.S.C. 109. See Sec.  11
                                             of bill.
1120......................................  50102
1121(a)-(c)...............................  50103
1121(d)...................................  50105
1121(e)...................................  50106
1121(f)...................................  50109
1121(g)...................................  50106
1121(h), (i)..............................  50109
1121(j) (words before 1st semicolon)......  50105
1121(j) (words between 1st and 2d           50110
1121(j) (words after 2d semicolon)........  50109
1121-1....................................  55301
1121-2....................................  50110
1122(a)...................................  50104
1122(b)(1)................................  50108
1122(b)(2)................................  50105
1122(c)...................................  50105
1122(d)...................................  50110
1122(e)...................................  Previously repealed.
1122(f)...................................  50108
1122(g)...................................  50111
1122a.....................................  50113
1122b.....................................  55501
1123......................................  50109
1124......................................  50306
1125......................................  57105
1125 note (Pub. L. 86-518, Sec.  9).......  57105, 57506
1125a.....................................  57107
1126-1(a) (1st sentence)..................  51101
1126-1(a) (last sentence), (b)............  51104
1131......................................  53101 note
1132......................................  52101
1151-1157.................................  53101 note (CDS)
1158(a)...................................  57102
1158(b)...................................  57103
1159......................................  53101 note (CDS)
1160(a)...................................  57301
1160(b) (1st sentence)....................  57302
1160(b) (2d sentence).....................  57304
1160(b) (3d sentence).....................  57305
1160(b) (4th-7th sentences)...............  57306
1160(b) (last sentence)...................  57302
1160(c)...................................  57303
1160(d)...................................  57305
1160(e)...................................  57307
1160(f)...................................  50111
1160(g)...................................  57308
1160(h)...................................  Previously repealed.
1160(i)...................................  57104
1160(j)...................................  57101
1161(a)...................................  53301
1161(b) (1st sentence words before 6th      53302
1161(b) (1st sentence words between 6th     53303
 and 10th commas).
1161(b) (1st sentence between 10th and      53302
 16th commas).
1161(b) (1st sentence words after 16th      53305
1161(b) (last sentence)...................  53302
1161(c)...................................  53306
1161(d)...................................  53307
1161(e)...................................  53308
1161(f)...................................  53309
1161(g) (less (1)(B)).....................  53310
1161(g)(1)(B).............................  53310
1161(h)...................................  53310
1161(i)...................................  53311
1161(j)...................................  53312
1161(k)...................................  Obsolete. Provides that 46
                                             App. U.S.C. 1161 applies to
                                             taxable years beginning
                                             after Dec. 31, 1939.
1161(l)...................................  53304
1161(m)...................................  53301
1161(n)...................................  53301
1161(o)...................................  53301
1162......................................  53101 note (CDS)
1171-1176.................................  53101 note (ODS)
1177(a) (1st sentence)....................  53503
1177(a) (2d sentence related to purpose)..  53503
1177(a) (2d sentence related to deposits).  53504
1177(a) (last sentence)...................  53504
1177(b)(1), (2)...........................  53505
1177(b)(3)................................  53501
1177(c)...................................  53506
1177(d)...................................  53507
1177(e)...................................  53508
1177(f)...................................  53509
1177(g)...................................  53510
1177(h) (less (2) (last sentence))........  53511
1177(h)(2) (last sentence)................  53512
1177(i)...................................  53513
1177(j)...................................  53514
1177(k)(1)-(3)............................  53501
1177(k)(4)................................  Unnecessary definition of
                                             ``United States''. See ch.
                                             1 of the revised title.
1177(k)(5)-(9)............................  53501
1177(l) (1st sentence)....................  53515
1177(l) (2d sentence).....................  53502
1177(l) (last sentence)...................  53516
1177(m)...................................  53517
1177-1....................................  53501
1177a.....................................  Unnecessary. There are no
                                             longer any recapture
                                             provisions in ODS
1178-1185a................................  53101 note (ODS)
1187-1187e................................  53101 note (MSF)
1191......................................  57501
1192......................................  57502
1193(a)...................................  57503
1193(b)...................................  57502
1193(c) (related to construction,           57503
 reconstruction, or reconditioning).
1193(c) (related to chartering)...........  57512
1194......................................  57504
1195 (1st, 2d sentences)..................  57505
1195 (last sentence)......................  57506
1196(a) (1st sentence)....................  57512
1196(a) (last sentence), (b) (1st sentence  57512
 related to announcement).
1196(b) (1st sentence related to            57515
1196(b) (last sentence)...................  57513
1197......................................  57515
1198......................................  57516
1199......................................  57517
1200......................................  57518
1201......................................  57511
1202(a)...................................  57519
1202(b), (c)..............................  57520
1202(d)...................................  57521
1203......................................  57514
1204......................................  57531
1205......................................  57532
1211, 1212................................  53101 note
1213(a) (less 3d sentence as related to     53101 note. See Sec.  13(b)
 1121(a)).                                   of bill.
1213(a) (3d sentence related to 1121(a))..  50103
1213(b)...................................  49 U.S.C. 109. See Sec.  11
                                             of bill.
1222......................................  58101 note. Repealed eff.
                                             Oct. 1, 2005, by Maritime
                                             Security Act of 2003.
1223(a)...................................  58101
1223(b)...................................  58102
1223(c)...................................  Previously repealed.
1223(d)...................................  58103
1223(e)...................................  Previously repealed.
1223(f)...................................  58104
1226......................................  58105
1227......................................  58106
1228 (1st, 2d pars.)......................  58107
1228 (last par.)..........................  505
1241(a)...................................  55302
1241(b)...................................  55305
1241(c)...................................  55303
1241-1....................................  55304
1241a.....................................  50301
1241b.....................................  50301
1241b note................................  50301
1241c.....................................  50301
1241d.....................................  55311
1241e.....................................  55313
1241f(a)-(d)..............................  55314
1241f(e)..................................  55312
1241g.....................................  55315
1241h.....................................  55316
1241h note (Pub. L. 100-202, [Sec.  501]).  55316
1241i.....................................  Unnecessary. Provides a
                                             general authorization of
                                             appropriations for 46 App.
                                             U.S.C. 1241e-1241o.
1241j.....................................  55317
1241k-1241n...............................  Obsolete. Provided for a
                                             commission to study and
                                             report on agricultural
                                             export transportation
                                             policy. The commission's
                                             work has been completed and
                                             the commission has been
1241o.....................................  55314
1241p.....................................  55318
1241q.....................................  55333
1241r.....................................  55332
1241s.....................................  55334
1241t(a), (c).............................  55335
1241t(b)..................................  55336
1241u.....................................  Obsolete reporting
1241v.....................................  55331
1242(a) (1st, 2d sentences)...............  56301
1242(a) (3d sentence).....................  56303
1242(a) (4th sentence)....................  56307
1242(a) (last sentence)...................  56303
1242(b)...................................  56303
1242(c) (1st sentence)....................  56302
1242(c) (2d sentence).....................  56304
1242(c) (last sentence)...................  56303
1242(d) (1st par. words before 2d comma)..  56303
1242(d) (1st par. words after 2d comma)...  56304
1242(d) (last par.).......................  56305
1242(e)...................................  56306
1242a(a)..................................  56501
1242a(b)..................................  56502
1242a(c)..................................  56503
1242a(d)..................................  56504
1242a(e)..................................  56502
1244(a)...................................  109
1244(b)...................................  Unnecessary definition of
                                             ``person''. See 1 U.S.C. 1.
1244(c)...................................  50501
1244(d)...................................  Unnecessary. Defines
                                             ``construction'' as
                                             including outfitting and
1244(e)...................................  Previously repealed.
1244(f)...................................  Unnecessary. Defines
                                             ``Representative'' and
                                             ``Member of the Congress''
                                             as including Delegates to
                                             the House of
                                             Representatives from the
                                             District of Columbia, Guam,
                                             and the Virgin Islands, and
                                             the Resident Commissioner
                                             to the House of
                                             Representatives from Puerto
1244(g)...................................  114
1245 (1st sentence).......................  Unnecessary. Contains a
                                             separability provision for
                                             the Merchant Marine Act,
1245 (last sentence)......................  101 note
1247......................................  50305
1248......................................  53101 note (CDS and ODS)
1271......................................  53701
1272......................................  53717
1273(a)...................................  53702
1273(b)...................................  53711
1273(c)...................................  53709
1273(d)...................................  53705
1273(e) (1st sentence)....................  53705
1273(e) (last sentence)...................  53721, 53722
1273(f)...................................  53704
1273(g)...................................  53732
1273(h)...................................  53704
1273(i), (j)..............................  57306
1273a.....................................  53707
1274(a)...................................  53706
1274(b)(1)................................  53707
1274(b)(2)................................  53709
1274(b)(3)-(7)............................  53710
1274(b) (last 2 sentences)................  53709
1274(c)(1) (1st sentence).................  53711
1274(c)(1) (last sentence)................  53709
1274(c)(2)................................  53711
1274(d)(1), (2)...........................  53708
1274(d)(3)................................  53732
1274(d)(4)................................  53707
1274(d)(5)................................  Previously repealed.
1274(e)...................................  53714
1274(f)(1)................................  53713
1274(f)(2), (3)...........................  53708
1274(f)(4)................................  53713
1274(g)...................................  53717
1274(h)...................................  53710
1274(i)...................................  53709
1274(j)...................................  53732
1274(k)...................................  53712
1274(l)...................................  53703
1274(m)...................................  53712
1274(n)...................................  53703
1274a.....................................  53734
1275(a)...................................  53721
1275(b)...................................  53722
1275(c)...................................  53724
1275(d)...................................  53723
1275(e)...................................  53725
1275(f)...................................  53722
1279a.....................................  53715
1279b.....................................  53716
1279c.....................................  53731
1279d.....................................  53732
1279e.....................................  53733
1279f.....................................  53735
1279g.....................................  53702
1280......................................  53717
1280a.....................................  53733
1280b.....................................  53718
1281(a)-(c)...............................  53901
1281(d)...................................  Unnecessary. Defines
                                             ``citizen of the United
                                             States'' for purposes of
                                             the war risk insurance
                                             program as including
                                             corporations, partnerships,
                                             and associations. See 46
                                             App. U.S.C. 1244(c) and
                                             section 50501 of the
                                             revised title.
1281(e)...................................  Unnecessary definition of
1282......................................  53902
1283(a) (1st, 2d sentences)...............  53903
1283(a) (last sentence)...................  53910
1283(b) (1st sentence)....................  53903
1283(b) (last sentence)...................  53901
1283(c)-(f)...............................  53903
1284......................................  53903
1285......................................  53905
1286......................................  53904
1287......................................  53907
1288......................................  53909
1288a.....................................  53909
1289(a)(1)................................  53910
1289(a)(2)................................  53906
1289(b)-(f)...............................  53910
1290......................................  Unnecessary. Provides that
                                             the war risk insurance
                                             program does not affect
                                             seamen's rights under
                                             existing law.
1291......................................  50111
1292......................................  53911
1293......................................  53908
1294......................................  53912
1295 (1st sentence).......................  51101
1295 (last sentence cl. (1))..............  51103
1295 (last sentence cl. (2))..............  51104
1295a.....................................  51102
1295b(a)..................................  51301
1295b(b)(1)-(3)(C)........................  51302
1295b(b)(3)(D)............................  51303
1295b(b)(3)(E)............................  51305
1295b(b)(3)(F)............................  51311
1295b(b)(3)(G)............................  Unnecessary. Defines
                                             ``State'' for purposes of
                                             46 App. U.S.C. 1295b(b)(3)
                                             as including the several
1295b(b)(4)...............................  Obsolete. The Trust
                                             Territory of the Pacific
                                             Islands has been
                                             terminated. See 48 U.S.C.
                                             1681 note prec.
1295b(b)(5)-(7)...........................  51304
1295b(b)(8)...............................  51309
1295b(c)..................................  51311
1295b(d)..................................  51308
1295b(e)(1)-(4)...........................  51306
1295b(e)(5)...............................  51310
1295b(f)..................................  51307
1295b(g)..................................  51309
1295b(h)..................................  51312
1295b(i)..................................  51313
1295c(a)..................................  51501
1295c(b)..................................  51503
1295c(c)(1), (2)..........................  51504
1295c(c)(3)(A)............................  51507
1295c(c)(3)(B)............................  51508
1295c(d)(1)...............................  51505
1295c(d)(2)...............................  51501
1295c(e)..................................  51502
1295c(f)..................................  51506
1295c(g)(1)-(5)...........................  51509
1295c(g)(6)...............................  51510
1295c(g)(7)...............................  51509
1295c(h)..................................  51511
1295c note (Pub. L. 101-115, Sec.  4).....  51504
1295c-1...................................  49 U.S.C. 109. See Sec.  11
                                             of bill.
1295d(a), (b).............................  51703
1295d(c)..................................  51704
1295e.....................................  51701
1295f.....................................  51702
1295g(a)..................................  Unnecessary. Provides that
                                             the Secretary of
                                             Transportation shall
                                             establish such rules and
                                             regulations as may be
                                             necessary to carry out
                                             title XIII of the Merchant
                                             Marine Act, 1936, relating
                                             to maritime education and
                                             training. The Secretary has
                                             general regulatory
                                             authority under 49 U.S.C.
1295g(b)-(d)..............................  51103
1300......................................  30703
1301(a)...................................  30702
1301(b) (words before 2d comma)...........  30702
1301(b) (words after 2d comma)............  30703
1301(c)...................................  30702
1301(d)...................................  Unnecessary. Defines
                                             ``ship'', for purposes of
                                             the Carriage of Goods by
                                             Sea Act, as any vessel used
                                             for the carriage of goods
                                             by sea. The restatement of
                                             that Act in ch. 307 uses
                                             the term ``vessel'' instead
                                             of ``ship'', and ``vessel''
                                             is defined in chapter 1.
1301(e)...................................  30703
1302......................................  30705
1303(1), (2)..............................  30705
1303(3)...................................  30706
1303(4) (words before proviso)............  30706
1303(4) (proviso).........................  30718
1303(5)...................................  30708
1303(6)...................................  30714
1303(7)...................................  30707
1303(8)...................................  30704
1304(1), (2)..............................  30711
1304(3)...................................  30713
1304(4)...................................  30711
1304(5)...................................  30709
1304(6)...................................  30712
1305 (1st sentence).......................  30704
1305 (2d sentence)........................  30703
1305 (last sentence)......................  30706
1306......................................  30715
1307......................................  30704
1308......................................  Unnecessary. Provides that
                                             the Carriage of Goods by
                                             Sea Act does not affect
                                             rights and obligations
                                             under certain other
                                             existing laws relating to
                                             limitation of liability of
                                             owners of seagoing vessels.
                                             Unnecessary because of the
                                             restatement of these laws
                                             in ch. 307 of the revised
1309......................................  30716
1310......................................  30710
1311......................................  30733
1312 (1st-3d sentences)...................  30703
1312 (last sentence words before last       30733
1312 (last proviso).......................  30706
1313......................................  30717
1314......................................  Obsolete. Provides an
                                             effective date for the
                                             Carriage of Goods by Sea
1315......................................  30701
1501......................................  80501
1502(a) (related to application of          80502
1502(a) (related to approval and            80504
1502(b)...................................  Previously repealed.
1503(a)-(c)(1)............................  80503
1503(c)(2)................................  80506
1503(c)(3)................................  80503
1503(d)...................................  80506
1503(e)...................................  80503
1504......................................  80505
1505......................................  80509
1506......................................  80507
1507......................................  80508
1601-1603.................................  49 U.S.C. 109. See Sec.  11
                                             of bill.
1604-1608.................................  Executed and obsolete.
                                             Related to the transfer of
                                             the Maritime Administration
                                             from the Department of
                                             Commerce to the Department
                                             of Transportation.
1609......................................  49 U.S.C. 109 note
1610......................................  Omitted but not repealed.
                                             Contains a separability
                                             provision for the Maritime
                                             Act of 1981.
1701......................................  40101
1702......................................  40102
1703......................................  40301
1704(a)...................................  40302
1704(b)-(d)...............................  40303
1704(e) (less last sentence)..............  40305
1704(e) (last sentence)...................  40301
1704(f)...................................  40301
1704(g)...................................  40303
1705(a)-(f)...............................  40304
1705(g)-(i)...............................  41307
1705(j)...................................  40306
1705(k)...................................  41307
1706......................................  40307
1707(a), (b)..............................  40501
1707(c)...................................  40502
1707(d)...................................  40501
1707(e)...................................  40503
1707(f), (g)..............................  40501
1708(a)...................................  40701
1708(b)...................................  40702
1708(c) (1st sentence)....................  40703
1708(c) (last sentence), (d)..............  40704
1708(e)...................................  40705
1708(f)...................................  40706
1709(a)...................................  41102
1709(b)(1)-(12)...........................  41104
1709(b)(13), (words after cl. (13)).......  41103
1709(c)...................................  41105
1709(d)(1)................................  41102
1709(d)(2)................................  41106
1709(d)(3) (related to (b)(10))...........  41106
1709(d)(3) (related to (b)(13))...........  41103
1709(d)(4)................................  41106
1709(d)(5)................................  41103
1709(e)...................................  41101
1710(a), (b)..............................  41301
1710(c) (1st-3d sentences)................  41302
1710(c) (last sentence)...................  41307
1710(d)-(f)...............................  41302
1710(g) (related to time limit)...........  41301
1710(g) (less time limit).................  41305
1710(h)(1)................................  41307
1710(h)(2)................................  41306
1710a(a)..................................  42301
1710a(b), (c).............................  42302
1710a(d)..................................  42303
1710a(e)(1), (2)..........................  42304
1710a(e)(3)...............................  42306
1710a(f)..................................  42305
1710a(g)..................................  306
1710a(h) (related to 876(a)(1))...........  42101
1710a(h) (related to 1712(b)(6))..........  41108
1710a(i)..................................  42307
1711......................................  41303
1712(a)...................................  41107
1712(b)...................................  41108
1712(c)-(f)...............................  41109
1713(a), (b)..............................  41304
1713(c)...................................  41308
1713(d)...................................  41309
1713(e)...................................  41308, 41309
1714......................................  40104
1715......................................  40103
1716......................................  305
1718(a)...................................  40901
1718(b)...................................  40902
1718(c)...................................  40903
1718(d)...................................  40901
1718(e)...................................  40904
1719(a)-(c)...............................  Executed. Amended various
                                             provisions restated in the
                                             revised title, and repealed
                                             other provisions.
1719(d)...................................  40101 note
1719(e)...................................  Unnecessary. Provided
                                             transitional and savings
                                             provisions relating to
                                             enactment of the Shipping
                                             Act of 1984 and amendments
                                             to that Act by the Ocean
                                             Shipping Reform Act of
1801......................................  70302
1802......................................  70306
1803......................................  70303
1804......................................  70304
1805......................................  70305
1806......................................  Obsolete. Provided for
                                             presidential review of
                                             sanctions against
                                             terrorists who seize or
                                             attempt to seize vessels,
                                             and for a report to
                                             Congress by Aug. 27, 1987.
1807......................................  70301
1808......................................  Expired. Authorized
                                             appropriations for fiscal
                                             years 1987 through 1991.
1809......................................  70306
1901......................................  Unnecessary. Provided a
                                             short title for the
                                             Maritime Drug Law
                                             Enforcement Act, which is
                                             restated in ch. 705 of the
                                             revised title.
1902......................................  70501
1903(a)...................................  70503
1903(b), (c)..............................  70502
1903(d)...................................  70505
1903(e)...................................  70503
1903(f)...................................  70504
1903(g)...................................  70506
1903(h)...................................  70503
1903(i)...................................  70502
1903(j)...................................  70506
1904......................................  70507
2001......................................  51901
2002......................................  51901
2003......................................  51902
2004(a)...................................  51903
2004(b)...................................  51904
2004(c)...................................  51907
2004(d)...................................  51901
2005......................................  51905
2006......................................  51906
2007......................................  51908

                                Title 48
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)
1664......................................  55101

                    Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1949
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)

                   Reorganization Plan No. 21 of 1950
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)
101-106...................................  Previously superseded. See
                                             section 305 of Reorg. Plan
                                             No. 7 of 1961.
201.......................................  49 U.S.C. 109
202.......................................  Previously superseded. See
                                             section 305 of Reorg. Plan
                                             No. 7 of 1961.
203, 204..................................  49 U.S.C. 109
302-307...................................  Previously superseded. See
                                             section 305 of Reorg. Plan
                                             No. 7 of 1961.

                    Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1961
                                            Disposition (Title 46 unless
                  Section                       otherwise specified)
101.......................................  301
102(a)-(c)................................  301
102(d)....................................  302
103.......................................  Executed and obsolete.
                                             Transferred functions under
                                             certain provisions of law
                                             from the Federal Maritime
                                             Board to the Federal
                                             Maritime Commission. The
                                             provisions referred to
                                             either are restated in a
                                             way that reflects the
                                             transfer or have been
                                             previously repealed.
104.......................................  301
105(a)-(c)................................  304
105(d)....................................  301
201.......................................  49 U.S.C. 109
301.......................................  Impliedly repealed. Provided
                                             that the last sentence of
                                             46 App. U.S.C. 1111(b),
                                             which pertained to
                                             conflicts of interest,
                                             shall apply to the
                                             Commissioners, officers,
                                             and employees of the
                                             Federal Maritime
                                             Commission. This provided,
                                             in substance, the same
                                             thing as 46 App. U.S.C.
                                             1111(b), which was
                                             subsequently repealed.
302.......................................  Temporary and obsolete.
                                             Provided for interim
                                             appointments to the Federal
                                             Maritime Commission.

                     Section-by-Section Explanation

    The following explains the amendments to title 46. For each 
new section being added to title 46, the following also lists 
the existing provisions on which it is based and explains any 
significant changes in language.


    Section 1 of the bill provides a short title and a table of 
contents for the Act.

                       SECTION 2--TITLE ANALYSIS

    Section 2 of the bill amends the title analysis at the 
beginning of title 46.

                   SECTION 3--SUBTITLE I OF TITLE 46

    Section 3 of the bill enacts provisions in subtitle I of 
title 46, explained as follows:

                          Subtitle I--General

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Federal Maritime Commission....................................301
      Other General Provisions.......................................501

                         CHAPTER 1--DEFINITIONS

101.  Agency.
102.  Barge.
103.  Boundary Line.
104.  Citizen of the United States.
105.  Consular officer.
106.  Documented vessel.
107.  Exclusive economic zone.
108.  Fisheries.
109.  Foreign commerce or trade.
110.  Foreign vessel.
111.  Numbered vessel.
112.  State.
113.  Undocumented.
114.  United States.
115.  Vessel.
116.  Vessel of the United States.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
101...................  (no source).

    A definition of ``agency'' is added to avoid having to 
repeat the substance of the definition at various places in the 
revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
102...................  46:2101(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
103...................  46:2101(3).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
104...................  46:2101(3a).

    The words ``or an individual citizen of the Trust Territory 
of the Pacific Islands who is exclusively domiciled in the 
Northern Mariana Islands within the meaning of section 1005(e) 
of the Covenant to establish a Commonwealth of the Northern 
Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of 
America (48 U.S.C. 1681 note)'' are omitted because the 
Covenant referred to became effective November 4, 1986, making 
citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands citizens or non-
citizen nationals of the United States.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
105...................  46:2101(6).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
106...................  46:2101(10).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
107...................  46:2101(10a).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
108...................  46:12101(a)(1).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
109...................  46 App.:1244(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        905(a), 49 Stat.
                                                        2016; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  39(a), 52
                                                        Stat. 964; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        28, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1034; Pub. L. 92-
                                                        402, Sec.  2,
                                                        Aug. 22, 1972,
                                                        86 Stat. 617;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(133)(A)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 165.

    In subsection (a), the words ``its Territories or 
possessions, or the District of Columbia'' are omitted because 
of the definition of ``United States'' in this chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
110...................  46:2101(12).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
111...................  46:2101(17b).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
112...................  46:2101(36).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
113...................  46:2101(41).

    The words ``certificate of documentation'' are substituted 
for ``document'' for consistency with chapter 121.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
114...................  46:2101(44).

                        46 App.:1244(g).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        905(g), 49 Stat.
                                                        2016; as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-453,
                                                        Sec.  3(b), Oct.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 2008.

    The language in 46 App. U.S.C. 1244(g) relating to the 
areas and installations in the Republic of Panama is omitted 
because those areas and installations were turned over to 
Panama by the end of 1999.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
115...................  46:2101(45).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
116...................  46:2101(46).


301.  General organization.
302.  Quorum.
303.  Record of meetings and votes.
304.  Delegation of authority.
305.  Regulations.
306.  Annual report.
307.  Expenditures.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
301(a)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 7
                                                        of 1961, eff.
                                                        Aug. 12, 1961,
                                                        Sec.  101, 75
                                                        Stat. 840.
301(b)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 7
                                                        of 1961, eff.
                                                        Aug. 12, 1961,
                                                        Sec.  102(a),
                                                        (c), 75 Stat.
                                                        840; Pub. L. 88-
                                                        426, title III,
                                                        Sec.  305(19)(A)
                                                        , Aug. 14, 1964,
                                                        78 Stat. 425.
                        46 App.:1111 note.             Pub. L. 89-56,
                                                        June 30, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 195.
301(c)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 6
                                                        of 1949, eff.
                                                        Aug. 20, 1949,
                                                        63 Stat. 1069.
                        46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 7
                                                        of 1961, eff.
                                                        Aug. 12, 1961,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  102(b
                                                        ), 104, 105(d),
                                                        75 Stat. 840,
301(d)................  46 App.:1111(c) (related to    June 29, 1936,
                         seal).                         ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  201(c)
                                                        (related to
                                                        seal), 49 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``is an independent 
establishment'' are substituted for ``shall not be a part of 
any executive department or under the authority of the head of 
any executive department'' for consistency with other titles of 
the United States Code and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``The term of each 
Commissioner is 5 years, with each term beginning one year 
apart'' are substituted for the language about terms in section 
102(c) of Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1961 (46 App. U.S.C. 
1111 note) and the Act of June 30, 1965 (Pub. L. 89-56, 79 
Stat. 195), for clarity and to eliminate executed and obsolete 
    In subsection (c), section 104 of Reorganization Plan No. 7 
of 1961 is omitted as executed.
    Subsection (c)(1) is based on section 102(b) of 
Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1961. The words ``from time to 
time'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    Subsection (c)(2) is based on section 1 of Reorganization 
Plan No. 6 of 1949.
    Subsection (c)(3) is based on section 2 of Reorganization 
Plan No. 6 of 1949 and section 105(d) of Reorganization Plan 
No. 7 of 1961.
    Subsection (c)(4) is based on section 3 of Reorganization 
Plan No. 6 of 1949.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
302...................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 7
                                                        of 1961, eff.
                                                        Aug. 12, 1961,
                                                        Sec.  102(d), 75
                                                        Stat. 840; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        202, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
303...................  46 App.:1111(c) (related to    June 29, 1936,
                         records).                      ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  201(c)
                                                        (related to
                                                        records), 49
                                                        Stat. 1986.

    The words ``true'' and ``yea-and-nay'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
304...................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 7
                                                        of 1961, eff.
                                                        Aug. 12, 1961,
                                                        Sec.  105(a)-(c)
                                                        , 75 Stat. 841.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
305...................  46 App.:1111(c) (related to    June 29, 1936,
                         rules and regulations).        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  201(c)
                                                        (related to
                                                        rules and
                                                        regulations), 49
                                                        Stat. 1986.
                        46 App.:1716.                  Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  17, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 84.

    The words ``to carry out its duties and powers'' are 
substituted for ``in regard to its procedure and the conduct of 
its business'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1111(c) and ``to carry out 
this chapter'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1716(a) for consistency in the 
revised title. The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1716(b) is omitted as 
executed and obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
306(a)................  46 App.:1118 (related to       June 29, 1936,
                         Commission).                   ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  208
                                                        (related to
                                                        Commission), 49
                                                        Stat. 1988; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-273, Sec.
                                                        36, Apr. 21,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
                                                        380; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(65), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
306(b)................  46 App.:1710a(g).              Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10002(g), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1572.

    In subsection (a), the words ``a statement of all receipts 
under this chapter'' are omitted as inapplicable to the 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
307...................  46 App.:1111(d) (related to    June 29, 1936,
                         Commission).                   ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  201(d)
                                                        (related to
                                                        Commission), 49
                                                        Stat. 1986; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(58)(B), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 158.

    The words ``by this chapter'', ``after June 29, 1936'', and 
``further'' are omitted as unnecessary.


501.  Waiver of navigation and vessel-inspection laws.
502.  Cargo exempt from forfeiture.
503.  Notice of seizure.
504.  Remission of fees and penalties.
505.  Penalty for violating regulation or order.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
501...................  46 App.:3 note prec.           Dec. 27, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1155, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  1, 2, 64
                                                        Stat. 1120.

    In subsection (b), the words ``When the head of an agency . 
. . considers it necessary'' are substituted for ``either upon 
his own initiative or upon the written recommendation of the 
head of any other Government agency, when he deems that such 
action is necessary'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
502...................  46 App.:326.                   R.S. Sec.  4378.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
503...................  46 App.:327.                   R.S. Sec.  4379.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
504...................  46:2108.

    This section replaces 46 U.S.C. 2108, which was enacted as 
part of the codification of subtitle II of title 46 in 1983. 
That provision was based on section 26 of the Act of June 26, 
1884, ch. 121, 23 Stat. 59, which prior to the subtitle II 
codification appeared at 46 U.S.C. 8 (1982 ed.). In the 
enactment of 46 U.S.C. 2108, the scope of the 1884 provision 
was narrowed, presumably inadvertently. This section restores 
the remissions authority to its prior scope. Note that 19 
C.F.R. Sec. 4.24 (2003) still refers to ``the authority to make 
refunds in accordance with section 26 of the Act of June 26, 
1884 (46 U.S.C. 8)'' as if that provision had not been replaced 
by 46 U.S.C. 2108 in 1983.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
505...................  46 App.:1228 (last par.).      June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        806(d); as added
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        13, 53 Stat.
                                                        1187; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(125), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                   SECTION 4--SUBTITLE II OF TITLE 46

    Section 4 of the bill amends chapter 121 of title 46 to 
improve the organization and to add provisions of existing law 
which relate to vessel documentation. These provisions are 
currently in title 46 appendix and in statutory notes under 
sections in current chapter 121.
    Throughout chapter 121, the word ``Secretary'' is 
substituted for ``Secretary of Transportation'' and ``Secretary 
of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating'' to 
incorporate the definition of ``Secretary'' in section 2101 of 
title 46, which is amended by section 14(2)(D) of the bill to 
strike the exception to part H. The Coast Guard was transferred 
to the Department of Homeland Security, except when operating 
as part of the Navy. See section 1 of title 14, as amended by 
section 1704(a) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public 
Law 107-296, 116 Stat. 2314), and section 888(b) of that Act 
(116 Stat. 2249).


                          SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

12101.  Definition and related terms in other laws.
12102.  Vessels requiring documentation.
12103.  General eligibility requirements.
12104.  Applications for documentation.
12105.  Issuance of documentation.
12106.  Surrender of title and number.
12107.  Wrecked vessels.


12111.  Registry endorsement.
12112.  Coastwise endorsement.
12113.  Fishery endorsement.
12114.  Recreational endorsement.
12115.  Temporary endorsement for vessels procured outside the United 
12116.  Limited endorsements for Guam, American Samoa, and Northern 
          Mariana Islands.
12117.  Oil spill response vessels.
12118.  Owners engaged primarily in manufacturing or mineral industry.
12119.  Owners engaged primarily in leasing or financing transactions.
12120.  Liquified gas tankers.
12121.  Small passenger vessels and uninspected passenger vessels.


12131.  Command of documented vessels.
12132.  Loss of coastwise trade privileges.
12133.  Duty to carry certificate on vessel and allow examination.
12134.  Evidentiary uses of documentation.
12135.  Invalidation of certificates of documentation.
12136.  Surrender of certificates of documentation.
12137.  Recording of vessels built in the United States.
12138.  List of documented vessels.
12139.  Reports.

                        SUBCHAPTER IV--PENALTIES

12151.  Penalties.
12152.  Denial or revocation of endorsement for non-payment of civil 

                         SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12101(a)..............  46:12101(a)(2).
                        46 App.:883 (2d proviso        June 5, 1920, ch.
                         related to meaning of          250, Sec.  27
                         ``rebuilt'').                  (2d proviso
                                                        related to
                                                        meaning of
                                                        ``rebuilt''), 41
                                                        Stat. 999; July
                                                        2, 1935, ch.
                                                        355, 49 Stat.
                                                        442; July 14,
                                                        1956, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  1, 70
                                                        Stat. 544; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-583, Sec.
                                                        1, July 5, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 321;
                                                        Pub. L. 100-239,
                                                        Sec.  6(c)(1),
                                                        Jan. 11, 1988,
                                                        101 Stat. 1782.
12101(b)..............  46:12101(b).

    In subsection (a), the words ``its territories'' and ``or 
its possessions'' are omitted because of the definition of 
``United States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title. The words 
``(not including trust territories)'' are omitted because the 
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands has terminated. See 48 
U.S.C. 1681 note prec.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12102(a)..............  46:12106(b).
12102(b)..............  46:12102(a) (related to
12102(c)..............  46:12110(b).

    In subsection (c), the words ``(except the Great Lakes)'' 
are omitted because of the repeal of the requirement for a 
Great Lakes endorsement under prior 46 U.S.C. 12107.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12103(a)..............  46:12102(a) (less ownership),
                         (b) (1st sentence).
12103(b)..............  46:12102(a) (related to
12103(c)..............  46:12102(b) (last sentence).

    Current section 12102(a) of title 46 provides that a vessel 
is eligible for documentation only if owned by an individual 
who is a citizen of the United States or by one of several 
entities meeting certain requirements. That provision is 
restated so as to require that the vessel be owned only by 
citizens and to create the legal fiction that certain entities 
are deemed to be citizens for this purpose. This restores the 
historical requirement that generally a vessel may be 
documented only if wholly owned by citizens. It also provides 
for consistency with various other provisions of law which 
require ownership only by citizens, and for consistency with 
the current regulations which provide that a vessel normally is 
eligible for documentation only if wholly owned by citizens. 
See 46 C.F.R. Sec. 67.5 (2002).
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``(B) that is capable of 
holding title to a vessel under the laws of the United States 
or of a State'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12104(a)..............  46:12103(a) (related to
                         filing by owner), (b)(1).
12104(b)..............  46:12103(b)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12105(a)..............  46:12103(a) (less filing by
12105(b)..............  46:12103a.
12105(c)..............  46:12103(c).
12105(d)..............  46:12103(d).

    In subsection (b), the words ``eligible under'' are 
substituted for ``if the applicant for the certificate of 
documentation meets the requirements set out in'' for 
consistency in the chapter and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12106.................  46:12124

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12107.................  46 App.:14 (words before last  R.S. Sec.  4136
                         proviso).                      (words before
                                                        last proviso);
                                                        Feb. 24, 1915,
                                                        ch. 57, 38 Stat.
                                                        812; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        182, title VI,
                                                        Sec.  686(a)(4),
                                                        Dec. 8, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 2220.

    The words ``The Secretary of Transportation may issue a 
certificate of documentation with a coastwise endorsement'' and 
``when purchased by a citizen or citizens of the United 
States'' are omitted as unnecessary because section 12112, as 
revised by the bill, provides the requirements for a wrecked 
vessel to obtain a coastwise endorsement.
    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``or her possessions'' are 
omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of ``United 
States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12111(a)..............  46:12105(a).
12111(b)..............  46:12105(b).
12111(c)..............  46:12102(d).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12112(a)..............  46:12106(a).
12112(b)..............  46:12106(b).

    In subsection (b), the word ``only'' is omitted because 
section 12102(a), as revised by the bill, contains a general 
requirement for appropriate documentation to engage in any 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12113(a)..............  46:12108(a).
12113(b)(1)...........  46:12108(b).
12113(b)(2)...........  46:12102(c)(3).
12113(c)(1)...........  46:12102(c)(1).
12113(c)(2)...........  46:12102(c)(2).
12113(c)(3)...........  46:12102(c)(4).
12113(d)..............  46:12102(c)(5).
12113(e)..............  46:12102 note.                 Pub. L. 105-277,
                                                        div. C, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        203(c), Oct. 21,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
12113(f)..............  46:12102 note.                 Pub. L. 105-277,
                                                        div. C, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        203(d), Oct. 21,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
12113(g)..............  46:12108(d).
12113(h)..............  46:12102 note.                 Pub. L. 105-277,
                                                        div. C, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        203(e), Oct. 21,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
12113(i)..............  46:12102 note.                 Pub. L. 105-277,
                                                        div. C, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        203(b), Oct. 21,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In subsection (b)(1), the word ``only'' is omitted because 
section 12102(a), as revised by the bill, contains a general 
requirement for appropriate documentation to engage in any 
    In subsection (c)(1), the word ``entity'' is substituted 
for ``corporation, partnership, association, trust, joint 
venture, limited liability company, limited liability 
partnership, or any other entity'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (e)(3), the words ``After October 1, 2001'' 
are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (i), the first two sentences of section 
203(b) of Public Law 105-277 are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12114(a)..............  46:12109(a).
12114(b)..............  46:12109(c).
12114(c)..............  46:12109(b).

    In subsection (c), the words ``Secretary of Homeland 
Security'' are substituted for ``Customs Service'' because the 
functions of the Customs Service and of the Secretary of the 
Treasury relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary of 
Homeland Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security 
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12115(a)..............  46:12112(a).
12115(b)..............  46:12112(b) (1st sentence).
12115(c)..............  46:12112(c).
12115(d)..............  46:12112(b) (last sentence).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12116.................  46:12106(c).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12117.................  46:12106(d).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12118(a)(1)...........  46 App.:883-1 (1st par. words  June 5, 1920, ch.
                         through cl. (e), 4th par.      250, Sec.  27A,
                         1st sentence).                 as added Pub. L.
                                                        85-902, Sept. 2,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        1736; Pub. L.
                                                        104-88, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        321(2), Dec. 29,
                                                        1995, 109 Stat.
                                                        950; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        324, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  706, Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3934.
12118(a)(2), (3)......  46 App.:883-1 (2d par., 4th
                         par. 2d sentence).
12118(b)..............  46 App.:883-1 (3d par. words
                         before 5th comma).
12118(c)(1)...........  46 App.:883-1 (3d par. words
                         after 5th comma).
12118(c)(2)...........  46 App.:883-1 (1st par. words
                         after cl. (e)).
12118(d)..............  46 App.:883-1 (last par.).
12118(e)..............  46 App.:883-1 (4th par. 3d-
                         6th sentences).

    In this section, the word ``Secretary'' is substituted for 
``Secretary of the Treasury'', thereby incorporating the 
definition of ``Secretary'' in section 2101 of title 46. The 
functions of the Secretary of the Treasury relating to the 
Coast Guard previously were transferred to the Secretary of 
Transportation by section 6(b) of the Department of 
Transportation Act (Pub. L. 89-670, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 
938). The Coast Guard and the functions of the Secretary of 
Transportation relating to the Coast Guard were again 
transferred to the Department of Homeland Security by section 
888(b) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 
Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2135).
    In subsection (a)(1), the words ``for the purposes of and 
within the meaning of that term as used in sections 316, 808, 
835, and 883 of this Appendix'' are omitted because those 
provisions, as restated in the revised title, refer to the 
definition in this section. The words ``seeking hereunder to 
document a vessel under the laws of the United States or to 
operate a vessel exempt from documentation under the laws of 
the United States'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
reorganization of the section.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``which are non-self-
propelled or'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    Subsection (c)(1)(B) is substituted for ``together with 
their owners or masters, shall be entitled to all the other 
benefits and privileges and shall be subject to the same 
requirements, penalties, and forfeitures as may be applicable 
in the case of vessels built in the United States and otherwise 
documented or exempt from documentation under the laws of the 
United States'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c)(2), the words before clause (A) are 
substituted for ``no vessel owned by any such corporation shall 
engage in the fisheries or in the transportation of merchandise 
or passengers for hire between points in the United States, 
including Territories, Districts, and possessions thereof, 
embraced within the coastwise laws, except'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. See the definition of ``United States'' in 
chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12119.................  46:12106(e)

    In subsection (a), in clause (1), the words ``satisfies the 
requirements for a coastwise endorsement, except for the 
ownership requirement otherwise applicable without regard to 
this section'' are substituted for ``otherwise eligible for 
documentation under this section'' in 46 U.S.C. 12106(e)(1)(E) 
for clarity. Clause (A) of 46 U.S.C. 12106(e)(1) is omitted as 
redundant to the general requirements in revised section 12112 
on coastwise endorsements.
    Subsection (c) is substituted for ``(3) Upon termination by 
a demise charterer required under paragraph (1)(C), the 
coastwise endorsement of the vessel may, in the sole discretion 
of the Secretary, be continued after the termination for 
default of the demise charter for a period not to exceed 6 
months on such terms and conditions as the Secretary may 
prescribe'' for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12120.................  46 App.:883 note.              Pub. L. 104-324,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        1120(f), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3978.

    The words ``Notwithstanding section 27 of the Merchant 
Marine Act, 1920 (46 App. U.S.C. 883), section 12106 of title 
46, United States Code, section 506 of the Merchant Marine Act, 
1936 (46 App. U.S.C. 1156)'' are omitted as unnecessary. The 
words ``the Commonwealth of'' are omitted as unnecessary and 
for consistency in the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12121.................  46:12106 note.                 Pub. L. 105-383,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  502-504,
                                                        Nov. 13, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 3445;
                                                        Pub. L. 107-295,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        207(c)(2), Nov.
                                                        25, 2002, 116
                                                        Stat. 2097.

    The definition of ``Secretary'' is omitted for consistency 
in the chapter.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12131.................  46:12110(d).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12132.................  46 App.:883 (1st proviso, 2d   June 5, 1920, ch.
                         proviso less meaning of        250, Sec.  27
                         ``rebuilt'').                  (1st proviso, 2d
                                                        proviso less
                                                        meaning of
                                                        ``rebuilt''), 41
                                                        Stat. 999; July
                                                        2, 1935, ch.
                                                        355, 49 Stat.
                                                        442; July 14,
                                                        1956, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  1, 70
                                                        Stat. 544; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-583, Sec.
                                                        1, July 5, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 321;
                                                        Pub. L. 100-239,
                                                        Sec.  6(c)(1),
                                                        Jan. 11, 1988,
                                                        101 Stat. 1782;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-324,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1120(e), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3978.

    The definition of ``rebuilt'' in the second proviso is 
restated in section 12101.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12133.................  46:12103(e).
                        46 App.:277.                   R.S. Sec.  4336;
                                                        Aug. 5, 1935,
                                                        ch. 438, title
                                                        III, Sec.  312,
                                                        49 Stat. 528;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-237,
                                                        Sec.  2, Aug.
                                                        30, 1957, 71
                                                        Stat. 518; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-182,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        686(a)(5), Dec.
                                                        8, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 2220.

    This section consolidates and clarifies the requirements 
contained in the source provisions. The specific civil 
penalties are omitted as unnecessary because of the general 
civil penalty in section 12151(a) of the revised title. See 
also 19 U.S.C. 1581.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12134.................  46:12104.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12135.................  46:12111(a).

    In clause (2), the words ``except for a recreational 
endorsement'' are omitted as unnecessary because a recreational 
endorsement does not permit a vessel to engage in a trade.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12136(a)..............  46:12111(b).
12136(b)(1)...........  46:12111(d)(2).
12136(b)(2)...........  46:12111(c)(3).
12136(b)(3)...........  46:12111(d)(1).
12136(c)(1)...........  46:12111(c)(1).
12136(c)(2)...........  46:12111(c)(2).

    In subsection (a), the words ``or a certificate with an 
invalid endorsement'' are added for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12137.................  46:12117.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12138(a)..............  46:12119.
12138(b)..............  46:12119 note.                 Pub. L. 107-295,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        403, Nov. 25,
                                                        2002, 116 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the word ``Secretary'' is substituted 
for ``Secretary of Transportation'' for consistency in the 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12139(a)..............  46:12120.
12139(b)..............  46 App.:883a (1st sentence).   July 14, 1956,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.  2
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        70 Stat. 544;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-583,
                                                        Sec.  2, July 5,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        321; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        324, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  707, Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3934.

    In subsection (b)(1), the word ``Secretary'' is substituted 
for ``Secretary of the Treasury'', thereby incorporating the 
definition of ``Secretary'' in section 2101 of title 46. The 
functions of the Secretary of the Treasury relating to the 
Coast Guard previously were transferred to the Secretary of 
Transportation by section 6(b) of the Department of 
Transportation Act (Pub. L. 89-670, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 
938). The Coast Guard and the functions of the Secretary of 
Transportation relating to the Coast Guard were again 
transferred to the Department of Homeland Security by section 
888(b) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 
Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2135). The words ``rebuilt outside the 
United States'' are substituted for ``and any part of the 
rebuilding, including the construction of major components of 
the hull and superstructure of the vessel, is not effected 
within the United States, its Territories (not including trust 
territories) or its possessions'' because of the definition of 
``rebuilt'' in section 12101, and the definition of ``United 
States'' in chapter 1, of the revised title.

                         SUBTITLE IV--PENALTIES

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12151(a)..............  46:12122(a).
12151(b)..............  46:12122(b).
                        46 App.:14 (last proviso).     R.S. Sec.  4136
                                                        (last proviso);
                                                        Feb. 24, 1915,
                                                        ch. 57, 38 Stat.
                                                        812; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        182, title VI,
                                                        Sec.  686(a)(4),
                                                        Dec. 8, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 2220.
                        46 App.:883a (2d, last         July 14, 1956,
                         sentences).                    ch. 600, Sec.  2
                                                        (2d, last
                                                        sentences), 70
                                                        Stat. 544; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-583, Sec.
                                                        2, July 5, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 321.
12151(c)..............  46:12122(c).

    In subsection (b), in restating 46 App. U.S.C. 883a (2d, 
last sentences), the penalty of $200 for the owner and master 
of the vessel is omitted because subsection (a) provides a 
general civil penalty for violation of this chapter. The 
authority to remit or mitigate a penalty under section 2107(b) 
is omitted because section 2107(b) applies to subtitle II and 
this section is in subtitle II.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
12152.................  46:12123.                      .................


    Sections 5 to 10 of the bill enact provisions in subtitles 
III to VIII of title 46, explained as follows:

                    Subtitle III--Maritime Liability

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      General Liability Provisions.................................30101
      Death on the High Seas.......................................30301
      Exoneration and Limitation of Liability......................30501
      Carriage of Goods by Sea.....................................30701
      Suits in Admiralty Against United States Government..........30901
      Suits Involving Public Vessels...............................31101
      Commercial Instruments and Maritime Liens....................31301


30101.  Extension of jurisdiction to cases of damage or injury on land.
30102.  Liability to passengers.
30103.  Liability of master, mate, engineer, and pilot.
30104.  Personal injury to or death of seamen.
30105.  Restriction on recovery by non-citizens and non-resident aliens 
          for incidents in waters of other countries.
30106.  Time limit on bringing action.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30101.................  46 App.:740.                   June 19, 1948,
                                                        ch. 526, 62
                                                        Stat. 496.

    In subsections (b) and (c), the words ``civil action'' are 
substituted for ``suit'' for consistency with rule 2 of the 
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).
    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``for all causes of action 
arising after June 19, 1948, and for all causes of action where 
suit has not been hitherto filed under the Federal Tort Claims 
Act'' are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30102.................  46 App.:491 (words before      R.S. Sec.  4493
                         semicolon).                    (words before

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``or either 
of them'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``are liable 
for personal injury to a passenger or damage to a passenger's 
baggage'' are substituted for ``Whenever damage is sustained by 
any passenger or his baggage'' and ``shall be liable to each 
and every person so injured'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The words ``from explosion, fire, collision, 
or other cause'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``caused 
by'' are substituted for ``if it happens through'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. In clause (1), the words ``part B or F of 
subtitle II of this title'' are substituted for ``title 52 of 
the Revised Statutes'' because of the prior codification of 
subtitle II of title 46. In clause (2), the word 
``imperfections'' is omitted as included in ``defect''.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``to the full amount of 
damage'' for clarity. See Hines v. Butler, 278 F. 877, 880, 881 
(4th Cir. 1921), cert. denied, 257 U.S. 659 (1922); The Annie 
Faxon, 75 F. 312, 317-319 (9th Cir. 1896).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30103.................  46 App.:491 (words after       R.S. Sec.  4493
                         semicolon).                    (words after

    Before clause (1), the words ``bring a civil action'' are 
substituted for ``sue'' for consistency with rule 2 of the 
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.). In clause 
(1), the word ``carelessness'' is omitted as included in 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30104(a)..............  46 App.:688(a) (1st            Mar. 4, 1915, ch.
                         sentence).                     153, Sec.
                                                        20(a), 38 Stat.
                                                        1185; June 5,
                                                        1920, ch. 250,
                                                        Sec.  33, 41
                                                        Stat. 1007; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-389, title
                                                        V, Sec.
                                                        503(a)(1), Dec.
                                                        29, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 1955.
30104(b)..............  46 App.:688(a) (last

    In subsection (a), the words ``A seaman injured in the 
course of employment or, if the seaman dies from the injury, 
the personal representative of the seaman'' are substituted for 
``Any seaman who shall suffer personal injury in the course of 
his employment'' and ``in case of the death of any seaman as a 
result of any such personal injury the personal 
representative'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words 
``bring a civil action'' are substituted for ``maintain an 
action'' for consistency with rule 2 of the Federal Rules of 
Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.). The words ``for damages'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``against the employer'' are 
added for clarity. The words ``Laws of the United States 
regulating recovery for personal injury to, or death of, a 
railway employee'' are substituted for ``all statutes of the 
United States modifying or extending the common-law right or 
remedy in cases of personal injury to railway employees'' and 
``all statutes of the United States conferring or regulating 
the right of action for death in the case of railway 
employees'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``An action under this section 
shall be brought'' are substituted for ``Jurisdiction in such 
actions shall be under'' because 46 App. U.S.C. 688(a) (last 
sentence) provides for venue, not jurisdiction. Panama R.R. Co. 
v. Johnson, 264 U.S. 375 (1924). As to the relationship between 
46 App. U.S.C. 688(a) (last sentence) and 28 U.S.C. 1391(c), 
see Pure Oil Co. v. Suarez, 384 U.S. 202 (1966).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30105(a)..............  46 App.:688(b)(1) (last        Mar. 4, 1915, ch.
                         sentence).                     153, Sec.
                                                        20(b), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 97-389,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        503(a)(2), Dec.
                                                        29, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 1955.
30105(b)..............  46 App.:688(b)(1) (less last
30105(c)..............  46 App.:688(b)(2).

    In subsection (b), before clause (1), the words ``civil 
action'' are substituted for ``action'' for consistency with 
rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. 
U.S.C.). The words ``under subsection (a) of this section or 
under any other'' are omitted as unnecessary. In clause (2), 
the words ``its territories, or possessions'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definition of ``United States'' in 
chapter 1 of the revised title. In clause (3), the word 
``person'' is substituted for ``enterprise'' for consistency in 
the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30106.................  46 App.:763a.                  Pub. L. 96-382,
                                                        Sec.  1, Oct. 6,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.

    The words ``civil action'' are substituted for ``suit'' for 
consistency with rule 2 of the Federal Rules or Civil Procedure 
(28 App. U.S.C.). The words ``or both'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. The words ``must be brought'' are substituted for 
``shall not be maintained unless commenced'' for clarity and 
consistency. The word ``arose'' is substituted for ``accrued'' 
for consistency in the revised title.

                  CHAPTER 303--DEATH ON THE HIGH SEAS

30301.  Short title.
30302.  Cause of action.
30303.  Amount and apportionment of recovery.
30304.  Contributory negligence.
30305.  Death of plaintiff in pending action.
30306.  Foreign cause of action.
30307.  Commercial aviation accidents.
30308.  Nonapplication.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30301.................  46 App.:761 note.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30302.................  46 App.:761(a).                Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        1(a), 41 Stat.
                                                        537; Pub. L. 106-
                                                        181, title IV,
                                                        Sec.  404(a)(1),
                                                        Apr. 5, 2000,
                                                        114 Stat. 131.

    The words ``Subject to subsection (b) of this section'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``United States'' are 
substituted for ``any State, or the District of Columbia, or 
the Territories or dependencies of the United States'' because 
of the definition of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of the 
revised title. The words ``bring a civil action'' are 
substituted for ``maintain a suit'' for consistency with rule 2 
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.). The 
words ``for damages'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words 
``in the district courts of the United States'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because of 28 U.S.C. 1333. The words ``person or 
vessel'' are substituted for ``vessel, person, or corporation'' 
because of 1 U.S.C. 1. The word ``responsible'' is substituted 
for ``which would have been liable if death had not ensued'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30303.................  46 App.:762(a).                Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        2(a), 41 Stat.
                                                        537; Pub. L. 106-
                                                        181, title IV,
                                                        Sec.  404(b)(1),
                                                        Apr. 5, 2000,
                                                        114 Stat. 131.

    The words ``and just'' are omitted as redundant to 
``fair''. The words ``each has sustained'' are substituted for 
``they may severally have suffered by reason of the death of 
the person by whose representative the suit is brought'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30304.................  46 App.:766.                   Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        6, 41 Stat. 537.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30305.................  46 App.:765.                   Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        5, 41 Stat. 537.

    The words ``If a civil action in admiralty is pending in a 
court of the United States to recover for personal injury 
caused by wrongful act, neglect, or default described in 
section 30302 of this title, and the individual dies during the 
action as a result of the wrongful act, neglect, or default'' 
are substituted for ``If a person die [sic] as the result of 
such wrongful act, neglect, or default as is mentioned in 
section 761 of this Appendix during the pendency in a court of 
admiralty of the United States of a suit to recover damages for 
personal injuries in respect of such act, neglect, or default'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``the plaintiff'' are 
substituted for ``a party'' to be more precise.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30306.................  46 App.:764.                   Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        4, 41 Stat. 537.

    The words ``a civil action in admiralty may be brought in a 
court of the United States based on the foreign cause of 
action'' are substituted for ``such right may be maintained in 
an appropriate action in admiralty in the courts of the United 
States'' for clarity and consistency. The words ``any statute 
of the United States to the contrary notwithstanding'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30307(a)..............  46 App.:762(b)(2).             Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  1(b),
                                                        2(b); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 106-181,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        (b)(2), Apr. 5,
                                                        2000, 114 Stat.
30307(b)..............  46 App.:762(b)(1).
30307(c)..............  46 App.:761(b).

    In subsections (b) and (c), the words ``the United States'' 
are substituted for ``any State, or the District of Columbia, 
or the Territories or dependencies of the United States'' 
because of the definition of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of 
the revised title.
    In subsection (b), the words ``of a decedent'' are omitted 
as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c), the words ``if the death resulted from a 
commercial aviation accident occurring on the high seas'' are 
substituted for ``In the case of a commercial aviation 
accident, whenever the death of a person shall be caused by 
wrongful act, neglect, or default occurring on the high seas'' 
for consistency with subsection (b) and to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The words ``and the rules applicable under 
Federal, State, and other appropriate law shall apply'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30308.................  46 App.:767.                   Mar. 30, 1920,
                                                        ch. 111, Sec.
                                                        7, 41 Stat. 538.

    In subsection (a), the words ``law of a State'' are 
substituted for ``any State statute'' for consistency in the 
revised title. The words ``regulating the right to recover for 
death'' are substituted for ``giving or regulating rights of 
action or remedies for death'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``Panama Canal'' are 
substituted for ``Panama Canal Zone'' because of 22 U.S.C. 


30501.  Definition.
30502.  Application.
30503.  Declaration of nature and value of goods.
30504.  Loss by fire.
30505.  General limit of liability.
30506.  Limit of liability for personal injury or death.
30507.  Apportionment of losses.
30508.  Provisions requiring notice of claim or limiting time for 
          bringing action.
30509.  Provisions limiting liability for personal injury or death.
30510.  Vicarious liability for medical malpractice.
30511.  Action by owner for limitation.
30512.  Liability as master, officer, or seaman not affected.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30501.................  46 App.:186.                   R.S. Sec.  4286.

    The words ``In this chapter'' are substituted for ``within 
the meaning of the provisions of title 48 of the Revised 
Statutes relating to the limitation of the liability of the 
owners of vessels'' because of the codification of title 46, 
United States Code. The word ``supplies'' is substituted for 
``victual'' for clarity. The words ``at his own expense, or by 
his own procurement'' and ``and such vessel, when so chartered, 
shall be liable in the same manner as if navigated by the owner 
thereof'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30502.................  46 App.:188.                   R.S. Sec.  4289;
                                                        Feb. 18, 1875,
                                                        ch. 80, Sec.  1
                                                        (related to R.S.
                                                        Sec.  4289), 18
                                                        Stat. 320; June
                                                        19, 1886, ch.
                                                        421, Sec.  4, 24
                                                        Stat. 80; June
                                                        5, 1936, ch.
                                                        521, Sec.  4, 49
                                                        Stat. 1481.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30503.................  46 App.:181.                   R.S. Sec.  4281.

    In subsection (a), the words ``load'' and ``loading'' are 
substituted for ``lade'' and ``lading'' to use more common 
terminology. The words ``person receiving the item'' are 
substituted for ``master, clerk, agent, or owner of such vessel 
receiving the same'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words 
``thereof in any form or manner'' and ``and according to the 
character thereof so notified and'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``precious metals'' are 
substituted for ``platina, gold, gold dust, silver, . . . or 
other precious metals, . . . gold or silver in a manufactured 
or unmanufactured state'', the words ``precious stones'' are 
substituted for ``diamonds, or other precious stones'', the 
words ``watches, clocks'' are substituted for ``watches, 
clocks, or timepieces of any description'', the words ``coins, 
bills, securities'' are substituted for ``bullion, . . . coins, 
. . . bills of any bank or public body, . . . orders, notes, or 
securities for the payment of money'', the word ``papers'' is 
substituted for ``writings, title deeds'', and the word 
``silks'' is substituted for ``silks in a manufactured or 
unmanufactured state, and whether wrought up or not wrought up 
with any other material'', to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
words ``and similar items of high value and small size'' are 
added to ensure that any of the items specifically named in the 
source but omitted in the revised section, or similar items, 
will be covered by this section.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30504.................  46 App.:182.                   R.S. Sec.  4282.

    The words ``liable for'' are substituted for ``liable to 
answer for or make good to any person'', the words 
``merchandise on the vessel'' are substituted for ``any 
merchandise whatsoever, which shall be shipped, taken in, or 
put on board any such vessel'', and the words ``caused by a 
fire on the vessel'' are substituted for ``by reason or by 
means of any fire happening to or on board the vessel'', to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30505.................  46 App.:183(a).                R.S. Sec.
                                                        4283(a); Aug.
                                                        29, 1935, ch.
                                                        804, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 960; June
                                                        5, 1936, ch.
                                                        521, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 1479.
                        46 App.:189                    June 26, 1884,
                                                        ch. 121, Sec.
                                                        18, 23 Stat. 57.

    In subsection (a), the words ``Except as provided in 
section 30506 of this title'' are substituted for ``except in 
the cases provided for in subsection (b) of this section'' 
because 46 App. U.S.C. 183(b) is restated in section 30506 of 
the revised title. The words ``whether American or foreign'' 
are omitted as unnecessary because of section 30502 of the 
revised title. The words ``any claim arising from any cause, on 
account of that ownership'' are substituted for ``any 
embezzlement, loss, or destruction by any person of any 
property, goods, or merchandise shipped or put on board of such 
vessel, or for any loss, damage, or injury by collision, or for 
any act, matter, or thing, loss, damage, or forfeiture, done, 
occasioned, or incurred,'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 183(a) and for 
``any or all debts and liabilities'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 189 to 
eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``is limited to the 
value of the vessel and pending freight'' are substituted for 
``shall not . . . exceed the amount or value of . . . such 
vessel, and her freight then pending'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 183(a) 
and for ``the aggregate liabilities of all the owners of a 
vessel on account of the same shall not exceed the value of 
such vessels and freight pending'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 189 for 
consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words. The last 
sentence is substituted for ``the interest of such owner in'' 
in 46 App. U.S.C. 183(a) and for ``The individual liability of 
a shipowner shall be limited to the proportion of any or all 
debts and liabilities that his individual share of the vessel 
bears to the whole'' for clarity and consistency. The words 
``Provided, That this provision shall not prevent any claimant 
from joining all the owners in one action'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 
189 are omitted as unnecessary.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``nor shall the same 
apply to wages due to persons employed by said shipowners'' in 
46 App. U.S.C. 189 because of the reorganization of the source 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30506(a)..............  46 App.:183(f) (related to 46
30506(b)..............  46 App.:183(b) (1st            R.S. Sec.
                         sentence).                     4283(b) (1st
                                                        sentence); Aug.
                                                        29, 1935, ch.
                                                        804, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 960; June
                                                        5, 1936, ch.
                                                        521, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 1479; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-498, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        213(a), Oct. 19,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
30506(c)..............  46 App.:183(c).                R.S. Sec.
                                                        (related to R.S.
                                                        Sec.  4283(b)-(e
                                                        )); Aug. 29,
                                                        1935, ch. 804,
                                                        Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 960; June
                                                        5, 1936, ch.
                                                        521, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 1480.
30506(d)..............  46 App.:183(d).
30506(e)..............  46 App.:183(e).

    Subsection (a) is written as an application provision 
rather than as a definition to be more direct and to avoid 
having to repeat the word ``seagoing'' throughout the section. 
The words ``fishing vessel, fish tender vessel'' are 
substituted for ``fishing vessels or their tenders'' for 
clarity. The words ``nondescript vessel'' are substituted for 
``nondescript self-propelled vessels'' and ``nondescript non-
self-propelled vessels'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
words ``self-propelled lighters'' are omitted as covered by 
``lighter''. The words ``even though the same may be seagoing 
vessels within the meaning of such term as used in section 188 
of this Appendix, as amended'' are omitted as unnecessary. This 
provision is restated also at section 30508(a) of the revised 
    In subsection (b), the words ``is such that the portion 
available to pay claims for personal injury or death'' are 
substituted for ``is insufficient to pay all losses in full, 
and the portion of such amount applicable to the payment of 
losses in respect of loss of life or bodily injury'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the words ``self-propelled vessel'' are 
substituted for ``steam or motor vessel'', and the words 
``tonnage for documentation'' are substituted for ``registered 
tonnage'', for consistency in the revised title. The words 
``space for the use of seamen'' are substituted for ``space 
occupied by seamen or apprentices and appropriated to their 
use'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (d), the words ``Separate limits of liability 
apply'' are substituted for ``The owner . . . shall be liable . 
. . to the same extent as if no other loss of life or bodily 
injury had arisen'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (e), the words ``the privity or knowledge . . 
. is imputed to the owner'' are substituted for ``shall be 
deemed conclusively the privity or knowledge of the owner'' for 
consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``or 
of the superintendent'' are omitted for consistency.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30507.................  46 App.:183(b) (last           R.S. Sec.
                         sentence).                     4283(b) (last
                                                        sentence); Aug.
                                                        29, 1935, ch.
                                                        804, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 960; June
                                                        5, 1936, ch.
                                                        521, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 1479; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-498, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        213(a), Oct. 19,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                        46 App.:184.                   R.S. Sec.  4284;
                                                        Feb. 27, 1877,
                                                        ch. 69, Sec.  1
                                                        (related to R.S.
                                                        Sec.  4284), 19
                                                        Stat. 251.

    This section is substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 183(b) (last 
sentence) and 184 (words before semicolon) for clarity and 
consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words. The text of 46 
App. U.S.C. 184 (words after semicolon) is omitted as 
unnecessary. See G. Gilmore & C. Black, The Law of Admiralty, 
Sec. 10-8 (2d ed. 1975).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30508(a)..............  46 App.:183(f) (related to 46  R.S. Sec.
                         App.:183b).                    4283(f) (related
                                                        to R.S. Sec.
                                                        4283A); Aug. 29,
                                                        1935, ch. 804,
                                                        Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 960; June
                                                        5, 1936, ch.
                                                        521, Sec.  1, 49
                                                        Stat. 1480.
30508(b)..............  46 App.:183b(a).               R.S. Sec.  4283A,
                                                        as added Aug.
                                                        29, 1935, ch.
                                                        804, Sec.  3, 49
                                                        Stat. 960.
30508(c)..............  46 App.:183b(b).
30508(d)..............  46 App.:183b(c).

    For an explanation of subsection (a), see the revision 
notes for section 30506(a), where 46 App. U.S.C. 183(f) is also 
    In subsection (b), before clause (1), the words ``sea-going 
vessel (other than tugs, barges, fishing vessels and their 
tenders)'' are omitted because of subsection (a) of this 
section. The word ``merchandise'' is omitted as covered by 
``property''. The words ``between ports in the United States, 
or between a port in the United States and a port in a foreign 
country'' are substituted for ``from or between ports of the 
United States and foreign ports'' for clarity and for 
consistency with section 30509(a)(1) of the revised title. See 
Burstein v. United States Lines Co., 43 F. Supp. 226 (S.D.N.Y. 
1942), rev'd on other grounds, 134 F.2d 89 (2d Cir. 1943). The 
word ``rule'' is omitted as covered by ``regulation''. In 
clause (1), the words ``after the date of the injury or death'' 
are added for clarity and consistency with clause (2).
    In subsection (c), before clause (1), the words ``When 
notice of a claim for personal injury or death is required by a 
contract, the failure to give the notice'' are substituted for 
``Failure to give such notice, where lawfully prescribed in 
such contract'' for clarity. In clause (1), the words ``the 
court finds'' are stated at the beginning rather than the 
middle to be more precise. The word ``damage'' is omitted as 
unnecessary. In clause (2), the words ``the court finds there 
was a satisfactory reason'' are substituted for ``the court 
excuses such failure on the ground that for some satisfactory 
reason'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (d), before clause (1), the word ``claimant'' 
is substituted for ``person who is entitled to recover on any 
such claim'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The word 
``lawful'' is omitted as unnecessary. The words ``is tolled 
until'' are substituted for ``shall not be applicable so long 
as'' and ``but shall be applicable from'' for clarity and to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30509.................  46 App.:183c.                  R.S. Sec.  4283B,
                                                        as added June 5,
                                                        1936, ch. 521,
                                                        Sec.  2, 49
                                                        Stat. 1480; Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, Pub.
                                                        L. 104-324, Sec.
                                                         1129(b), 110
                                                        Stat. 3984.

    In subsection (a)(1), before clause (A), the words ``may 
not'' are substituted for ``It shall be unlawful'' for 
consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the 
United States Code. The words ``rule'' and ``agreement'' are 
omitted as covered by ``regulation'' and ``contract'', 
respectively. The words ``a provision limiting'' are 
substituted for ``any provision or limitation (1) purporting . 
. . to relieve . . . , or (2) purporting . . . to lessen, 
weaken, or avoid'' to eliminate unnecessary words. In clause 
(A), the words ``the owner's employees or agents'' are 
substituted for ``his servants'' for consistency in the revised 
title. In clause (B), the words ``by court of competent 
jurisdiction on the question of liability for such loss or 
injury, or the measure of damages therefor'' are omitted as 
    Subsection (b)(2) is substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 183c 
(last sentence) for consistency and to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30510.................  46 App.:183(g).                R.S. Sec.
                                                        4283(g); Pub. L.
                                                        104-324, Sec.
                                                        1129(a), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3984.

    The words ``civil action'' are substituted for ``suit'' for 
consistency in the revised title. The words ``is entitled to 
rely on any statutory'' are substituted for ``shall be entitled 
to rely upon any and all statutory'' to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30511.................  46 App.:185.                   R.S. Sec.  4285;
                                                        June 5, 1936,
                                                        ch. 521, Sec.
                                                        3, 49 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``bring a civil action . . . 
in a district court of the United States'' are substituted for 
``petition a district court of the United States'' for 
consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the 
United States Code. See rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil 
Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.). The words ``of competent 
jurisdiction'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``at his option'' are omitted 
as unnecessary. The word ``pending'' before ``freight'' is 
added for consistency in the chapter. The words ``to carry out 
this chapter'' are substituted for ``to carry out the 
provisions of section 183 of this Appendix'' because of the 
reorganization of the source provisions.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30512.................  46 App.:187.                   R.S. Sec.  4287.

    This section is substituted for the source provision for 
consistency with the restatement of 46 App. U.S.C. 183(a) and 
189 in section 30505 and to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
reference in the source to particular sections is extended to 
include the entire chapter to simplify the reference and to 
conform to the obvious original policy and intent of the source 

                 CHAPTER 307--CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA

                           SUBCHAPTER I--COGSA

30701.  Short title.
30702.  Definitions.
30703.  Application.
30704.  Freedom of contract and restrictions.
30705.  General duties of carrier.
30706.  Bills of lading.
30707.  ``Shipped'' bills of lading.
30708.  Shipper's guarantee of statements.
30709.  Limitation on liability when shipper fails to declare nature and 
          value of goods.
30710.  Weight of bulk cargo.
30711.  Defenses of carrier and vessel.
30712.  Dangerous goods.
30713.  Liability of shipper.
30714.  Loss or damage.
30715.  Special agreement about particular goods.
30716.  Discrimination between competing shippers.
30717.  Suspension of subchapter by President.
30718.  Other law not affected.

                          SUBCHAPTER II--HARTER

30731.  Short title.
30732.  Definition.
30733.  Application.
30734.  Bills of lading.
30735.  General duties of carrier.
30736.  Defenses of carrier and vessel.
30737.  Civil penalty.

                          SUBCHAPTER I--COGSA

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30701.................  46 App.:1315.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        II, Sec.  16, 49
                                                        Stat. 1213.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30702(1)..............  46 App.:1301(b) (18th-35th     Apr. 16, 1936,
                         words).                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  1(a),
                                                        (b) (words
                                                        before 2d
                                                        comma), (c),
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        13 (3d
                                                        sentence), 49
                                                        Stat. 1208,
30702(2)..............  46 App.:1301(a).
30702(3)..............  46 App.:1301(b) (1st-17th
30702(4)..............  46 App.:1301(c).

    In clause (1), a definition of ``bill of lading'' is added 
to avoid having to repeat at various places throughout the 
subchapter the phrase ``similar document of title'' which 
appears in 46 App. U.S.C. 1300, 1301(b), and 1312.
    In clause (3), the word ``means'' is substituted for 
``applies only to'', and the word ``evidenced'' is substituted 
for ``covered'', as more appropriate. (See 46 App. U.S.C. 1300 
and 1312 for use of the word ``evidence'' in a similar 
context.) The words ``or any similar document of title'' are 
omitted because of the definition of ``bill of lading''.
    In clause (4), the word ``whatsoever'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 
1301(c) is omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30703(a)..............  46 App.:1300.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, words
                                                        between enacting
                                                        clause and Sec.
                                                        1, title I, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  1(b)
                                                        (words after 2d
                                                        comma), (e), 5
                                                        (2d sentence),
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        13 (1st
                                                        sentence), 49
                                                        Stat. 1207,
                                                        1211, 1212.
                        46 App.:1301(e).
                        46 App.:1312 (1st-3d
30703(b)..............  46 App.:1301(b) (words after
                         2d comma).
                        46 App.:1305 (2d sentence).

    This section combines several source provisions to state in 
one place the applicability of this subchapter. Applicability 
is stated in terms of carriage of goods rather than the 
documents underlying the carriage to be more precise, although 
the existence of a contract of carriage as a requirement for 
the applicability of this subchapter is retained. See Matter of 
Intercontinental Properties Management, S.A., 604 F.2d 254 (4th 
Cir. 1979). See generally T. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and 
Maritime Law, Sec. Sec. 8-15, 9-6 (2d ed. 1994); G. Gilmore & 
C. Black, The Law of Admiralty, Sec. 3-25 (2d ed. 1975). deg.
    In subsection (a), the words ``to or from ports of the 
United States'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1300 and 1312 are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the requirement that the carriage be in 
foreign trade, which is defined in chapter 1 of the revised 
title for purposes of the title. The definitions of ``United 
States'' and ``foreign trade'' in the second and third 
sentences of 46 App. U.S.C. 1312, respectively, are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definitions of those terms in 
chapter 1.
    In subsection (b), the words ``Unless the parties provide 
otherwise'' are added to clarify the right of the parties to 
incorporate this subchapter in a charter agreement. 
See Schoenbaum, supra, p. 641. deg. Clause (1) is 
substituted for ``they shall comply with the terms of this 
chapter'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1305 (2d sentence) for clarity. 
See Schoenbaum pp. 538 n.8, 641. deg. Clause (2) is 
substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 1301(b) (words after 2d comma) 
to improve the organization of the material. See 
Schoenbaum Sec. 9-6. deg.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30704(a)..............  46 App.:1305 (1st sentence).   Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec. Sec.
                                                        3(8), 5 (1st
                                                        sentence), 7, 49
                                                        Stat. 1209,
                                                        1211, 1212.
30704(b)..............  46 App.:1307.
30704(c)..............  46 App.:1303(8).

    In subsection (a), the words ``A shipper and a carrier may 
make an agreement'' are substituted for ``A carrier shall be at 
liberty'' and ``issued to the shipper'' for clarity. The words 
``surrender in whole or in part all or any of his rights and 
immunities'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``except that the agreement 
may not limit the duties and liabilities imposed on the carrier 
and the vessel under subchapter II of this chapter'' are added 
for clarity. See T. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime 
Law, pp. 542, 582 (2d ed. 1994); G. Gilmore & C. Black, The Law 
of Admiralty, p. 148 (2d ed. 1975). deg.
    In subsection (c), the words ``limiting the liability of a 
carrier or vessel for failure to satisfy the requirements of 
this subchapter is void'' are substituted for ``relieving the 
carrier or the ship from liability for loss or damage to or in 
connection with the goods, arising from negligence, fault, or 
failure in the duties and obligations provided in this section, 
or lessening such liability otherwise than as provided in this 
chapter, shall be null and void and of no effect'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30705(a)..............  46 App.:1303(1).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec. Sec.  2,
                                                        3(1), (2), 49
                                                        Stat. 1208.
30705(b)..............  46 App.:1302.
                        46 App.:1303(2).

    In subsection (b), the words ``handle, stow'' and ``keep, 
care for'' in 46 App.:1303(2) are omitted as covered by 
``carry''. The text of 46 App.:1302 is omitted as repetitive.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30706(a)..............  46 App.:1303(3) (words before  Apr. 16, 1936,
                         cl. (a)).                      ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec. Sec.
                                                        3(3), (4) (words
                                                        before proviso),
                                                        5 (last
                                                        sentence), title
                                                        II, Sec.  13
                                                        (last proviso),
                                                        49 Stat. 1208,
                                                        1209, 1211,
                        46 App.:1312 (last proviso).
30706(b)..............  46 App.:1303(3)(a)-(c) (less
30706(c)..............  46 App.:1303(3)(c) (proviso).
30706(d)..............  46 App.:1305 (last sentence).
30706(e)..............  46 App.:1303(4) (words before

    In subsection (a), the words ``into his charge'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), in clause (1), the word ``leading'' is 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (2), the words ``Either'' and 
``as the case may be'' are omitted as unnecessary. In clause 
(3), the words ``order and'' are omitted as unnecessary. Clause 
(4) is substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 1312 (last proviso) to 
improve the organization of the material and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    In subsection (d), the word ``lawful'' is omitted as 
    In subsection (e), the words ``in accordance with 
paragraphs (3)(a), (b), and (c), of this section'' are omitted 
as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30707.................  46 App.:1303(7).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  3(7),
                                                        49 Stat. 1209.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30708.................  46 App.:1303(5).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  3(5),
                                                        49 Stat. 1209.

    The words ``or resulting'' and ``responsibility'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30709.................  46 App.:1304(5).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  4(5),
                                                        49 Stat. 1211.

    In subsections (a) and (c), the words ``to or in connection 
with the transportation of goods'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a), the words ``United States currency'' are 
substituted for ``lawful money of the United States'' for 
clarity. The words ``if embodied'' and ``but shall not be 
conclusive on the carrier'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``master, or agent of the 
carrier'' are omitted for consistency in this chapter. The 
words ``Provided, That such maximum shall not be less than the 
figure above named'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c), the word ``knowingly'' is omitted as 
covered by ``fraudulently''.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30710.................  46 App.:1310.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        II, Sec.  11, 49
                                                        Stat. 1212.

    The words ``at the time of shipment'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30711(a)..............  46 App.:1304(1).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  4(1),
                                                        (2), (4), 49
                                                        Stat. 1210.
30711(b)(1)...........  46 App.:1304(2) (less (q)
                         (words after 1st comma)).
30711(b)(2)...........  46 App.:1304(2)(q) (words
                         after 1st comma).
30711(c)..............  46 App.:1304(4).

    In subsections (a) and (b)(1), the words ``caused by'' are 
substituted for ``arising or resulting from'' for consistency 
and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a), the words ``to make the ship seaworthy, 
and to secure that the ship is properly manned, equipped, and 
supplied, and to make the holds, refrigerating and cooling 
chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are 
carried fit and safe for their reception, carriage, and 
preservation'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
reference to section 30705(a) of the revised title. The words 
``Whenever loss or damage has resulted from unseaworthiness'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(1), in clause (A), the word ``error'' is 
substituted for ``Act, neglect, or default'', and the words 
``of the master, mariner, pilot, or the servants of the 
carrier'' are omitted, for consistency with section 30736(a) of 
the revised title and to eliminate unnecessary words. In clause 
(C), the words ``Perils'' and ``accidents'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. In clause (I), the words ``or representative'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (J), the words ``from 
whatever cause, whether partial or general'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. The words ``not caused by the carrier'' are 
substituted for ``Provided, That nothing herein contained shall 
be construed to relieve a carrier from responsibility for the 
carrier's own acts'' to eliminate unnecessary words. In clause 
(L), the words ``Saving or'' are omitted as unnecessary. In 
clause (M), the words ``Wastage in bulk or weight or any other 
loss or damage arising from'' are omitted as unnecessary and 
for consistency with section 30736(b)(6) of the revised title. 
In clause (N), the word ``packaging'' is substituted for 
``packing'' as more appropriate and for consistency with 
section 30736(b)(7) of the revised title. In clause (O), the 
words ``or inadequacy'' are omitted as unnecessary. In clause 
(Q), the words ``or servants'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``or servants'' are omitted 
for consistency with subsection (b)(1)(Q) of this section.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30712.................  46 App.:1304(6).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  4(6),
                                                        49 Stat. 1211.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30713.................  46 App.:1304(3).               Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  4(3),
                                                        49 Stat. 1210.

    The words ``or resulting from'', ``or neglect'', and ``or 
his servants'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30714(a)..............  46 App.:1303(6) (last          Apr. 16, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  3(6),
                                                        49 Stat. 1209.
30714(b)..............  46 App.:1303(6) (1st sentence
                         words before comma, 2d-4th
30714(c)..............  46 App.:1303(6) (1st sentence
                         words after comma, 5th
                         sentence proviso).
30714(d)..............  46 App.:1303(6) (5th sentence
                         words before proviso).

    In subsection (a), the words ``If loss or damage is 
suspected'' are substituted for ``In the case of any actual or 
apprehended loss or damage'' to eliminate unnecessary words. 
The words ``person receiving the goods'' are substituted for 
``the receiver'' for clarity.
    Subsections (b)-(d) are substituted for the source 
provisions for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30715.................  46 App.:1306.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  6, 49
                                                        Stat. 1211.

    Subsection (a) is substituted for 46 App.:1306 (last par.) 
to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``Notwithstanding the 
provisions of sections 1303 to 1305 of this Appendix'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``master or agent of the 
carrier'' are omitted as unnecessary and for consistency with 
section 30704 of the revised title. The words ``may make a 
special agreement'' are substituted for ``shall . . . be at 
liberty to enter into any agreement in any terms'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The words ``the carrier's duties and 
liabilities applicable to the carriage of particular goods, 
including, to the extent not contrary to public policy, the 
duty about seaworthiness'' are substituted for ``in regard to 
any particular goods . . . the responsibility and liability of 
the carrier for such goods, and as to the rights and immunities 
of the carrier in respect of such goods, or his obligation as 
to seaworthiness (so far as the stipulation regarding 
seaworthiness is not contrary to public policy), or the care or 
diligence of his servants or agents in regard to the loading, 
handling, stowage, carriage, custody, care, and discharge of 
the goods carried by sea'' for consistency in this chapter and 
to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``Any agreement so 
entered into shall have full legal effect'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30716.................  46 App.:1309.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  9, 49
                                                        Stat. 1212.

    The words ``may not'' are substituted for ``Nothing 
contained in this chapter shall be construed as permitting'' 
for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words. Clauses (1) and 
(2) are substituted for ``either (a) with respect to their 
right to demand and receive bills of lading subject to the 
provisions of this chapter, or (b) when issuing such bills of 
lading, either in the surrender of any of the carrier's rights 
and immunities or in the increase of any of the carrier's 
responsibilities and liabilities pursuant to section 1305 of 
this Appendix'' for consistency in this chapter and to 
eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``or (c) in any other 
way prohibited by the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended [46 App. 
U.S.C. 801 et seq.]'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30717.................  46 App.:1313.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        II, Sec.  14, 49
                                                        Stat. 1213; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(146), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``foreign trade'' are 
substituted for ``foreign commerce'' for consistency in the 
    Subsection (d) is substituted for ``Any contract for the 
carriage of goods by sea, subject to the provisions of this 
chapter, effective during any period when sections 1301 to 1308 
of this Appendix, or any part thereof, are suspended, shall be 
subject to all provisions of law now or hereafter applicable to 
that part of said sections which may have thus been suspended'' 
for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30718.................  46 App.:1303(4) (proviso).     Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        I, Sec.  3(4)
                                                        (proviso), 49
                                                        Stat. 1209.

                         SUBCHAPTER II--HARTER

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30731.................  46 App.:190 note.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30732.................  46 App.:195.                   Feb. 13, 1893,
                                                        ch. 105, Sec.
                                                        7, 27 Stat. 446.

    The source provision is restated as a definition instead of 
as an application provision for consistency with the definition 
of ``goods'' in section 30702 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30733(a)..............  46 App.:190 (16th-30th         Feb. 13, 1893,
                         words).                        ch. 105, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  1 (17th-
                                                        31st words), 2
                                                        words), 3 (8th-
                                                        22d words), 4
                                                        words), 27 Stat.
                        46 App.:191 (9th-25th words).
                        46 App.:192 (7th-21st words).
                        46 App.:193 (17th-31st
                        46 App.:1311.                  Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 229, title
                                                        II, Sec. Sec.
                                                        12, 13 (last
                                                        sentence less
                                                        last proviso),
                                                        49 Stat. 1212,
                        46 App.:1312 (last sentence
                         words before 1st proviso).
30733(b)..............  46 App.:1312 (last sentence
                         1st proviso).

    This section is substituted for the source provisions for 
coordination with subchapter I of this chapter. See 
generally T. Schoenbaum, Admiralty and Maritime Law, Sec. 8-15 
(2d ed. 1994); G. Gilmore & C. Black, The Law of Admiralty, 
Sec. 3-25 (2d ed. 1975). deg.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30734.................  46 App.:193 (less 17th-31st    Feb. 13, 1893,
                         words).                        ch. 105, Sec.  4
                                                        (less 18th-32d
                                                        words), 27 Stat.

    In this section, the word ``goods'' is substituted for 
``merchandise'' and ``property'' for consistency in the 
    In subsection (a), the words ``On receipt of the goods and 
demand of the shipper'' are added for consistency with sections 
30706(a) and 30737(a)(1) of the revised title. See 46 App. 
U.S.C. 194 which refers to demand. The word ``carrier'' is 
substituted for ``owner or owners'' for consistency with 
subchapter I of this chapter. The words ``of any lawful 
merchandise'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``or weight'' are added for 
consistency with the requirement to state whether it is 
carrier's or shipper's weight and for consistency with section 
30706(b)(2) of the revised title.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``apparent condition'' are 
substituted for ``apparent order or condition'' for consistency 
with section 30706 of the revised title and to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The words ``delivered to and received by the 
owner, master, or agent of the vessel for transportation'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30735.................  46 App.:190 (less 16th-30th    Feb. 13, 1893,
                         words).                        ch. 105, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  1 (less
                                                        words), 2 (less
                                                        words), 27 Stat.
                        46 App.:191 (less 9th-25th

    In this section, the word ``carrier'' is substituted for 
``manager, agent, master, or owner'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 190 and 
for ``vessel . . . her owner, master, agent, or manager'', 
``owner or owners'', and ``master, officers, agents, or 
servants'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 191 for consistency in the 
    In subsections (a) and (b), the duties of the carrier are 
stated in the affirmative, rather than as prohibitions on 
contracting out of implied duties, for clarity and for 
consistency with section 30705 of the revised title. Any 
attempt to limit those duties by contract is void under 
subsection (c).
    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``Before 
and at the beginning of a voyage'' are added for consistency 
with section 30705(a) of the revised title. In clause (1), the 
words ``and capable of performing her intended voyage'' in 46 
App. U.S.C. 191 are omitted as unnecessary and for consistency. 
In clause (2), the word ``supply'' is substituted for 
``provision, and outfit'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 191 for consistency 
with section 30705(a).
    In subsection (b), the words ``shall properly and carefully 
load, carry, and deliver'' are substituted for ``negligence, 
fault, or failure in proper loading, stowage, custody, care, or 
proper delivery'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 190 and ``carefully handle 
and stow . . . and to care for and properly deliver'' in 46 
App. U.S.C. 191 to eliminate unnecessary words.
    Subsection (c) is substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 190 (last 
sentence) for consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30736.................  46 App.:192 (less 7th-21st     Feb. 13, 1893,
                         words).                        ch. 105, Sec.  3
                                                        (less 8th-22d
                                                        words), 27 Stat.

    This section is restated as two subsections to make it 
clear that the use of due diligence in making the vessel 
seaworthy is a condition only to the defense of error in 
navigation or management restated in subsection (a). See May v. 
Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt Aktiengesellschaft (The 
Isis), 290 U.S. 333 (1933). See also T. Schoenbaum, 
Admiralty and Maritime Law, p. 572 n.8 (2d ed. 1994). deg. The 
word ``carrier'' is substituted for ``owner'', ``owner or 
owners, agent, or charterers'', and ``owner or owners, 
charterers, agent, or master'' for consistency with subchapter 
I of this chapter.
    In subsection (a), the words ``caused by an error'' are 
substituted for ``resulting from faults or errors'' for 
consistency with section 30711(b)(1)(A) of the revised title 
and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), before clause (1), the words ``loss or 
damage'' are substituted for ``losses'' for consistency. In 
clauses (1)-(9), minor substitutions are made in the language 
for consistency with section 30711(b) of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30737.................  46 App.:194.                   Feb. 13, 1893,
                                                        ch. 105, Sec.
                                                        5, 27 Stat. 446.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the word ``carrier'' 
is substituted for ``owner'' for consistency with subchapter I 
of this chapter. In clause (1), the words ``or shipping 
document'' are added for consistency with section 30734 of the 
revised title. Clause (2) is substituted for ``any of the 
provisions of sections 190 to 196 of this Appendix'' because 46 
App. U.S.C. 190 and 191 (the only other sections that impose 
duties) are restated in section 30735 of the revised title as 
affirmative duties rather than as prohibitions on limiting 
those duties by contract.
    In subsection (b), the words ``and such vessel may be 
libeled therefor in any district court of the United States, 
within whose jurisdiction the vessel may be found'' are omitted 
as unnecessary. See In re Louisville Underwriters, 134 U.S. 488 


30901.  Short title.
30902.  Definition.
30903.  Waiver of immunity.
30904.  Exclusive remedy.
30905.  Period for bringing action.
30906.  Venue.
30907.  Security.
30908.  Procedure for hearing and determination.
30909.  Exoneration and limitation.
30910.  Costs and interest.
30911.  Arbitration, compromise, or settlement.
30912.  Payment of judgment or settlement.
30913.  Exemption from arrest or seizure.
30914.  Release of privately owned vessel after seizure.
30915.  Seizures and other proceedings in foreign jurisdictions.
30916.  Recovery by United States Government for salvage services.
30917.  Disposition of amounts recovered by United States Government.
30918.  Reports.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30901.................  46 App.:741 note.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30902.................  46 App.:741 (11th-26th         Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                         words).                        95, Sec.  1
                                                        words), 41 Stat.

    The term ``federally-owned corporation'' is defined in this 
section and used in this chapter to avoid repeating the 
substance of the definition in several sections in this 
chapter. The words ``or its representatives'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30903.................  46 App.:742 (1st, 3d           Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                         sentences).                    95, Sec.  2
                                                        (1st, 3d
                                                        sentences), 41
                                                        Stat. 525; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-770, Sec.
                                                        3, Sept. 13,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        912; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        324, title XI,
                                                        Sec.  1105, Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3967.

    In subsection (a), the words ``civil action'' are 
substituted for ``proceeding'' and ``libel'' because of rule 2 
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.) and 
for consistency in the chapter. The words ``in rem or in 
personam in any district'' are omitted as unnecessary. The 
words ``admiralty claim'' are substituted for ``cross libel'' 
for consistency in this chapter and with the various means of 
asserting a claim (such as by counterclaim or cross-claim) 
allowed by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The words 
``with the same force and effect as if the libel had been filed 
by a private party'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for the word ``nonjury'' to 
clarify that the nonjury requirement applies to any claim 
against the Government or a federally-owned corporation under 
this section regardless of which party brings the action.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30904.................  46 App.:745 (1st proviso).     Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  5 (1st
                                                        proviso), 41
                                                        Stat. 526; June
                                                        30, 1932, ch.
                                                        315, 47 Stat.
                                                        420; Dec. 13,
                                                        1950, ch. 1136,
                                                        64 Stat. 1112.

    The words ``an officer, employee, or agent of the United 
States Government or a federally-owned corporation'' are 
substituted for ``the agent or employee of the United States or 
of any incorporated or unincorporated agency thereof'' for 
consistency in this chapter and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30905.................  46 App.:745 (words before 1st  Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                         proviso).                      95, Sec.  5
                                                        (words before
                                                        1st proviso), 41
                                                        Stat. 526; June
                                                        30, 1932, ch.
                                                        315, 47 Stat.
                                                        420; Dec. 13,
                                                        1950, ch. 1136,
                                                        64 Stat. 1112.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30906(a)..............  46 App.:742 (2d sentence).     Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  2 (2d,
                                                        last sentences),
                                                        41 Stat. 526.
30906(b)..............  46 App.:742 (last sentence).

    In subsection (a)(1), the words ``in the United States'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``charged with liability'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``in the discretion of the 
court'' are omitted as unnecessary. For general change of venue 
provision, see 28 U.S.C. 1404.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30907.................  46 App.:743 (last sentence).   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  3
                                                        (last sentence),
                                                        41 Stat. 526;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(25)(A),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155.

    The words ``civil action'' are substituted for 
``proceeding'' for consistency in this chapter and with rule 2 
of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30908(a)..............  46 App.:743 (1st, 4th          Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                         sentences).                    95, Sec.  3
                                                        (1st, 4th-6th
                                                        sentences), 41
                                                        Stat. 526.
30908(b)..............  46 App.:743 (5th, 6th

    In subsection (a), the text of 46 App. U.S.C. 743 (4th 
sentence) is omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(1)(A), the words ``plaintiff'' and 
``complaint'' are substituted for ``libelant'' and ``libel'', 
respectively, for consistency with the Federal Rules of Civil 
Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``in any proper case'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30909.................  46 App.:746.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  6, 41
                                                        Stat. 527.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30910.................  46 App.:743 (2d, 3d            Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                         sentences).                    95, Sec.  3 (2d,
                                                        3d sentences),
                                                        41 Stat. 526.
                        46 App.:745 (last proviso).    Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  5
                                                        (last proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 526;
                                                        June 30, 1932,
                                                        ch. 315, 47
                                                        Stat. 420; Dec.
                                                        13, 1950, ch.
                                                        1136, 64 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``and when the decree is for a 
money judgment'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``except 
that interest is not allowable for the period before the action 
is filed'' are substituted for ``And provided further, That 
after June 30, 1932, no interest shall be allowed on any claim 
prior to the time when suit on such claim is brought as 
authorized by section 742 of this Appendix'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``or at any higher rate 
which shall be stipulated in any contract upon which such 
decree shall be based'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 743 and ``unless upon 
a contract expressly stipulating for the payment of interest'' 
in 46 App. U.S.C. 745 (last proviso) for clarity and 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30911.................  46 App.:749.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  9, 41
                                                        Stat. 527; Pub.
                                                        L. 92-417, Sec.
                                                        3, Aug. 29,
                                                        1972, 86 Stat.
                                                        656; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(25)(C), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155.

    The words ``authorized by this chapter'' are substituted 
for ``in which suit will lie under the provisions of sections 
742, 744, and 750 of this Appendix'' to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30912.................  46 App.:748.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  8, 41
                                                        Stat. 527.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30913.................  46 App.:741 (less 11th-26th    Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                         words).                        95, Sec.  1
                                                        (less 11th-26th
                                                        words), 41 Stat.
                                                        525; Sept. 26,
                                                        1950, ch. 1049,
                                                        Sec.  2(a)(2),
                                                        64 Stat. 1038;
                                                        Pub. L. 96-70,
                                                        Sec.  3(b)(5),
                                                        Sept. 27, 1979,
                                                        93 Stat. 455.

    The words ``a federally-owned corporation'' are substituted 
for ``any corporation in which the United States or its 
representatives shall own the entire outstanding capital 
stock'' because of the definition of ``federally-owned 
corporation'' in section 30902 of the revised title. The words 
``after March 9, 1920'' are omitted as obsolete. The words ``in 
view of the provision herein made for a libel in personam'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``or its possessions'' are 
omitted because of the definition of ``United States'' in 
chapter 1 of the revised title. The words ``Provided, That this 
chapter shall not apply to the Panama Canal Commission'' are 
omitted because the Commission has been dissolved. See 22 
U.S.C. 3714a.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30914.................  46 App.:744.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  4, 41
                                                        Stat. 526.

    The words ``on a statement'' are substituted for ``upon the 
suggestion'' as more appropriate.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30915.................  46 App.:747.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  7, 41
                                                        Stat. 527; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(25)(B), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155.

    In this section, references to the Maritime Administration 
are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``or in 
connection with'', ``of the United States in his discretion'', 
and ``duly'' are omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), the 
words ``as by said court required'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``firm, or corporation'' 
are omitted as included in ``person'' as defined in 1 U.S.C. 1.
    Subsection (b)(2) is substituted for ``to pledge the credit 
of the United States to the indemnification of such surety or 
stipulator as may be required to secure the execution of such 
bond or stipulation'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the words ``may pay'' are substituted 
for ``presentation . . . shall be sufficient evidence . . . for 
the allowance and payment'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30916.................  46 App.:750.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  10, 41
                                                        Stat. 528; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(25)(D), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155.

    In subsection (a), the words ``may bring a civil action to 
recover'' are substituted for ``shall have the right to collect 
and sue'' for consistency in this chapter and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30917.................  46 App.:751.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  11, 41
                                                        Stat. 528; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(25)(D), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155.

    The words ``or in connection with'' and ``with respect to 
which such cause of action arises'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
30918.................  46 App.:752.                   Mar. 9, 1920, ch.
                                                        95, Sec.  12, 41
                                                        Stat. 528; Aug.
                                                        30, 1954, ch.
                                                        1076, Sec.
                                                        1(26), 68 Stat.
                                                        968; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(25)(E), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155.


31101.  Short title.
31102.  Waiver of immunity.
31103.  Applicable procedure.
31104.  Venue.
31105.  Security when counterclaim filed.
31106.  Exoneration and limitation.
31107.  Interest.
31108.  Arbitration, compromise, or settlement.
31109.  Payment of judgment or settlement.
31110.  Subpoenas to officers or members of crew.
31111.  Claims by nationals of foreign countries.
31112.  Lien not recognized or created.
31113.  Reports.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31101.................  46 App.:781 note.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31102(a)..............  46 App.:781.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  1, 43
                                                        Stat. 1112.
31102(b)..............  46 App.:783 (words before      Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                         proviso).                      428, Sec.  3
                                                        (words before
                                                        proviso), 43
                                                        Stat. 1112.

    In this section, the words ``civil action'' are substituted 
for ``libel'' because of rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil 
Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).
    In subsection (a), the words ``Provided, That the cause of 
action arose after the 6th day of April, 1920'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (b), the words ``in rem or in personam'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``file a counterclaim in 
personam, or claim a setoff'' are substituted for ``file a 
cross libel in personam or claim a set-off or counterclaim'' to 
conform to the terminolgy in the Federal Rules of Civil 
Procedure and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``for 
damages arising out of the same subject matter'' are 
substituted for ``in such suit for and on account of any 
damages arising out of the same subject matter or cause of 
action'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31103.................  46 App.:782 (last sentence     Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                         words before last comma).      428, Sec.  2
                                                        (last sentence
                                                        words before
                                                        last comma), 43
                                                        Stat. 1112.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31104.................  46 App.:782 (1st sentence).    Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  2
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        43 Stat. 1112.

    In subsection (a), the words ``charged with creating the 
liability'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``in the United States'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31105.................  46 App.:783 (proviso).         Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  3
                                                        (proviso), 43
                                                        Stat. 1112.

    The word ``counterclaim'' is substituted for ``cross-
libel'', and the words ``original action'' are substituted for 
``original libel'', to conform to the terminolgy in the Federal 
Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31106.................  46 App.:789.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  9, 43
                                                        Stat. 1113.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31107.................  46 App.:782 (last sentence     Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                         words after last comma).       428, Sec.  2
                                                        (last sentence
                                                        words after last
                                                        comma), 43 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31108.................  46 App.:786.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  6, 43
                                                        Stat. 1113.

    The words ``authorized by this chapter'' are substituted 
for ``on which a libel or cross libel would lie under the 
provisions of this chapter'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31109.................  46 App.:787.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  7, 43
                                                        Stat. 1113.

    Reference to an arbitration award is added for consistency 
with sections 30912 and 31108 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31110.................  46 App.:784.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  4, 43
                                                        Stat. 1112.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31111.................  46 App.:785.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  5, 43
                                                        Stat. 1113.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31112.................  46 App.:788.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  8, 43
                                                        Stat. 1113.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
31113.................  46 App.:790.                   Mar. 3, 1925, ch.
                                                        428, Sec.  10,
                                                        43 Stat. 1113;
                                                        Aug. 30, 1954,
                                                        ch. 1076, Sec.
                                                        1(26), 68 Stat.


    This chapter was enacted by Public Law 100-710, title I, 
Sec. 102(c), Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4739.

               Subtitle IV--Regulation of Ocean Shipping

                         Part A--Ocean Shipping

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Tariffs, Service Contracts, Refunds, and Waivers.............40501
      Controlled Carriers..........................................40701
      Ocean Transportation Intermediaries..........................40901
      Prohibitions and Penalties...................................41101

              Part B--Actions To Address Foreign Practices

      Regulations Affecting Shipping in Foreign Trade..............42101
      Foreign Shipping Practices...................................42301

                         Part C--Miscellaneous

      Evidence of Financial Responsibility for Passenger Transporta44101

                         Part A--Ocean Shipping

                          CHAPTER 401--GENERAL

40101.  Purposes.
40102.  Definitions.
40103.  Administrative exemptions.
40104.  Reports filed with the Commission.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40101.................  46 App.:1701.                  Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  2, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 67; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        101, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40102(1)..............  46 App.:1702(1).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  3, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 67; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-307, Sec.
                                                        11, May 19,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        447; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        258, title I,
                                                        Sec.  102, Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1902; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-383,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        424(d), Nov. 13,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
40102(2)..............  46 App.:1702(2).
40102(3)..............  46 App.:1702(3).
40102(4)..............  46 App.:1702(4).
40102(5)..............  46 App.:1702(6) (last
40102(6)..............  46 App.:1702(6) (1st
40102(7)..............  46 App.:1702(7).
40102(8)..............  46 App.:1702(8).
40102(9)..............  46 App.:1702(9).
40102(10).............  46 App.:1702(10).
40102(11).............  46 App.:1702(11).
40102(12).............  46 App.:1702(12).
40102(13).............  46 App.:1702(13).
40102(14).............  46 App.:1702(14).
40102(15).............  46 App.:1702(15).
40102(16).............  46 App.:1702(17)(B).
40102(17).............  46 App.:1702(16).
40102(18).............  46 App.:1702(17)(A).
40102(19).............  46 App.:1702(17) (1st
40102(20).............  46 App.:1702(19).
40102(21).............  46 App.:1702(20).
40102(22).............  46 App.:1702(21).
40102(23).............  46 App.:1702(22).
40102(24).............  46 App.:1702(23).
40102(25).............  46 App.:1702(24).

    In the definition of ``service contract'', the words ``The 
contract may also specify provisions in the event of 
nonperformance on the part of any party'' are omitted as 
unnecessary and inappropriate for a definition.
    In the definition of ``shipper'', the words ``non-vessel-
operating common carrier'' are substituted for ``ocean 
transportation intermediary, as defined in paragraph (17)(B) of 
this section'' because paragraph (17)(B) contains a definition 
of ``non-vessel-operating common carrier'' which is restated as 
a separate definition.
    The definition of ``Commission'' is omitted because the 
full name of the Federal Maritime Commission is used the first 
time the Commission is referred to in each section. The 
defintion of ``person'' is omitted as unnecessary because of 1 
U.S.C. 1. The definition of ``United States'' is omitted 
because the term is defined in chapter 1 of the revised title 
for purposes of the title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40103.................  46 App.:1715.                  Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  16, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 84; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        114, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40104.................  46 App.:1714.                  Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  15, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 84; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-595, Sec.
                                                        3(b)(3), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3133; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        113, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                        CHAPTER 403--AGREEMENTS

40301.  Application.
40302.  Filing requirements.
40303.  Content requirements.
40304.  Commission action.
40305.  Assessment agreements.
40306.  Nondisclosure of information.
40307.  Exemption from antitrust laws.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40301(a)..............  46 App.:1703(a).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  4, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 70; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        103, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
40301(b)..............  46 App.:1703(b).
40301(c)..............  46 App.:1703(c).
40301(d)..............  46 App.:1704(f).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  5(e) (last
                                                        sentence), (f),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 70;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-88,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        335(c)(2), Dec.
                                                        29, 1995, 109
                                                        Stat. 954; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        104(a)(2), (b),
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1904,
40301(e)..............  46 App.:1704(e) (last

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40302.................  46 App.:1704(a).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  5(a), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 70; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-595, Sec.
                                                        3(b)(1), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3132.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40303(a)..............  46 App.:1704(c).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  5(b)-(d),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 70;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        104(a), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
40303(b)..............  46 App.:1704(b).
40303(c)..............  46 App.:1704(d).
40303(d)..............  46 App.:1704(g).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  5(g), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984; as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        105-383, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        424(a), Nov. 13,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In subsection (c)(8), the word ``calendar'' is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40304(a)..............  46 App.:1705(a).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  6(a)-(f),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 72.
40304(b)..............  46 App.:1705(b).
40304(c)..............  46 App.:1705(c) (1st
40304(d)..............  46 App.:1705(d).
40304(e)(1)...........  46 App.:1705(e).
40304(e)(2)...........  46 App.:1705(c) (last
40304(f)..............  46 App.:1705(f).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40305.................  46 App.:1704(e) (less last     Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentence).                     Sec.  5(e) (less
                                                        last sentence),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 70;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        (b)(1), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
                                                        1904, 1905.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40306.................  46 App.:1705(j).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  6(j), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 73.

    The words ``judicial proceeding'' are substituted for 
``judicial action or proceeding'' to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40307.................  46 App.:1706.                  Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  7, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 73; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        105, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    Subsection (a)(1) is substituted for ``any agreement that 
has been filed under section 1704 of this Appendix and is 
effective under section 1704(d) [redesignated as (e)] or 
section 1705 of this Appendix'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    Subsection (a)(2) is substituted for ``any agreement that . 
. . is exempt under section 1715 of this Appendix from any 
requirement of this chapter'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1706(a)(1) for 
    In subsection (a)(7), the words ``subject to section 
1719(e)(2) of this Appendix'' are omitted as obsolete.


40501.  General rate and tariff requirements.
40502.  Service contracts.
40503.  Refunds and waivers.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40501(a)..............  46 App.:1707(a)(1) (1st, 2d    Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentences).                    Sec.  8(a), (b),
                                                        (d), (f), (g),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 74;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        106(a), (c),
                                                        (e), (f), Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1905,
40501(b)..............  46 App.:1707(a)(1) (last
40501(c)..............  46 App.:1707(a)(2).
40501(d)..............  46 App.:1707(b).
40501(e)..............  46 App.:1707(d).
40501(f)..............  46 App.:1707(f).
40501(g)..............  46 App.:1707(g).

    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``ocean freight forwarder'' 
are substituted for ``ocean transportation intermediary, as 
defined in section 1702(17)(A) of this Appendix'' because the 
definition of ``ocean transportation intermediary'' in section 
1702(17)(A) contains a definition of ``ocean freight 
forwarder'' which is restated as a separate definition.
    In subsection (e), the word ``calendar'' is omitted as 
    In subsection (f)(1), the words ``subject to section 
1709(d) of this Appendix'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40502(a)..............  46 App.:1707(c)(1) (1st        Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentence).                     Sec.  8(c), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 75;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        I, Sec.  106(b),
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1905.
40502(b)..............  46 App.:1707(c)(2) (1st
40502(c)..............  46 App.:1707(c)(2) (last
40502(d)..............  46 App.:1707(c)(3).
40502(e)..............  46 App.:1707(c)(4).
40502(f)..............  46 App.:1707(c)(1) (2d, last

    In subsection (e)(5), the words ``the National Labor 
Relations Act [29 U.S.C. 151 et seq.], the Taft-Hartley Act [29 
U.S.C. 141 et seq.], the Federal Trade Commission Act [15 
U.S.C. 41 et seq.], the antitrust laws'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the reference to ``any other Federal or 
State law''.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40503.................  46 App.:1707(e).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  8(e), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 75; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        106(d), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In clause (1), the words ``an error in a tariff, a failure 
to publish a new tariff'' are substituted for ``an error in a, 
in failing to publish a new tariff'' to correct an obvious 
error in the underlying statute.
    In clause (2), the words ``or waive'' are added for 
consistency with the reference to a waiver later in the clause.

                    CHAPTER 407--CONTROLLED CARRIERS

40701.  Rates.
40702.  Rate standards.
40703.  Effective date of rates.
40704.  Commission review.
40705.  Presidential review of Commission orders.
40706.  Exceptions.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40701.................  46 App.:1708(a).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  9(a), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 76; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-100, Sec.
                                                         5(a), Aug. 17,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        492; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        258, title I,
                                                        Sec.  108(1)-(4)
                                                        , Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1908.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40702.................  46 App.:1708(b).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  9(b), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 76; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        108(5)-(7), Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1908.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40703.................  46 App.:1708(c) (1st           Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentence).                     Sec.  9(c) (1st
                                                        sentence), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 76; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-100, Sec.
                                                         5(b), Aug. 17,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        492; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        258, title I,
                                                        Sec.  108(8),
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1908.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40704.................  46 App.:1708(c) (last          Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentence), (d).                Sec.  9(c) (last
                                                        sentence), (d),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 76;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1908.

    In subsection (d)(1), the words ``in a proceeding under 
subsection (c)'' are substituted for ``in such a proceeding'' 
for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40705.................  46 App.:1708(e).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  9(e), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 77; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        108(16), Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1909.

    In subsection (b), the words ``Notwithstanding any other 
law'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40706.................  46 App.:1708(f).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  9(f), Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 77; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1909.

    In clause (1), the words ``foreign country'' are 
substituted for ``state'' for clarity and consistency.


40901.  License requirement.
40902.  Financial responsibility.
40903.  Suspension or revocation of license.
40904.  Compensation by common carriers.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40901(a)..............  46 App.:1718(a).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  19(a),
                                                        (d), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        87, 88; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        I, Sec.  116,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1912.
40901(b)..............  46 App.:1718(d).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40902.................  46 App.:1718(b).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  19(b),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984;
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        I, Sec.  116(4),
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1913.

    In subsection (b), in clauses (2) and (3), the words 
``described in section 1702(17) of this Appendix'' are omitted 
as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40903.................  46 App.:1718(c).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  19(c),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 88;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        116, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``lawful'' and ``rule'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
40904.................  46 App.:1718(e).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  19(e),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 88;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        116, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In subsections (a) and (d), the words ``ocean freight 
forwarder'' are substituted for ``ocean transportation 
intermediary, as defined in section 1702(17)(A) of this 
Appendix'' and ``ocean transportation intermediary, as so 
defined'' because the definition of ``ocean transportation 
intermediary'' in section 1702(17)(A) contains a definition of 
``ocean freight forwarder'' which is restated as a separate 
    In subsection (d)(1), the word ``calendar'' is omitted as 


41101.  Joint ventures and consortiums.
41102.  General prohibitions.
41103.  Disclosure of information.
41104.  Common carriers.
41105.  Concerted action.
41106.  Marine terminal operators.
41107.  Monetary penalties.
41108.  Additional penalties.
41109.  Assessment of penalties.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41101.................  46 App.:1709(e).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  10(e),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 80.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41102(a)..............  46 App.:1709(a)(1).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  10(a),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 77.
41102(b)..............  46 App.:1709(a)(2), (3).
41102(c)..............  46 App.:1709(d)(1).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  10(d)(1),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 77;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        109(c)(2), Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1909.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41103(a)..............  46 App.:1709(b)(13), (d)(3)    Pub. L. 98-237,
                         (related to (b)(13)), (5).     Sec.  10(b)(13),
                                                        (words after cl.
                                                        (13)), (d)(3)
                                                        (related to
                                                        (b)(13)), (5),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 79, 80;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        710(c)(1), (2),
                                                        Nov. 16, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 2997;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        (11), (16),
                                                        (17), (c)(3),
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1910,
41103(b)..............  46 App.:1709(b) (next-to-last
41103(c)..............  46 App.:1709(b) (last

    In subsection (a), the words ``marine terminal operator, or 
ocean freight forwarder'' are added because of 46 App. U.S.C. 
1709(d)(3) and (5). The words ``ocean freight forwarder'' are 
substituted for ``ocean transportation intermediaries, as 
defined by section 1702(17)(A) of this Appendix'' in 46 App. 
U.S.C. 1709(d)(5) because the definition of ``ocean 
transportation intermediary'' in section 1702(17)(A) contains a 
definition of ``ocean freight forwarder'' which is restated as 
a separate definition.
    In subsection (b), the words ``does not prevent'' are 
substituted for ``Nothing . . . shall be construed to prevent'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``may give information'' 
are substituted for ``Nor shall it be prohibited . . . to give 
information'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``firm, 
corporation'' are omitted as unnecessary because firms and 
corporations are persons.
    In subsection (c)(2), the words ``may not prevent'' are 
substituted for ``Nor shall it be prohibited . . . to prevent'' 
to reflect the probable intent of Congress. The words ``but the 
use of such information for any other purpose prohibited by 
this chapter or any other Act is prohibited'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41104.................  46 App.:1709(b)(1)-(12).       Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  10(b)(1)-(
                                                        12), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        77; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        595, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  710(c),
                                                        Nov. 16, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 2997;
                                                        Pub. L. 102-251,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        201(b), Mar. 9,
                                                        1992, 106 Stat.
                                                        60; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        258, title I,
                                                        Sec.  109(a),
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1909;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-383,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        424(b), Nov. 13,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41105.................  46 App.:1709(c).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  10(c),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 77;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        109(b), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
                                                        1910; Pub. L.
                                                        105-383, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        424(b), Nov. 13,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In clause (5), the words ``ocean freight forwarder'' are 
substituted for ``ocean transportation intermediary, as defined 
by section 1702(17)(A) of this Appendix'' because the 
definition of ``ocean transportation intermediary'' in section 
1702(17)(A) contains a definition of ``ocean freight 
forwarder'' which is restated as a separate definition.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41106(1)..............  46 App.:1709(d)(2).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  10(d)(2),
                                                        (3) (related to
                                                        (b)(10)), (4),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 77;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        109(c), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
41106(2)..............  46 App.:1709(d)(4).
41106(3)..............  46 App.:1709(d)(3) (related
                         to (b)(10)).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41107.................  46 App.:1712(a).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  13(a),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 82;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        112(a), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41108(a)..............  46 App.:1712(b)(1).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  13(b),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 82;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        112(b), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
41108(b)..............  46 App.:1712(b)(3).
41108(c)..............  46 App.:1712(b)(2), (4), (5).
41108(d)..............  46 App.:1712(b)(6).
                        46 App.:1710a(h) (related to   Pub. L. 100-418,
                         1712(b)(6)).                   title X, Sec.
                                                        (related to Sec.
                                                         13(b)(6)), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1572; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        111(7), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
41108(e)..............  46 App.:1712(b)(7).

    In subsection (c)(1)(B), the words ``Secretary of Homeland 
Security'' are substituted for ``Secretary of the Treasury'' 
because the functions of the Secretary of the Treasury relating 
to the Customs Service were transferred to the Secretary of 
Homeland Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security 
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41109(a)..............  46 App.:1712(c) (1st, last     Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentences).                    Sec.  13(c)-(f),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 82;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        112(c), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
41109(b)..............  46 App.:1712(c) (2d
41109(c)..............  46 App.:1712(f)(1) (1st
41109(d)..............  46 App.:1712(f)(1) (last
41109(e)..............  46 App.:1712(f)(2).
41109(f)..............  46 App.:1712(d).
41109(g)..............  46 App.:1712(e).

                        CHAPTER 413--ENFORCEMENT

41301.  Complaints.
41302.  Investigations.
41303.  Discovery and subpoenas.
41304.  Hearings and orders.
41305.  Award of reparations.
41306.  Injunctive relief sought by complainants.
41307.  Injunctive relief sought by the Commission.
41308.  Enforcement of subpoenas and orders.
41309.  Enforcement of reparation orders.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41301(a)..............  46 App.:1710(a), (g) (related  Pub. L. 98-237,
                         to time limit).                Sec.  11(a),
                                                        (b), (g)
                                                        (related to time
                                                        limit), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        80; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.
                                                        3(b)(2), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3132; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        110, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
41301(b)..............  46 App.:1710(b) (1st
41301(c)..............  46 App.:1710(b) (last

    In subsection (a), the words ``If the complaint is filed 
within 3 years after the claim accrues'' are substituted for 
``For any complaint filed within 3 years after the cause of 
action accrued'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1710(g) to alert the reader 
to that time limitation.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41302(a)..............  46 App.:1710(c) (1st, 3d       Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentences).                    Sec.  11(c)-(f),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 80.
41302(b)..............  46 App.:1710(c) (2d
41302(c)..............  46 App.:1710(d).
41302(d)..............  46 App.:1710(e).
41302(e)..............  46 App.:1710(f).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41303.................  46 App.:1711.                  Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  12, Mar.
                                                        20, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 81.

    In subsection (a)(1), the words ``may subpoena witnesses 
and evidence'' are substituted for ``may by subpena compel the 
attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, 
documents, and other evidence'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``shall conform to the 
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.)'' are 
substituted for ``shall be in conformity with the rules 
applicable in civil proceedings in the district courts of the 
United States'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41304(a)..............  46 App.:1713(a) (1st           Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentence).                     Sec.  14(a),
                                                        (b), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
41304(b)..............  46 App.:1713(b) (1st sentence
                         1st-12th words).
41304(c)..............  46 App.:1713(b) (1st sentence
                         13th-last words, last
41304(d)..............  46 App.:1713(a) (last

    In subsection (a), the words ``upon sworn complaint or on 
its own motion'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41305.................  46 App.:1710(g) (less time     Pub. L. 98-237,
                         limit).                        Sec.  11(g)
                                                        (less time
                                                        limit), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        80; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.
                                                        3(b)(2), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3132; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        110, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``within the period specified 
in section 41301(a) of this title'' are substituted for 
``within 3 years after the cause of action accrued'' because 
the time limit is restated in section 41301(a) instead of in 
this section. The words ``upon petition of the complainant'' 
are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``after notice and 
hearing'' are omitted as unnecessary because of section 
41304(a) of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41306.................  46 App.:1710(h)(2).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  11(h)(2),
                                                        Mar. 20, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 81.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41307(a)..............  46 App.:1710(h)(1).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  11(c)
                                                        (last sentence),
                                                        (h)(1), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        80, 81.
41307(b)(1)...........  46 App.:1705(g), (h) (1st      Pub. L. 98-237,
                         sentence).                     Sec.  6(g)-(i),
                                                        (k), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        72, 73.
                        46 App.:1710(c) (last
41307(b)(2)...........  46 App.:1705(h) (2d
41307(b)(3)...........  46 App.:1705(h) (3d, last
41307(c)..............  46 App.:1705(i).
41307(d)..............  46 App.:1705(k).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41308(a)..............  46 App.:1713(c).               Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  14(c),
                                                        (e), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        83, 84.
41308(b)..............  46 App.:1713(e).

    In subsection (a), the words ``subpoena or'' are added in 
the second sentence for consistency in the subsection. The 
words ``by an appropriate injunction or other process, 
mandatory or otherwise'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words 
``regularly made and duly issued'' are substituted for 
``properly made and duly issued'' for consistency in the 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
41309(a)..............  46 App.:1713(d)(1).            Pub. L. 98-237,
                                                        Sec.  14(d),
                                                        (e), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        83, 84.
41309(b)..............  46 App.:1713(d)(3).
41309(c)..............  46 App.:1713(d)(2) (1st
                         sentence 1st-23d words).
41309(d)..............  46 App.:1713(d)(2) (1st
                         sentence 24th-last words,
                         last sentence).
41309(e)..............  46 App.:1713(e).

              Part B--Actions To Address Foreign Practices


42101.  Regulations of the Commission.
42102.  Regulations of other agencies.
42103.  No preference to Government-owned vessels.
42104.  Information, witnesses, and evidence.
42105.  Disclosure to public.
42106.  Other actions to remedy unfavorable conditions.
42107.  Refusal of clearance and entry.
42108.  Penalty for operating under suspended tariff or service 
42109.  Consultation with other agencies.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42101(a)..............  46 App.:876(a)(2).             June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(a)(2), (e),
                                                        41 Stat. 995;
                                                        Ex. Ord. No.
                                                        6166, Sec.  12,
                                                        eff. June 10,
                                                        1933; June 29,
                                                        1936, ch. 858,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        204, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  904, 49
                                                        Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(46), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        157; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        595, title I,
                                                        Sec.  103, Nov.
                                                        16, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 2979; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-587,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        6205(b), Nov. 4,
                                                        1992, 106 Stat.
                                                        5094; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.
                        46 App.:1710a(h) (related to   Pub. L. 100-418,
                         876(a)(2)).                    title X, Sec.
                                                        (related to Sec.
                                                        Aug. 23, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 1572;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        111(7), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
42101(b)..............  46 App.:876(e).

    In subsection (a), the word ``shall'' is substituted for 
``is authorized and directed'', and the words ``prescribe 
regulations'' are substituted for ``make rules and 
regulations'', for consistency in the revised title and to 
eliminate unnecessary words. The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 
1710a(h), insofar as it relates to 46 App. U.S.C. 876(a)(2), is 
omitted as unnecessary because this chapter already provides 
for the same remedies as those authorized by the omitted 
    In subsection (b), the words ``on the petition of any 
person, including another component of the United States 
Government'' are substituted for ``pursuant to a petition. Any 
person, including a common carrier, tramp operator, bulk 
operator, shipper, shippers' association, ocean transportation 
intermediary, marine terminal operator, or any component of the 
Government of the United States, may file a petition for relief 
under subsection (a)(2) of this section.'' for consistency with 
section 42302(b) of the revised title and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42102(a)..............  46 App.:876(a)(3).             June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(a)(3), (b),
                                                        (c), 41 Stat.
                                                        995; Ex. Ord.
                                                        No. 6166, Sec.
                                                        12, eff. June
                                                        10, 1933; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(46), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        157; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        258, title III,
                                                        Sec.  301, Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1915.
42102(b)..............  46 App.:876(b).
42102(c)..............  46 App.:876(c).

    In this section, the words ``department, agency, or 
instrumentality'' are substituted for ``department, board, 
bureau, or agency'' for consistency in the revised title. The 
words ``the inspection of vessels'' are substituted for ``the 
steamboat inspection service'' because the Steamboat Inspection 
Service has been abolished and its functions are now carried 
out by the Coast Guard.
    In subsection (a), the word ``shall'' is substituted for 
``is authorized and directed'' for consistency in the revised 
title and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42103.................  46 App.:876(d).                June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(d), 41 Stat.
                                                        995; Ex. Ord.
                                                        No. 6166, Sec.
                                                        12, eff. June
                                                        10, 1933; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42104(a)..............  46 App.:876(f)(1)-(3).         June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(f), (g); as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        101-595, title
                                                        I, Sec.  103(2),
                                                        Nov. 16, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 2979;
                                                        Pub. L. 102-587,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        6205(b)(2), Nov.
                                                        4, 1992, 106
                                                        Stat. 5094; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        301, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
42104(b)..............  46 App.:876(g)(1), (2).
42104(c)..............  46 App.:876(g)(3).
42104(d)..............  46 App.:876(f)(4), (g)(4).
42104(e)..............  46 App.:876(g)(5).

    In subsections (a) and (b), the words ``In carrying out'' 
are substituted for ``In furtherance of the purposes of'' and 
``In proceedings under'' for clarity and consistency.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``subpoena witnesses and 
evidence'' are substituted for ``by subpoena compel the 
attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, 
documents, and other evidence'' for consistency in the revised 
title and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``conform to the Federal 
Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.)'' are substituted for 
``are in conformity with the rules applicable in civil 
proceedings in the district courts of the United States'' for 
    In subsection (d)(2), the penalties from 46 App. U.S.C. 
876(f)(4) and (g)(4)(B) are combined because they are 
    In subsection (e), the words ``by an appropriate injunction 
or other process, mandatory or otherwise'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42105.................  46 App.:876(h).                June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(h); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        103(2), Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2979; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42106.................  46 App.:876(i).                June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(i); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        103(2), Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2979; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42107.................  46 App.:876(j).                June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(j); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        103(2), Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2979; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.

    In clause (1), the words ``Secretary of Homeland Security'' 
are substituted for ``collector of customs at the port or place 
of destination in the United States'' because the functions of 
the Customs Service and of the Secretary of the Treasury 
relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary of Homeland 
Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 
(Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178). The functions of the 
collector of customs previously were vested in the Secretary of 
the Treasury by Reorganization Plan No. 26 of 1950, and the 
office of collector of customs previously was abolished by 
Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1965.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42108.................  46 App.:876(k).                June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(k); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        103(2), Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2979; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42109.................  46 App.:876(l).                June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.
                                                        19(l); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        103(2), Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2979; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        III, Sec.  301,
                                                        Oct. 14, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 1915.


42301.  Definitions.
42302.  Investigations.
42303.  Information requests.
42304.  Action against foreign carriers.
42305.  Refusal of clearance and entry.
42306.  Submission of determinations to President.
42307.  Review of regulations and orders.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42301.................  46 App.:1710a(a).              Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10002(a), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1570; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        111(1)-(3), Oct.
                                                        14, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 1911.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42302(a)..............  46 App.:1710a(b).              Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10002(b), (c),
                                                        Aug. 23, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 1570;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        111(4), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
42302(b)..............  46 App.:1710a(c)(1).
42302(c)..............  46 App.:1710a(c)(2).

    In subsection (b), the words ``including another component 
of the United States Government'' are substituted for 
``including any common carrier, shipper, shippers' association, 
ocean transportation intermediary, or marine terminal operator, 
or any branch, department, agency, or other component of the 
Government of the United States'' for consistency with section 
42101(b) of the revised title and to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42303.................  46 App.:1710a(d)               Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10002(d), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1571; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-258,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        111(4), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``subpoena witnesses and 
evidence'' are substituted for ``issue subpoenas to compel the 
attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of 
records or other evidence'' for consistency in the revised 
title and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the words ``in its discretion'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42304(a)..............  46 App.:1710a(e)(1).           Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        (2), Aug. 23,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        1571; Pub. L.
                                                        105-258, title
                                                        I, Sec.  111(5),
                                                        (6), Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
42304(b)..............  46 App.:1710a(e)(2).

    In subsection (a), the words ``Subject to section 42306 of 
this title'' are added to alert the reader to the application 
of that section.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42305.................  46 App.:1710a(f).              Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10002(f), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1572.

    Before clause (1), the words ``Subject to section 42306 of 
this title'' are added to alert the reader to the application 
of that section. The word ``determines'' is substituted for 
``finds'' for consistency with section 42306 of the revised 
    In clause (1), the words ``Secretary of Homeland Security'' 
are substituted for ``collector of customs at any port or place 
of destination in the United States'' because the functions of 
the Customs Service and of the Secretary of the Treasury 
relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary of Homeland 
Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 
(Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178). The functions of the 
collector of customs previously were vested in the Secretary of 
the Treasury by Reorganization Plan No. 26 of 1950, and the 
office of collector of customs previously was abolished by 
Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1965.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42306.................  46 App.:1710a(e)(3).           Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        Aug. 23, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 1572.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
42307.................  46 App.:1710a(i).              Pub. L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10002(i), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1572.

                         Part C--Miscellaneous


44101.  Application.
44102.  Financial responsibility to indemnify passengers for 
          nonperformance of transportation.
44103.  Financial responsibility to pay liability for death or injury.
44104.  Civil penalty.
44105.  Refusal of clearance.
44106.  Conduct of proceedings.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
44101.................  46 App.:817d(a) (6th-28th      Pub. L. 89-777,
                         words).                        Sec. Sec.  2(a)
                                                        words), 3(a)
                                                        words), Nov. 6,
                                                        1966, 80 Stat.
                                                        1356, 1357.
                        46 App.:817e(a) (15th-36th

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
44102.................  46 App.:817e(a) (1st-14th,     Pub. L. 89-777,
                         37th-last words), (b).         Sec.  3(a) (1st-
                                                        14th, 37th-last
                                                        words), (b),
                                                        Nov. 6, 1966, 80
                                                        Stat. 1357; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-206,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        320, Dec. 20,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.

    In subsection (c), the words ``or any State thereof, or the 
District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the 
Virgin Islands or any territory or possession of the United 
States'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the definition 
of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
44103.................  46 App.:817d(a) (1st-5th,      Pub. L. 89-777,
                         29th-last words), (b).         Sec.  2(a) (1st-
                                                        5th, 29th-last
                                                        words), (b),
                                                        Nov. 6, 1966, 80
                                                        Stat. 1356.

    In subsection (d)(2), the words ``issued by a bonding 
company authorized to do business in the United States'' are 
substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 817d(b) to eliminate unnecessary 
words. The words ``or any State thereof or the District of 
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, 
or any territory or possession of the United States'' are 
omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of ``United 
States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
44104.................  46 App.:817d(c).               Pub. L. 89-777,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  2(c),
                                                        3(c), Nov. 6,
                                                        1966, 80 Stat.
                        46 App.:817e(c).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
44105.................  46 App.:817d(e).               Pub. L. 89-777,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  2(e),
                                                        3(e), Nov. 6,
                                                        1966, 80 Stat.
                                                        1357, 1358; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-182,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        689(c), Dec. 8,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.
                        46 App.:817e(e).

    The words ``Secretary of Homeland Security'' are 
substituted for ``Customs Service'' because the functions of 
the Customs Service and of the Secretary of the Treasury 
relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary of Homeland 
Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 
(Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
44106.................  46 App.:817d(d).               Pub. L. 89-777,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  2(d),
                                                        3(d), Nov. 6,
                                                        1966, 80 Stat.
                                                        1357, 1358; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-324,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        746(c), Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                        46 App.:817e(d).

    The authority to prescribe regulations is omitted as 
unnecessary because it is already provided by section 305 of 
the revised title.

                      Subtitle V--Merchant Marine

                            Part A--General

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Policy, Studies, and Reports.................................50101
      Other General Provisions.....................................50501

                    Part B--Merchant Marine Service

      United States Merchant Marine Academy........................51301
      State Maritime Academy Support Program.......................51501
      Other Support for Merchant Marine Training...................51701
      Merchant Marine Awards.......................................51901

                 Part C--Financial Assistance Programs

      Maritime Security Fleet......................................53101
      Construction Reserve Funds...................................53301
      Capital Construction Funds...................................53501
      Loans and Guarantees.........................................53701
      War Risk Insurance...........................................53901

                      Part D--Promotional Programs

      Coastwise Trade..............................................55101
      Passenger and Cargo Preferences..............................55301

            Part E--Control of Merchant Marine Capabilities

      Restrictions on Transfers....................................56101
      Emergency Acquisition of Vessels.............................56301
      Essential Vessels Affected by Neutrality Act.................56501

               Part F--Government-Owned Merchant Vessels

      General Authority............................................57101
      Vessel Trade-In Program......................................57301
      Construction, Charter, and Sale of Vessels...................57501

                   Part G--Restrictions and Penalties

      Restrictions and Penalties...................................58101

                            Part A--General


50101.  Objectives and policy.
50102.  Survey of merchant marine.
50103.  Determinations of essential services.
50104.  Studies of general maritime problems.
50105.  Studies and cooperation relating to the construction of vessels.
50106.  Studies on the operation of vessels.
50107.  Studies on marine insurance.
50108.  Studies on cargo carriage and cargo containers.
50109.  Miscellaneous studies.
50110.  Securing preference to vessels of the United States.
50111.  Reports to Congress.
50112.  National Maritime Enhancement Institutes.
50113.  Use and performance reports by operators of vessels.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50101.................  46 App.:861.                   June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  1, 41
                                                        Stat. 988; Exec.
                                                        Order No. 6166,
                                                        June 10, 1933,
                                                        Sec.  12; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(33), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:891.                   May 22, 1928, ch.
                                                        675, Sec.  1, 45
                                                        Stat. 689.
                        46 App.:1101.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        I, Sec.  101, 49
                                                        Stat. 1985; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        1, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.

    This section consolidates the source provisions to 
eliminate repetition.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50102.................  46 App.:1120.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  210,
                                                        49 Stat. 1989;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  3,
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1018, 1035;
                                                        Pub.L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(67)
                                                        (related to Sec.
                                                         210), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50103(a)(1)...........  46 App.:1121(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  211(a)-
                                                        (c), 49 Stat.
                                                        1989; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        4, 35(a), (b),
                                                        Oct. 21, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1018,
                                                        1035; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(67), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
50103(a)(2)...........  46 App.:1213(a) (3d            June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        809(a) (3d
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 97-
                                                        35, title XVI,
                                                        Sec.  1604, Aug.
                                                        13, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 751.
50103(b)..............  46 App.:1121(b).
50103(c)..............  46 App.:1121(c).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50104.................  46 App.:1122(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(a), 49 Stat.
                                                        1990; Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(69), 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50105(a)(1)...........  46 App.:811 (1st sentence      Sept. 7, 1916,
                         words before 1st comma).       ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        12 (1st sentence
                                                        words before 1st
                                                        comma, 2d
                                                        sentence words
                                                        before 2d
                                                        comma), 39 Stat.
                                                        732; Ex. Ord.
                                                        No. 6166, Sec.
                                                        12, eff. June
                                                        10, 1933; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(27), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1121(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        211(d), (j)
                                                        (words before
                                                        1st semicolon),
                                                        49 Stat. 1989;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  4(2),
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1018, 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(67), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
50105(a)(2)...........  46 App.:1121(j) (words before
                         1st semicolon).
50105(b)..............  46 App.:811 (2d sentence
                         words before 2d comma).
50105(c)..............  46 App.:1122(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(b)(2), (c),
                                                        49 Stat. 1990;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(69),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 159.
50105(d)..............  46 App.:1122(b)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50106(a)..............  46 App.:811 (1st sentence      Sept. 7, 1916,
                         words after 1st comma).        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        12 (1st sentence
                                                        words after 1st
                                                        comma, 3d
                                                        sentence), 39
                                                        Stat. 732; Ex.
                                                        Ord. No. 6166,
                                                        Sec.  12, eff.
                                                        June 10, 1933;
                                                        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  204,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        904, 49 Stat.
                                                        1987, 2016; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(27), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1121(e).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        211(e), (g), 49
                                                        Stat. 1989; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  4(2), 5,
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1018, 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(67), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
50106(b)..............  46 App.:1121(g).
50106(c)..............  46 App.:811 (3d sentence).

    In subsection (b), the words ``existing on June 29, 1936, 
or thereafter built'' are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50107.................  46 App.:811 (2d sentence       Sept. 7, 1916,
                         words after 2d comma).         ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        12 (2d sentence
                                                        words after 2d
                                                        comma), 39 Stat.
                                                        732; Ex. Ord.
                                                        No. 6166, Sec.
                                                        12, eff. June
                                                        10, 1933; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(27), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50108.................  46 App.:1122(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(f); as added
                                                        Pub. L. 90-268,
                                                        Sec.  1, Mar.
                                                        16, 1968, 82
                                                        Stat. 49; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(69), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        159; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        237, Sec.
                                                        20(c), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50109(a)..............  46 App.:1121(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        211(f), (h),
                                                        (i), (j) (words
                                                        after 2d
                                                        semicolon), 49
                                                        Stat. 1989; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  4(2),
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1018, 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(67), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
50109(b)..............  46 App.:1121(h).
50109(c)..............  46 App.:1121(i).
50109(d)..............  46 App.:1121(j) (words after
                         2d semicolon).
50109(e)..............  46 App.:1123.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  213,
                                                        49 Stat. 1991;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-877,
                                                        Sec.  2(c), (d),
                                                        Oct. 24, 1962,
                                                        76 Stat. 1201;
                                                        Pub. L. 94-273,
                                                        Sec.  27, Apr.
                                                        21, 1976, 90
                                                        Stat. 380; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(71), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        159; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        85, div. C,
                                                        title XXXVI,
                                                        Sec.  3602, Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 2075.
50109(f)..............  46 App.:811 (4th sentence).    Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        12 (4th
                                                        sentence), 39
                                                        Stat. 732; Ex.
                                                        Ord. No. 6166,
                                                        Sec.  12, eff.
                                                        June 10, 1933;
                                                        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  204,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        904, 49 Stat.
                                                        1987, 2016; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(27), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50110(a)..............  46 App.:1121(j) (words         June 29, 1936,
                         between 1st and 2d             ch. 858, title
                         semicolons).                   II, Sec.  211(j)
                                                        (words between
                                                        1st and 2d
                                                        semicolons), 49
                                                        Stat. 1989; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  4(2),
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1018, 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(67), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
50110(b)..............  46 App.:1122(b)(1).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(b)(1), (d),
                                                        49 Stat. 1990;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(69),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 159; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-237, Sec.
                                                        20(c), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
50110(c)..............  46 App.:1122(d).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50111(a)..............  46 App.:811 (last sentence).   Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        12 (last
                                                        sentence), 39
                                                        Stat. 732; Ex.
                                                        Ord. No. 6166,
                                                        Sec.  12, eff.
                                                        June 10, 1933;
                                                        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  204,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        904, 49 Stat.
                                                        1987, 2016; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(27), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1118 (related to       June 29, 1936,
                         Secretary).                    ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  208
                                                        (related to
                                                        Secretary), 49
                                                        Stat. 1988; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-273, Sec.
                                                        36, Apr. 21,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
                                                        380; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(65), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1160(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(f),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1184; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.
                        46 App.:1291.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1211,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        776; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        348, Sec.  1(7),
                                                        Nov. 8, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1310.
50111(b)..............  46 App.:1118 note.             Pub. L. 106-398,
                                                        Sec.  1 [div. C,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3506], Oct. 30,
                                                        2000, 114 Stat.
                                                        1654, 1654A-494.
50111(c)..............  46 App.:1122(g).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(g), 49 Stat.
                                                        1990; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        268, Sec.  1,
                                                        Mar. 16, 1968,
                                                        82 Stat. 49;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(69),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 159; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-237, Sec.
                                                        20(c), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``on or before the 1st day of 
December in each year'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 811 (last sentence) 
are omitted for consistency with the April 1 date in 46 
App.:1118. The words ``and of the operations of any corporation 
in which the United States is a stockholder, and the names and 
compensation of all persons employed by the Secretary of 
Transportation'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 811 (last sentence) are 
omitted because the provision originally applied to the United 
States Shipping Board (which was abolished in 1933) and 
presumably is not intended to apply to the Secretary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50112.................  46 App.:1121-2.                Pub. L. 101-115,
                                                        Sec.  8, Oct.
                                                        13, 1989, 103
                                                        Stat. 694; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-595,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        702, Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2994; Pub. L.
                                                        102-241, Sec.
                                                        47, Dec. 19,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        2227; Pub. L.
                                                        106-398, Sec.  1
                                                        [div. C, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3504], Oct. 30,
                                                        2000, 114 Stat.
                                                        1654, 1654A-493.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50113.................  46 App.:1122a.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(A), as added
                                                        June 25, 1956,
                                                        ch. 437, 70
                                                        Stat. 332; Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, Pub. L.
                                                        97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(70), 95 Stat.

                      CHAPTER 503--ADMINISTRATIVE

50301.  Vessel Operations Revolving Fund.
50302.  Port development.
50303.  Operating property and extending term of notes.
50304.  Sale and transfer of property.
50305.  Appointment of trustee or receiver and operation of vessels.
50306.  Requiring testimony and records in investigations.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50301(a)..............  46 App.:1241a (1st sentence).  June 2, 1951, ch.
                                                        121 (pars. under
                                                        heading ``Vessel
                                                        Fund''), 65
                                                        Stat. 59; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(128), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
50301(b)..............  46 App.:1241a (2d sentence
                         words before 2d proviso).
50301(c)..............  46 App.:1241a (2d sentence 2d
50301(d)..............  46 App.:1241a (2d sentence
                         last proviso).
50301(e)..............  46 App.:1241a (last
50301(f)..............  46 App.:1241b.                 June 20, 1956,
                                                        ch. 415, title
                                                        I, Sec.  101
                                                        (4th complete
                                                        par. on p. 319),
                                                        70 Stat. 319;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(129),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 165.
                        46 App.:1241b note.
50301(g)..............  46 App.:1241c.                 Aug. 1, 1956, ch.
                                                        846, 70 Stat.
                                                        897; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(130), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (c), the words ``Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget'' are substituted for ``Bureau of the 
Budget'' in the Act of June 2, 1951 (ch. 121, 65 Stat. 59), 
because of sections 101 and 102 of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 
1970 (5 App. U.S.C.) and 31 U.S.C. ch. 5. The words ``for the 
purposes of that appropriation'' are omitted for clarity and 
for consistency in the subsection.
    In subsection (d), the words ``notwithstanding any other 
provisions of law'' and ``and consolidated with'' are omitted 
as unnecessary.
    In subsection (e), in paragraph (1), the words 
``Comptroller General'' are substituted for ``General 
Accounting Office'' for consistency in the revised title and 
with other titles of the United States Code. Paragraph (2)(B) 
is substituted for ``(except in cases where section 1212 of 
this Appendix is applicable)'' because section 1212 applies to 
all vessels under a construction-differential subsidy contract.
    In subsection (f), the words ``On and after June 20, 
1956'', and the last proviso in the 4th complete par. at 70 
Stat. 319 (46 App. U.S.C. 1241b note), are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (g), the words ``beginning July 1, 1956'' and 
``after July 1, 1956'' are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50302(a)..............  46 App.:867 (words before      June 5, 1920, ch.
                         proviso).                      250, Sec.  8, 41
                                                        Stat. 992; Exec.
                                                        Order No. 6166,
                                                        June 10, 1933,
                                                        Sec.  12; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(40), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        156; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        88, Sec.
                                                        321(1), Dec. 29,
                                                        1995, 109 Stat.
50302(b)..............  46 App.:867 (proviso).

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``Secretary 
of the Army'' are substituted for ``Secretary of War'' in 
section 8 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 (ch. 250, 41 Stat. 
992) because of section 205(a) of the National Security Act of 
1947 (ch. 343, 61 Stat. 501). See 10 U.S.C. 3011 et seq. In 
clause (3), the words ``apparatus'' and ``appliances'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (4), the words ``consult 
with'' are substituted for ``advise with'' as being more 
    In subsection (b), the words ``rates or practices'' are 
substituted for ``rates, charges, rules, or regulations'' for 
consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the 
United States Code.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50303.................  46 App.:1112.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  202,
                                                        49 Stat. 1986;
                                                        Aug. 26, 1937,
                                                        ch. 822, Sec.
                                                        1, 50 Stat. 839;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        1, 52 Stat. 953;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(60),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 158.

    In subsection (a), the words ``Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law'' are omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), 
the word ``lands'' is omitted as included in ``real property''. 
In clause (2)(A), the word ``promissory'' is added for clarity. 
The words ``hereby transferred'', referring to the transfer 
under the first sentence of section 202 of the Merchant Marine 
Act, 1936 (repealed by section 12(60)(A) of Public Law 97-31), 
are omitted as obsolete.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``in accordance with good 
business methods and on such terms and conditions as he 
determines to effectuate the policy of this chapter'' and 
``upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe in 
accordance with sound business practice'' for consistency and 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50304(a)..............  46 App.:872.                   June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec. Sec.
                                                        13, 17, 41 Stat.
                                                        993, 994; Exec.
                                                        Order No. 6166,
                                                        June 10, 1933,
                                                        Sec.  12; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(44), (45),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 157.
50304(b)..............  46 App.:875 (1st par.).
50304(c)..............  46 App.:875 (last par.).

    In subsections (b) and (c), the words ``property described 
in the second paragraph of section 17 of the Merchant Marine 
Act, 1920 (ch. 250, 41 Stat. 994), as originally enacted'' are 
substituted for ``such other docks, piers, warehouses, wharves 
and terminal equipment and facilities or parts thereof, 
including all leasehold easements, rights of way, riparian 
rights and other rights, estates or interests therein or 
appurtenant thereto which were acquired . . . for military or 
naval purposes during the war emergency'', and the words 
``property described in section 17 of the Merchant Marine Act, 
1920 (ch. 250, 41 Stat. 994), as originally enacted'' are 
substituted for ``property taken over by or transferred to . . 
. under this section'', because the first paragraph of section 
17 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920, was repealed in 1981 and 
reference to that paragraph is necessary for a complete 
understanding of these provisions. The words ``Secretary of a 
military department'' are substituted for ``War Department or 
the Navy Department'' and ``Department of the Army, Department 
of the Air Force, or Department of the Navy'' for consistency 
with other titles of the United States Code. For redesignation 
of the Department of War to the Department of the Army, and for 
transfer of certain functions to newly established Department 
of the Air Force, see sections 205(a) and 207(a) and (f) of the 
National Security Act of 1947 (ch. 343, 61 Stat. 501, 502, 
    In subsection (b), the words ``possessed and controlled 
by'' are substituted for ``acquired by'' for clarity and for 
consistency in the section. The word ``best'' is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50305.................  46 App.:1247.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  908,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        95-598, title
                                                        III, Sec.  334,
                                                        Nov. 6, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2680; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(134), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(1), before clause (A), the words 
``Notwithstanding any other provision of law'' and 
``bankruptcy, equity, or admiralty'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``but the Secretary may 
demand a hearing'' are substituted for ``unless the Secretary 
shall deem a hearing necessary'' for clarity.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``subject to the orders of 
the court'' and ``comply with the terms imposed by the court'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``operating losses paid by 
the Secretary'' are substituted for ``the amount of such 
payments'' for clarity.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``vessel operated by the 
United States Government'' are substituted for ``vessel of the 
United States'' for clarity and consistency with chapter 309.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50306.................  46 App.:1124.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  214,
                                                        49 Stat. 1991;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        3, 52 Stat. 954;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-452,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        241, Oct. 15,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        930; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(72), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        159; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        237, Sec.
                                                        20(a), Mar. 20,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        89; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3132.

    In subsection (a), the word ``affirmations'' is omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definition of ``oath'' in 1 U.S.C. 
1. The words ``or any territory, district, or possession 
thereof'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the definition 
of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.
    Subsection (c) is substituted for the source provision to 
eliminate unnecessary words.


50501.  Entities deemed citizens of the United States.
50502.  Applicability to receivers, trustees, successors, and assigns.
50503.  Oceanographic research vessels.
50504.  Sailing school vessels.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50501(a)..............  46 App.:802(a) (words before   Sept. 7, 1916,
                         3d comma and after 11th        ch. 451, Sec.
                         comma).                        2(a)-(c), 39
                                                        Stat. 729; July
                                                        15, 1918, ch.
                                                        152, Sec.  2, 40
                                                        Stat. 900; June
                                                        5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  38,
                                                        41 Stat. 1008;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-327,
                                                        Sec.  3, Sept.
                                                        21, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 597; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-383,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        421, Nov. 13,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
                        46 App.:1244(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        905(c), 49 Stat.
                                                        2016; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  39(b), 52
                                                        Stat. 964; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-327, Sec.
                                                        4, Sept. 21,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
50501(b)..............  46 App.:802(a) (words between
                         3d and 11th commas).
50501(c)..............  46 App.:802(b).
50501(d)..............  46 App.:802(c).

    In subsection (a), the words ``and with respect to a 
corporation under subchapter VI of this chapter, all directors 
of the corporation are citizens of the United States'' in 46 
App. U.S.C. 1244(c) are omitted because part A of subchapter VI 
contains the operating-differential subsidy program which, 
under 46 App. U.S.C. 1185a, is being phased out, and part B of 
subchapter VI contains the Maritime Security Fleet program 
which is being repealed (effective October 1, 2005) and 
replaced by chapter 531 of title 46 as enacted by the Maritime 
Security Act of 2003. Thus, subchapter VI is being omitted from 
the revised title and will instead appear as a note under 
section 53101. The words ``and, in the case of a corporation, 
partnership, or association operating a vessel on the Great 
Lakes, or on bays, sounds, rivers, harbors, or inland lakes of 
the United States the amount of interest required to be owned 
by a citizen of the United States shall be not less than 75 per 
centum'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1244(c) are omitted as covered by 
the 75 percent ownership requirement for operation in the 
coastwise trade.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``Territory, District, or 
possession thereof'' are omitted because of the definition of 
``State'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50502.................  46 App.:803.                   Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        2(d), 39 Stat.
                                                        729; June 5,
                                                        1920, ch. 250,
                                                        Sec.  38, 41
                                                        Stat. 1008.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50503.................  46 App.:441.                   Pub. L. 89-99,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1, 3,
                                                        4, July 30,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
                        46 App.:443.
                        46 App.:444.

    The definitions of ``oceanographic research vessel'' and 
``scientific personnel'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 441 are omitted 
because substantially the same definitions are already in 46 
U.S.C. 2101.
    The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 444 is omitted because section 
10101(3) of title 46, which defines ``seaman'' for purposes of 
part G of subtitle II of title 46, already contains an 
exception for scientific personnel. Title 53 of the Revised 
Statutes, referred to 46 App. U.S.C. 444, was previously 
codified principally in part G of subtitle II of title 46.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
50504(a)..............  46 App.:446c.                  Pub. L. 97-322,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  204, 205,
                                                        207, Oct. 15,
                                                        1982, 96 Stat.
50504(b)..............  46 App.:446.
50504(c)..............  46 App.:446b.                  Pub. L. 97-322,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        206, Oct. 15,
                                                        1982, 96 Stat.
                                                        1590; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        557, Sec.
                                                        34(b), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
50504(d)..............  46 App.:446a.

    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``parts B, F, and G of 
subtitle II of this title'' are substituted for ``the 
provisions of titles 52 and 53 of the Revised Statutes of the 
United States and any Act amendatory thereof or supplementary 
thereto'' because the relevant provisions of titles 52 and 53 
of the Revised Statutes were previously codified in parts B, F, 
and G of subtitle II of title 46.
    In subsection (c), references to 46 App. U.S.C. 291 and 883 
are omitted for consistency with section 50503 of the revised 

                    Part B--Merchant Marine Service

                          CHAPTER 511--GENERAL

51101.  Policy.
51102.  Definitions.
51103.  General authority of Secretary of Transportation.
51104.  General authority of Secretary of the Navy.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51101.................  46 App.:1126-1(a) (1st         Pub. L. 94-361,
                         sentence).                     title VI, Sec.
                                                        603(a) (1st
                                                        sentence), July
                                                        14, 1976, 90
                                                        Stat. 929.
                        46 App.:1295 (1st sentence).   June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.  1301
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1997.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51102.................  46 App.:1295a.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1302, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-453,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 1997; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(143), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        324, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  708, Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3934; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3515(a), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1792.

    The definition of ``Secretary'' is omitted as unnecessary 
because the full title is used the first time the term appears 
in each section.
    In the definition of ``merchant marine office'', the words 
``documented vessel'' are substituted for ``vessel . . . which 
is documented under the laws of the United States'' because of 
the definition of ``documented vessel'' in 46 U.S.C. 2101, 
which is being moved to chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In the definition of ``State maritime academy'', the words 
``or territory of the United States'' and ``or territories of 
the United States'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
definition of ``State'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51103(a)..............  46 App.:1295 (last sentence    June 29, 1936,
                         cl. (1)).                      ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.  1301
                                                        (last sentence
                                                        cl. (1)), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1997;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(142)(A)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 166.
51103(b)..............  46 App.:1295g(b).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1308(b)-(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2007.
51103(c)..............  46 App.:1295g(c).
51103(d)..............  46 App.:1295g(d).

    In subsection (c), the word ``department'' is omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definition of ``agency'' in chapter 
1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51104.................  46 App.:1126-1(a) (last        Pub. L. 94-361,
                         sentence), (b).                title VI, Sec.
                                                        603(a) (last
                                                        sentence), (b),
                                                        July 14, 1976,
                                                        90 Stat. 929;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(76),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 160.
                        46 App.:1295 (last sentence    June 29, 1936,
                         cl. (2)).                      ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.  1301
                                                        (last sentence
                                                        cl. (2)), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1997;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(142)(B)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 166.


51301.  Maintenance of the Academy.
51302.  Nomination and competitive appointment of cadets.
51303.  Non-competitive appointments.
51304.  Additional appointments from particular areas.
51305.  Prohibited basis for appointment.
51306.  Cadet commitment agreements.
51307.  Places of training.
51308.  Uniforms, textbooks, and transportation allowances.
51309.  Academic degree.
51310.  Deferment of service obligation under cadet commitment 
51311.  Midshipman status in the Naval Reserve.
51312.  Board of Visitors.
51313.  Advisory Board.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51301.................  46 App.:1295b(a).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(a), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1998.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51302(a)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(1)(A).        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        ), as added Pub.
                                                        L. 96-453, Sec.
                                                        2, Oct. 15,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        1998; Pub. L.
                                                        101-595, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        708(1), (2),
                                                        Nov. 16, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 2995.
                        46 App.:1295b(b)(2)(A)
                         (related to nominations).
51302(b)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(1) (less cl.
                        46 App.:1295b(b)(3)(A)(ii)
                         (related to who may be
51302(c)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(3)(A) (less
                         (ii) (related to who may be
51302(d)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(2)(A)
                         (related to selection), (B),
                         (3)(B), (C).

    In subsection (b)(6)(A), the words ``residents, or sons or 
daughters of residents, of an area or installation'' are 
substituted for ``a resident of the area or installation'' in 
46 App. U.S.C. 1295b(b)(1)(B) and ``sons or daughters of 
residents of any area or installation'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 
1295b(b)(3)(A)(ii) to resolve an inconsistency in the source 
law and to conform to the probable intent of Congress. Although 
46 App. U.S.C. 1295b(b)(1)(B) provides that a nominee must be a 
resident, 46 App. U.S.C. 1295b(b)(3)(A)(ii) allocates positions 
only for sons or daughters of residents.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51303.................  46 App.:1295b(b)(3)(D).        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1999.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51304(a)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(5)(A), (B).   June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1999;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-368,
                                                        Sec.  5, Aug. 1,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        776; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        595, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  708(3),
                                                        Nov. 16, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 2995.
51304(b)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(6)(A)-(C).
51304(c)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(7)(A), (B).
51304(d)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(5)(C),
                         (6)(D), (7)(C).

    The word ``appoint'' is substituted for ``designate'' and 
``permit'' for consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51305.................  46 App.:1295b(b)(3)(E).        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1999.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51306(a)..............  46 App.:1295b(e)(1).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2000;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(144)(A)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 166;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-595,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        707(a), Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2995; Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3515(b), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1792.
51306(b)..............  46 App.:1295b(e)(2).
51306(c)..............  46 App.:1295b(e)(3).
51306(d)..............  46 App.:1295b(e)(4).

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``after the 
date occurring 6 months after October 1, 1981'' are omitted as 
obsolete. In clause (2), the words ``before graduating'' are 
substituted for ``on or before the date of graduation'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words. In clause (5)(A), the words ``or 
territories'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
definition of ``State'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In subsection (d), the words ``bring a civil action'' are 
substituted for ``begin court proceedings'' for consistency in 
the revised title and with rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil 
Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51307.................  46 App.:1295b(f).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2002.

    In clause (2), the words ``with the permission of the 
owner'' are substituted for ``if the owner . . . cooperates in 
such use'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51308.................  46 App.:1295b(d).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2000.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51309(a)..............  46 App.:1295b(g)(1).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(g), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2002;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3515(c), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1794.
51309(b)..............  46 App.:1295b(g)(2).
51309(c)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(8).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(b)(8), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1997;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-368,
                                                        Sec.  5, Aug. 1,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51310.................  46 App.:1295b(e)(5).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(e)(5), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2001;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(144)(B)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 166;
                                                        Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1793.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51311(a)..............  46 App.:1295b(b)(3)(F).        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        (c), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-453,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 1999,
                                                        2000; Pub. L.
                                                        105-261, div. A,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        568, Oct. 17,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
                                                        2031; Pub. L.
                                                        106-65, div. A,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        1066(b)(5), Oct.
                                                        5, 1999, 113
                                                        Stat. 772.
51311(b)..............  46 App.:1295b(c).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51312.................  46 App.:1295b(h).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(h), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2002;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-35,
                                                        title XVI, Sec.
                                                        1607, Aug. 13,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        752; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        595, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  703, Nov.
                                                        16, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 2994.

    The words ``Committee on Transportation and 
Infrastructure'' are substituted for ``Committee on Merchant 
Marine and Fisheries'' to reflect changes in committee 
structure made by the 104th Congress.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51313.................  46 App.:1295b(i).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1303(i), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2002;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(144)(C)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 166.


51501.  General support program.
51502.  Detailing of personnel.
51503.  Regional maritime academies.
51504.  Use of training vessels.
51505.  Annual payments for maintenance and support.
51506.  Conditions to receiving payments and use of vessels.
51507.  Places of training.
51508.  Allowances for students.
51509.  Student incentive payment agreements.
51510.  Deferment of service obligation under student incentive payment 
51511.  Midshipman status in the Naval Reserve.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51501(a)..............  46 App.:1295c(a).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(a), (d)(2),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2003,
51501(b)..............  46 App.:1295c(d)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51502.................  46 App.:1295c(e).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2004.

    The reference to territories is omitted as unnecessary 
because of the definition of ``State'' in chapter 1 of the 
revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51503.................  46 App.:1295c(b).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(b), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2003.

    The reference to territories is omitted as unnecessary 
because of the definition of ``State'' in chapter 1 of the 
revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51504(a)..............  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A)(ii),    June 29, 1936,
                         (v).                           ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(c)(1), (2),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2003.
51504(b)..............  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A) (1st
                         sentence words before
                         ``meeting the
51504(c)(1)...........  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A)(ii).
51504(c)(2)...........  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A) (1st
                         sentence words beginning
                         with ``meeting the
51504(c)(3)...........  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A)(iii).
51504(d)(1)...........  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A)(i).
51504(d)(2)...........  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(A)(iv).
51504(e)..............  46 App.:1295c(c)(1)(B).
51504(f)..............  46 App.:1295c(c)(2).
51504(g)..............  46 App.:1295c note.            Pub. L. 101-115,
                                                        Sec.  4, Oct.
                                                        13, 1989, 103
                                                        Stat. 692; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-595,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        705, Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the reference to territories is omitted 
as unnecessary because of the definition of ``State'' in 
chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In subsection (e), before clause (1), the word ``agency'' 
is substituted for ``department or agency of the United 
States'' because of the definition of ``agency'' in chapter 1 
of the revised title.
    In subsection (g), the 1st-3d sentences of section 4 of 
Public Law 101-115 are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51505.................  46 App.:1295c(d)(1).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(d)(1), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2004;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-115,
                                                        Sec.  5, Oct.
                                                        13, 1989, 103
                                                        Stat. 693.

    In subsection (b)(1), the reference to territories is 
omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of ``State'' 
in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51506.................  46 App.:1295c(f).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2004;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-115,
                                                        Sec.  3(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1989, 103
                                                        Stat. 692.

    In subsection (a)(3), the words ``administered by the Coast 
Guard'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51507.................  46 App.:1295c(c)(3)(A).        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2003.

    In clause (2), the words ``with the permission of the 
owner'' are substituted for ``if the owner . . . cooperates in 
such use'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51508.................  46 App.:1295c(c)(3)(B).        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2004.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51509(a)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(1) (words     June 29, 1936,
                         before 5th comma, cl. (A)),    ch. 858, title
                         (8).                           XIII, Sec.
                                                        (8), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-453,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 2004,
                                                        2006; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(145)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-115, Sec.
                                                         2(a)-(d), Oct.
                                                        13, 1989, 103
                                                        Stat. 691; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-587,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        6201(a)(1), (b),
                                                        (c), Nov. 4,
                                                        1992, 106 Stat.
                                                        5093; Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3515(d), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1794.
51509(b)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(1) (words
                         between 5th comma and dash,
                         cls. (B), (C)).
51509(c)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(2)
51509(d)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(3)
51509(e)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(4)
51509(f)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(5)
51509(g)..............  46 App.:1295c(g)(6)

    In subsection (a), the text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1295c(g)(8) 
is omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (g), the words ``bring a civil action'' are 
substituted for ``begin court proceedings'' for consistency in 
the revised title and with rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil 
Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51510.................  46 App.:1295c(g)(7).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(g)(7), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2006;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(145)(B)
                                                        , Aug. 6, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 166;
                                                        Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1795.

    The words ``affected military department'' are substituted 
for ``military department . . . which has jurisdiction over 
such service'' for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51511.................  46 App.:1295c(h).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(h), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2006.


51701.  United States Maritime Service.
51702.  Civilian nautical schools.
51703.  Additional training.
51704.  Training for maritime oil pollution prevention, response, and 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51701.................  46 App.:1295e.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1306, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-453,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 2006; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3515(e), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1795; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3515(e), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1795.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51702.................  46 App.:1295f.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1307, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-453,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 2007; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-89, Sec.
                                                        4(b), Aug. 26,
                                                        1983, 97 Stat.

    The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1295f(d) is omitted because it 
apparently was intended to apply to former 46 App. U.S.C. 
1295f(c), which was repealed in 1983.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51703.................  46 App.:1295d(a), (b).         June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1305(a), (b), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 96-
                                                        453, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 2006.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``as the 
Secretary deems necessary'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``with any person, 
partnership, firm, association, or corporation'' and ``the 
performance of'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51704(a)..............  46 App.:1295d(c)(1).           June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1305(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        101-595, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  712,
                                                        Nov. 16, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 2998.
51704(b)..............  46 App.:1295d(c)(2)(A), (4).
51704(c)..............  46 App.:1295d(c)(2)(B), (3).

    In subsection (c)(5), the words ``or titled under the law 
of a State'' are substituted for ``documented under the laws of 
. . . any State'' for consistency with the terminology in 46 
U.S.C. 2101(46) (which is being moved to chapter 1 of the 
revised title) and 46 U.S.C. ch. 125.


51901.  Awards for individual acts or service.
51902.  Gallant Ship Award.
51903.  Multiple awards.
51904.  Presentation to representatives.
51905.  Flags and grave markers.
51906.  Special certificates for civilian service to armed forces.
51907.  Manufacture and sale of awards and replacements.
51908.  Prohibition against unauthorized manufacture, sale, possession, 
          or display of awards.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51901(a)..............  46 App.:2001.                  Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  2, 3,
                                                        5(d), May 30,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        576, 577.
                        46 App.:2004(d).
51901(b)..............  46 App.:2002.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51902.................  46 App.:2003.                  Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  4, May 30,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``a vessel (including a 
foreign vessel)'' are substituted for ``a United States vessel 
or to a foreign-flag vessel'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51903.................  46 App.:2004(a).               Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  5(a), May
                                                        30, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 576.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51904.................  46 App.:2004(b).               Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  5(b), May
                                                        30, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 577.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51905.................  46 App.:2005.                  Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  6, May 30,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51906.................  46 App.:2006.                  Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  7, May 30,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51907.................  46 App.:2004(c).               Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  5(c), May
                                                        30, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 577.

    The Secretary's authority to provide decorations and medals 
at cost, or to authorize the sale of decorations and medals at 
reasonable prices, is restated to apply only to replacement 
awards because Congress probably did not intend that recipients 
being honored would pay for their decorations and medals.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
51908.................  46 App.:2007.                  Pub. L. 100-324,
                                                        Sec.  8, May 30,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``not more than'' are added 
for clarity and for consistency in the revised title.

                       CHAPTER 521--MISCELLANEOUS

52101.  Reemployment rights for certain merchant seamen.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
52101.................  46 App.:1132.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        III, Sec.  302,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        104-239, Sec.
                                                        10(a), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

    In subsection (c)(1)(B), the words ``(as applicable)'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (d), the words ``certificate described in 
section 9(a) of the Military Selective Service Act (50 App. 
U.S.C. 459(a))'' are substituted for ``certificate referred to 
in paragraph (1) of section 4301(a) of title 38'' because 
section 4301 of title 38 was amended generally by section 2(a) 
of Public Law 103-353, and before the amendment section 
4301(a)(1) referred to a certificate described in section 9(a) 
of the Military Selective Service Act (50 App. U.S.C. 459(a)).

                 Part C--Financial Assistance Programs


    This chapter was enacted by Public Law 108-136, title XXXV, 
Sec. 3531(a), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1803.


53301.  Definitions.
53302.  Authority for construction reserve funds.
53303.  Persons eligible to establish funds.
53304.  Vessel ownership.
53305.  Eligible fund deposits.
53306.  Recognition of gain for tax purposes.
53307.  Basis for determining gain or loss and for depreciating new 
53308.  Order and proportions of deposits and withdrawals.
53309.  Accumulation of deposits.
53310.  Obligation of deposits and period for construction of certain 
53311.  Taxation of deposits on failure of conditions.
53312.  Assessment and collection of deficiency tax.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53301(a)(1)...........  46 App.:1161(n).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(n),
                                                        as added Dec.
                                                        23, 1944, ch.
                                                        714, Sec.  2, 58
                                                        Stat. 920; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(92)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.
53301(a)(2)(A)........  46 App.:1161(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(a),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.
                                                        1106; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(92)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.
53301(a)(2)(B)........  46 App.:1161(o).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(o),
                                                        as added July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec.  14,
                                                        66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(92)(A),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.
53301(b)..............  46 App.:1161(m).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(m),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(2)(A)(i), the words ``constructed with a 
construction-differential subsidy under title V of the Merchant 
Marine Act, 1936, or constructed with financing or a financing 
guarantee under chapter 537 or 575 of this title'' are 
substituted for ``the construction of which has been financed 
under subchapters V or VII of this chapter, or the construction 
of which has been aided by a mortgage insured under subchapter 
XI of this chapter'' because of the reorganization of the 
material and the omission from the revised title of the 
provisions relating to the construction-differential subsidy 
    Subsection (a)(2)(B) is substituted for the source 
provision to state more directly that a vessel described in the 
source provision is a new vessel for purposes of this chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53302(a)..............  46 App.:1161(b) (1st sentence  June 29, 1936,
                         words before 6th comma and     ch. 858, title
                         between 10th and 16th          V, Sec.  511(b)
                         commas).                       (1st sentence
                                                        words before 6th
                                                        comma and
                                                        between 10th and
                                                        16th commas,
                                                        last sentence),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.
                                                        1106; June 17,
                                                        1943, ch. 130,
                                                        subdiv. (a), 57
                                                        Stat. 157; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec.  9, 66
                                                        Stat. 762; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(92)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.
53302(b)..............  46 App.:1161(b) (last

    In subsection (a), the words ``necessary to carrying out 
the policy set forth in section 1101 of this Appendix'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53303.................  46 App.:1161(b) (1st sentence  June 29, 1936,
                         words between 6th and 10th     ch. 858, title
                         commas).                       V, Sec.  511(b)
                                                        (1st sentence
                                                        words between
                                                        6th and 10th
                                                        commas), as
                                                        added Oct. 10,
                                                        1940, ch. 849,
                                                        54 Stat. 1106;
                                                        June 17, 1943,
                                                        ch. 130, subdiv.
                                                        (a), 57 Stat.
                                                        157; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec.  9, 66
                                                        Stat. 762.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53304.................  46 App.:1161(l).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(l),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53305.................  46 App.:1161(b) (1st sentence  June 29, 1936,
                         words after 16th comma).       ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(b)
                                                        (1st sentence
                                                        words after 16th
                                                        comma), as added
                                                        Oct. 10, 1940,
                                                        ch. 849, 54
                                                        Stat. 1106; June
                                                        17, 1943, ch.
                                                        130, subdiv.
                                                        (a), 57 Stat.
                                                        157; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec.  9, 66
                                                        Stat. 762.

    In clause (3), the words ``documented vessel'' are 
substituted for ``vessels documented under the laws of the 
United States'' because of the definition of ``documented 
vessel'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In clause (4), the words ``interest or other amounts 
accrued on deposits in the fund'' are substituted for 
``receipts, in the form of interest or otherwise, with respect 
to amounts previously deposited'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53306.................  46 App.:1161(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(c),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.
                                                        1106; June 17,
                                                        1943, ch. 130,
                                                        subdiv. (b), 57
                                                        Stat. 157; Dec.
                                                        23, 1944, ch.
                                                        714, Sec.  1, 58
                                                        Stat. 920; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec.  10,
                                                        66 Stat. 762.

    In subsection (c)(2), the words ``in any taxable year 
beginning after December 31, 1939'' are omitted as obsolete. 
The words ``prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury'' are 
substituted for ``prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal 
Revenue with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury'' 
for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of 
the United States Code. See 26 U.S.C. 7805.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53307.................  46 App.:1161(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(d),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.
                                                        1106; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec.  11, 66
                                                        Stat. 763.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53308.................  46 App.:1161(e).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(e),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53309.................  46 App.:1161(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(f),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.

    The words ``are deemed to have been retained for the 
reasonable needs of the business within the meaning of section 
537(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 
537(a))'' are substituted for ``shall not constitute an 
accumulation of earnings or profits within the meaning of 
section 102 of the Internal Revenue Code'' because section 102 
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 has been superseded by 
part 1 of subchapter G of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue 
Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 531 et seq.). See also 46 C.F.R. 
Sec. 287.16 (2003).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53310(a)..............  46 App.:1161(g) (less          June 29, 1936,
                         (1)(B)).                       ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(g),
                                                        (h), as added
                                                        Oct. 10, 1940,
                                                        ch. 849, 54
                                                        Stat. 1107; June
                                                        17, 1943, ch.
                                                        130, subdivs.
                                                        (c), (d), 57
                                                        Stat. 158; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec. Sec.
                                                        12, 13(a), 66
                                                        Stat. 763; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-237, Sec.
                                                        1, Sept. 8,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        471; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        303, Sec.  3,
                                                        Sept. 26, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 661;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-782,
                                                        Sec.  1, Oct.
                                                        10, 1962, 76
                                                        Stat. 796; Pub.
                                                        L. 88-227, Sec.
                                                        1, Dec. 23,
                                                        1963, 77 Stat.
                                                        470; Pub. L. 88-
                                                        595, Sec.  1,
                                                        Sept. 12, 1964,
                                                        78 Stat. 943;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(92),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.
53310(b)..............  46 App.:1161(g)(1)(B).
53310(c)..............  46 App.:1161(h).

    In this section, the language about joint regulations in 46 
App. U.S.C. 1161(g) and (h) is omitted as unnecessary because 
of section 53302(b) of the revised title.
    In subsection (a), the words ``(i) two years from the date 
of deposit or the date of any extension thereof which may be 
granted by the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to the 
provisions of subsection (h) of this section, in the case of 
deposits made prior to the date on which these amendatory 
provisions become effective, or'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1161(g)(1) 
and (2) are omitted as obsolete. In clause (1)(A), the words 
``or, with the approval of the Secretary of Transportation, for 
a part interest in a new vessel or for the reconstruction or 
reconditioning of a new vessel'' are substituted for ``(or in 
the discretion of the Secretary of Transportation, for a part 
interest therein), or, with the approval of the Secretary of 
Transportation, for the reconstruction or reconditioning of a 
new vessel or vessels'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the proviso in 46 App. U.S.C. 1161(h) is 
omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53311.................  46 App.:1161(i).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(i),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.
                                                        1107; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec.  13(b), 66
                                                        Stat. 764; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(92)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.

    The last sentence of 46 App. U.S.C. 1161(i) is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53312.................  46 App.:1161(j).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  511(j),
                                                        as added Oct.
                                                        10, 1940, ch.
                                                        849, 54 Stat.

    The words ``Notwithstanding any other provision of law'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.


53501.  Definitions.
53502.  Regulations.
53503.  Establishing a capital construction fund.
53504.  Deposits and withdrawals.
53505.  Ceiling on deposits.
53506.  Investment and fiduciary requirements.
53507.  Nontaxation of deposits.
53508.  Separate accounts within a fund.
53509.  Qualified withdrawals.
53510.  Tax treatment of qualified withdrawals and basis of property.
53511.  Tax treatment of nonqualified withdrawals.
53512.  FIFO and LIFO withdrawals.
53513.  Corporate reorganizations and partnership changes.
53514.  Relationship of old fund to new fund.
53515.  Records and reports.
53516.  Termination of agreement after change in regulations.
53517.  Reports.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53501(1)..............  46 App.:1177(b)(3), (k)(3).    June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        (k)(1)-(3), (5)-
                                                        (9), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1027, 1031,
                                                        1032; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        116, Oct. 1,
                                                        1973, 87 Stat.
                                                        421; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(97), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
53501(2)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(1).
                        46 App.:1177-1.                Pub. L. 94-455,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                         807, Oct. 4,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
53501(3)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(6).
53501(4)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(8).
53501(5)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(1) (last
                         sentence), (2).
                        46 App.:1177-1.
53501(6)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(9).
53501(7)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(5).
53501(8)..............  46 App.:1177(k)(7).

    In clause (2)(A)(iii), the word ``trade'' is substituted 
for ``commerce'' for consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53502.................  46 App.:1177(l) (2d            June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  607(l)
                                                        (2d sentence),
                                                        49 Stat. 2005;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  23-28, 52
                                                        Stat. 960; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  10,
                                                        53 Stat. 1185;
                                                        July 17, 1952,
                                                        ch. 939, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  17-19, 66
                                                        Stat. 764; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-637, Aug.
                                                        14, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        45, Sec.  6, May
                                                        27, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 91; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-271, Sept.
                                                        21, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1032; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(97)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.

    Subsection (a) is added for clarity because various 
provisions of the source language for this chapter imply that 
the Secretary is to prescribe regulations individually (except 
for regulations affecting a determination of tax liability). 
See, e.g., 46 App. U.S.C. 1177(a) (last sentence), (f)(1) (last 
sentence), and (l) (last sentence).
    In subsection (b), the words ``not inconsistent with the 
foregoing provisions of this section, as may be necessary or 
appropriate'' are omitted as surplus.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53503(a)..............  46 App.:1177(a) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  607(a)
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        (2d sentence
                                                        related to
                                                        purpose), 49
                                                        Stat. 2005; June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec. Sec.
                                                        23-28, 52 Stat.
                                                        960; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  10, 53
                                                        Stat. 1185; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec. Sec.
                                                        17-19, 66 Stat.
                                                        764; Pub. L. 85-
                                                        637, Aug. 14,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        518, Sec.  1,
                                                        June 12, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-45,
                                                        Sec.  6, May 27,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        91; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        271, Sept. 21,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        570; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  21(a),
                                                        Oct. 21, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1026;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(97)(A),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.
53503(b)..............  46 App.:1177(a) (2d sentence
                         related to purpose).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53504(a)..............  46 App.:1177(a) (2d sentence   June 29, 1936,
                         related to deposits).          ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  607(a)
                                                        (2d sentence
                                                        related to
                                                        deposits), (last
                                                        sentence), 49
                                                        Stat. 2005; June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec. Sec.
                                                        23-28, 52 Stat.
                                                        960; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  10, 53
                                                        Stat. 1185; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec. Sec.
                                                        17-19, 66 Stat.
                                                        764; Pub. L. 85-
                                                        637, Aug. 14,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        518, Sec.  1,
                                                        June 12, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-45,
                                                        Sec.  6, May 27,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        91; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        271, Sept. 21,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        570; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  21(a),
                                                        Oct. 21, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1026;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(97)(A),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.
53504(b)..............  46 App.:1177(a) (last

    In subsection (a), the words ``agreed to be appropriate'' 
are substituted for ``agreed upon as necessary or appropriate'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53505.................  46 App.:1177(b)(1), (2).       June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(b)(1), (2),
                                                        49 Stat. 2005;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  23-28, 52
                                                        Stat. 960; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  10,
                                                        53 Stat. 1185;
                                                        July 17, 1952,
                                                        ch. 939, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  17-19, 66
                                                        Stat. 764; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-637, Aug.
                                                        14, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        45, Sec.  6, May
                                                        27, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 91; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-271, Sept.
                                                        21, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(1), the word ``trade'' is substituted for 
``commerce'' for consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53506.................  46 App.:1177(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(c), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1027; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(97)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.

    In subsection (b)(1)(B), the words ``prudent investor'' are 
substituted for ``prudent men of discretion and intelligence in 
such matters'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53507.................  46 App.:1177(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(d), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1028; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        514, title II,
                                                        Sec.  261(e)(1),
                                                        (2), Oct. 22,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53508.................  46 App.:1177(e).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(e), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1028; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        514, title II,
                                                        Sec.  261(e)(3),
                                                        (4), Oct. 22,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53509.................  46 App.:1177(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(f), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1029; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(97)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.

    In subsection (c), the words ``any amount in the fund'' are 
substituted for ``the entire fund or any portion thereof'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53510.................  46 App.:1177(g).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(g); 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1029; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        514, title II,
                                                        Sec.  261(e)(5),
                                                        Oct. 22, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 2215.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53511.................  46 App.:1177(h) (less (2)      June 29, 1936,
                         (last sentence)).              ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  607(h)
                                                        (less (2) (last
                                                        sentence)), 49
                                                        Stat. 2005; June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec. Sec.
                                                        23-28, 52 Stat.
                                                        960; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  10, 53
                                                        Stat. 1185; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec. Sec.
                                                        17-19, 66 Stat.
                                                        764; Pub. L. 85-
                                                        637, Aug. 14,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        518, Sec.  1,
                                                        June 12, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-45,
                                                        Sec.  6, May 27,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        91; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        271, Sept. 21,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        570; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  21(a),
                                                        Oct. 21, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1030;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(97)(A),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-514, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        261(e)(6), Oct.
                                                        22, 1986, 100
                                                        Stat. 2215; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-647,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1002(m)(2), Nov.
                                                        10, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 3382; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-508,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 5, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 1388-
                                                        405; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        34, title III,
                                                        Sec.  311(c)(2),
                                                        Aug. 5, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 835;
                                                        Pub. L. 108-27,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        May 28, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 758.

    In subsection (c)(3)(C), the words ``or in the case of any 
nonqualified withdrawal arising from the application of the 
recapture provision of section 1176(5) of this Appendix as in 
effect on December 31, 1969'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (d), the words ``made in a taxable year 
beginning in 1970 or 1971 is 8 percent'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53512.................  46 App.:1177(h)(2) (last       June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(h)(2) (last
                                                        sentence), 49
                                                        Stat. 2005; June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec. Sec.
                                                        23-28, 52 Stat.
                                                        960; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  10, 53
                                                        Stat. 1185; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec. Sec.
                                                        17-19, 66 Stat.
                                                        764; Pub. L. 85-
                                                        637, Aug. 14,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        518, Sec.  1,
                                                        June 12, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-45,
                                                        Sec.  6, May 27,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        91; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        271, Sept. 21,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        570; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  21(a),
                                                        Oct. 21, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1030.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53513.................  46 App.:1177(i).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(i), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53514.................  46 App.:1177(j).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(j), 49 Stat.
                                                        2005; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  23-28
                                                        , 52 Stat. 960;
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        10, 53 Stat.
                                                        1185; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  17-19
                                                        , 66 Stat. 764;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-637,
                                                        Aug. 14, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 216;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  1, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-45, Sec.
                                                        6, May 27, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 91;
                                                        Pub. L. 87-271,
                                                        Sept. 21, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53515.................  46 App.:1177(l) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  607(l)
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        49 Stat. 2005;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  23-28, 52
                                                        Stat. 960; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  10,
                                                        53 Stat. 1185;
                                                        July 17, 1952,
                                                        ch. 939, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  17-19, 66
                                                        Stat. 764; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-637, Aug.
                                                        14, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        45, Sec.  6, May
                                                        27, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 91; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-271, Sept.
                                                        21, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1032; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(97)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53516.................  46 App.:1177(l) (last          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  607(l)
                                                        (last sentence),
                                                        49 Stat. 2005;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  23-28, 52
                                                        Stat. 960; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  10,
                                                        53 Stat. 1185;
                                                        July 17, 1952,
                                                        ch. 939, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  17-19, 66
                                                        Stat. 764; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-637, Aug.
                                                        14, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 216; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        45, Sec.  6, May
                                                        27, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 91; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-271, Sept.
                                                        21, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 570;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        91-469, Sec.
                                                        21(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1032; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(97)(A), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53517.................  46 App.:1177(m).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        607(m), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 99-514,
                                                        Sec.  261(d),
                                                        Oct. 22, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 2214.

                   CHAPTER 537--LOANS AND GUARANTEES

                          SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

53701.  Definitions.
53702.  General authority.
53703.  Application procedures.
53704.  Funding limits.
53705.  Pledge of United States Government.
53706.  Eligible purposes of obligations.
53707.  Findings related to obligors and operators.
53708.  Findings related to economic soundness.
53709.  Amount of obligations.
53710.  Contents of obligations.
53711.  Security interest.
53712.  Monitoring financial condition and operations of obligor.
53713.  Administrative fees.
53714.  Guarantee fees.
53715.  Escrow fund.
53716.  Deposit fund.
53717.  Management of funds in the Treasury.
53718.  Annual report to Congress.


53721.  Rights of obligee.
53722.  Actions by Secretary.
53723.  Payments by Secretary and issuance of obligations.
53724.  Rights to secured property.
53725.  Actions against obligor.


53731.  Commercial demonstration ocean thermal energy conversion 
          facilities and plantships.
53732.  Eligible export vessels.
53733.  Shipyard modernization and improvement.
53734.  Replacement of vessels because of changes in operating 
53735.  Fisheries financing and capacity reduction.

                         SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53701(1)..............  46 App.:1271(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1101,
                                                        as added June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec.  46,
                                                        52 Stat. 969;
                                                        Sept. 3, 1954,
                                                        ch. 1265, Sec.
                                                        1, 68 Stat.
                                                        1267; Aug. 7,
                                                        1956, ch. 1026,
                                                        Sec.  1(a), (b),
                                                        70 Stat. 1087;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-127,
                                                        Sec.  1(1), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 272; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-685, Sec.
                                                        1, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        303, Sec.  2,
                                                        Sept. 26, 1961,
                                                        75 Stat. 661;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  29, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 92-507, Sec.
                                                        1, Oct. 19,
                                                        1972, 86 Stat.
                                                        909; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        320, title II,
                                                        Sec.  202(a),
                                                        Aug. 3, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 992; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-561, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        220(1), Dec. 22,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        3291; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(135), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        165; Pub. L. 100-
                                                        710, title I,
                                                        Sec.  104(d),
                                                        Nov. 23, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4750;
                                                        Pub. L. 102-567,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        304, Oct. 29,
                                                        1992, 106 Stat.
                                                        4283; Pub. L.
                                                        103-160, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1357(b), Nov.
                                                        30, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 1812,
                                                        1815; Pub. L.
                                                        104-208, title
                                                        I, Sec.  101
                                                        [title II, Sec.
                                                        211(b)], Sept.
                                                        30, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3009-41;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-239,
                                                        Sec.  11(1),
                                                        Oct. 8, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3134;
                                                        Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3521(b), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1799.
53701(2)..............  46 App.:1271(h).
53701(3)..............  46 App.:1271(g).
53701(4)..............  46 App.:1271(o).
53701(5)..............  46 App.:1271(j), (k), (m).
53701(6)..............  46 App.:1271(l).
53701(7)..............  46 App.:1271(a).
53701(8)..............  46 App.:1271(c).
53701(9)..............  46 App.:1271(e).
53701(10).............  46 App.:1271(d).
53701(11).............  46 App.:1271(i).
53701(12).............  46 App.:1271(n).
53701(13).............  46 App.:1271(b).

    In paragraph (2), the words ``but shall not be limited to'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.
    In paragraph (4)(B), the words ``become or remain'' are 
substituted for ``be placed under or continued to be'' for 
    In paragraph (5)(B)(i), the words ``individual who is a 
citizen of the United States'' are substituted for ``individual 
who is a citizen or national of the United States or a citizen 
of the Northern Mariana Islands'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1271(k) 
because of the definition of ``citizen of the United States'' 
in chapter 1 of the revised title. Citizens of the Northern 
Mariana Islands became citizens or non-citizen nationals of the 
United States (either of which is a ``citizen of the United 
States'' as defined in chapter 1 of the revised title) when the 
Covenant establishing the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 
Islands became effective on November 4, 1986.
    In paragraph (5)(B)(ii), the words ``corporation, 
partnership, association, or other'' are omitted as suplus. The 
words ``the term `State' as used therein includes any State, 
the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 
American Samoa, the Virgin Islands of the United States, Guam, 
the Northern Mariana Islands, or any other Commonwealth, 
territory, or possession of the United States'' in 46 App. 
U.S.C. 1271(k) are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
definitions of ``State'' and ``United States'' in chapter 1 of 
the revised title. The definition of ``United States'' in 46 
App. U.S.C. 1271(m) is omitted as unnecessary because of the 
definition of ``United States'' in chapter 1. The words ``and 
nationals of the United States or citizens of the Northern 
Mariana Islands shall be treated as citizens of the United 
States in meeting such ownership requirement'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definition of ``citizen of the 
United States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In paragraph (8), before clause (A), the words ``instrument 
of indebtedness'' are substituted for ``note, bond, debenture, 
or other evidence of indebtedness'' to eliminate unnecessary 
words. In clause (B), the reference to section 53717 is 
substituted for the reference to 46 App. U.S.C. 1272 because 
the accounts under section 53717 replace the Federal Ship 
Financing Fund. See the explanation for section 53717.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53702(a)..............  46 App.:1273(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(a), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 969; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  1, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  3,
                                                        68 Stat. 1268;
                                                        June 25, 1956,
                                                        ch. 438, 70
                                                        Stat. 332; Aug.
                                                        7, 1956, ch.
                                                        1026, Sec.
                                                        1(a), (c), (d),
                                                        70 Stat. 1087;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  30, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        92-507, Sec.  3,
                                                        Oct. 19, 1972,
                                                        86 Stat. 910;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-509, title
                                                        V, Sec.  5002,
                                                        Oct. 21, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 1912;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-160,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1356(5), Nov.
                                                        30, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 1814.
53702(b)..............  46 App.:1279g.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1112,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        104-297, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303(a), Oct. 11,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``on terms the Secretary may 
prescribe'' are added based on language in 46 App. U.S.C. 
1274(a) (before cl. (1)). The words ``the unpaid balance of'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53703(a)..............  46 App.:1274(n).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(l), (n),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec. Sec.
                                                        3523(b), 3525,
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1800,
53703(b)..............  46 App.:1274(l).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53704(a)..............  46 App.:1273(f) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(f), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 969; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  1, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  3,
                                                        68 Stat. 1268;
                                                        June 25, 1956,
                                                        ch. 438, 70
                                                        Stat. 332; Aug.
                                                        7, 1956, ch.
                                                        1026, Sec.
                                                        1(a), (c), (d),
                                                        70 Stat. 1087;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  30, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        92-507, Sec.  3,
                                                        Oct. 19, 1972,
                                                        86 Stat. 910;
                                                        Pub. L. 93-70,
                                                        Sec.  3, July
                                                        10, 1973, 87
                                                        Stat. 168; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-127, Sec.
                                                        5, Nov. 13,
                                                        1975, 89 Stat.
                                                        681; Pub. L. 95-
                                                        298, Sec.  5,
                                                        June 26, 1978,
                                                        92 Stat. 340;
                                                        Pub. L. 96-320,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        203(b)(1), Aug.
                                                        3, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 994; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-561, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        220(2), Dec. 22,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        3292; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        35, title XVI,
                                                        Sec.  1606(a),
                                                        (b), Aug. 13,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        752; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        424, title IV,
                                                        Sec.  425, Jan.
                                                        6, 1983, 96
                                                        Stat. 2167; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-160,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1812;
                                                        Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3528(b), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1802.
53704(b)..............  46 App.:1273(f) (2d, last
53704(c)..............  46 App.:1273(h).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(h), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-239, Sec.
                                                        13(a), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        3134; Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3528(b), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1802.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53705(a)..............  46 App.:1273(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(d), (e)
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        as added June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec.  46,
                                                        52 Stat. 969;
                                                        Aug. 15, 1953,
                                                        ch. 513, Sec.
                                                        1, 67 Stat. 626;
                                                        Sept. 3, 1954,
                                                        ch. 1265, Sec.
                                                        3, 68 Stat.
                                                        1268; June 25,
                                                        1956, ch. 438,
                                                        70 Stat. 332;
                                                        Aug. 7, 1956,
                                                        ch. 1026, Sec.
                                                        1(a), (c), (d),
                                                        70 Stat. 1087;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  30, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        92-507, Sec.  3,
                                                        Oct. 19, 1972,
                                                        86 Stat. 910;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-595, Sec.
                                                        1(1), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
53705(b)..............  46 App.:1273(e) (1st

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53706(a)..............  46 App.:1274(a) (less last     June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(a) [Sec.
                                                        1104A formerly
                                                        Sec.  1104], as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 970; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  14,
                                                        53 Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 910; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-320, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        202(b), Aug. 3,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        992; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        561, title II,
                                                        Sec.  220(3)(A),
                                                        Dec. 22, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 3292;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-595, Sec.
                                                        1(2)-(5), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3130; Sec.
                                                         1104 renumbered
                                                        as Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-160,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1813;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-208,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        101 [title II,
                                                        Sec.  211(b)],
                                                        Sept. 30, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3009-
                                                        41; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        297, title III,
                                                        Sec.  302(a)(1)-
                                                        (4), Oct. 11,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
53706(b)..............  46 App.:1274(a) (last
53706(c)..............  46 App.:1273(i), (j).          June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(i), (j), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        X, Sec.
                                                        1014(a), title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3544, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.
                                                        1591, 1822.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``To be 
eligible for a guarantee under this chapter, an obligation must 
aid in any of the following'' are substituted for ``Pursuant to 
the authority granted under section 1273(a) of this Appendix, 
the Secretary, upon such terms as he shall prescribe, may 
guarantee or make a commitment to guarantee, payment of the 
principal of and interest on an obligation which aids in'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``citizens of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``citizens or nationals of the 
United States or citizens of the Northern Mariana Islands'' 
because of the definition of ``citizen of the United States'' 
in chapter 1 of the revised title. Citizens of the Northern 
Mariana Islands became citizens or non-citizen nationals of the 
United States (either of which is a ``citizen of the United 
States'' as defined in chapter 1 of the revised title) when the 
Covenant establishing the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 
Islands became effective November 4, 1986.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53707(a)..............  46 App.:1274(b)(1).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        [Sec.  1104A
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        1104], as added
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        46, 52 Stat.
                                                        970; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  14, 53
                                                        Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 911; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521.
53707(b)..............  46 App.:1273a(a).              Pub. L. 105-258,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        401, Oct. 14,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
53707(c)..............  46 App.:1273a(b).
53707(d)..............  46 App.:1274(d)(4).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(d)(4), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3522, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53708(a)..............  46 App.:1274(d)(1)(A).         June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(d)(1), (2)
                                                        [Sec.  1104A
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        1104], as added
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        46, 52 Stat.
                                                        970; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  14, 53
                                                        Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 910; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-561, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        220(3)(C), Dec.
                                                        22, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 3293; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        35, title XVI,
                                                        Sec.  1606(c),
                                                        Aug. 13, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 752;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-595,
                                                        Sec.  1(6), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3130; Sec.
                                                         1104 renumbered
                                                        as Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521.
53708(b)..............  46 App.:1274(d)(1)(B).
53708(c)..............  46 App.:1274(d)(2).
53708(d)..............  46 App.:1274(f)(2).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        (3), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1801.
53708(e)..............  46 App.:1274(f)(3).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53709(a)..............  46 App.:1273(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(c), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 969; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  1, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  3,
                                                        68 Stat. 1268;
                                                        June 25, 1956,
                                                        ch. 438, 70
                                                        Stat. 332; Aug.
                                                        7, 1956, ch.
                                                        1026, Sec.
                                                        1(a), (c), (d),
                                                        70 Stat. 1087;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  30, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        92-507, Sec.  3,
                                                        Oct. 19, 1972,
                                                        86 Stat. 910;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166.
53709(b)..............  46 App.:1274(b)(2).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        (last 2
                                                        (c)(1) (last
                                                        sentence) [Sec.
                                                        1104A formerly
                                                        Sec.  1104], as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 970; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  14,
                                                        53 Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 910; Pub.
                                                        L. 95-257, Apr.
                                                        7, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 194; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-320, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        202(c), Aug. 3,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        992; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        561, title II,
                                                        Sec.  220(3)(B),
                                                        Dec. 22, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 3293;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-509, title
                                                        V, Sec.  5003,
                                                        Oct. 21, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 1912;
                                                        Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-160, div.
                                                        A, title XIII,
                                                        Sec.  1356(3)(B)
                                                        , (C), Nov. 30,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.
                                                        1813; Pub. L.
                                                        104-297, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        302(a)(5), Oct.
                                                        11, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3615.
53709(c)..............  46 App.:1274(c)(1) (last
53709(d)..............  46 App.:1274(i).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(i), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-160, div. A,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1814.
53709(e)..............  46 App.:1274(b) (last 2

    Subsections (a) and (d) are substituted for the source 
provisions for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53710(a)(1)...........  46 App.:1274(b)(4).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        (h) [Sec.  1104A
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        1104], as added
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        46, 52 Stat.
                                                        970; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  14, 53
                                                        Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 911, 914;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-595, Sec.
                                                        1(7), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3131; Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-160,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1813.
53710(a)(2)...........  46 App.:1274(b)(5).
53710(a)(3)...........  46 App.:1274(b)(3).
53710(a)(4)...........  46 App.:1274(b)(6).
53710(b)..............  46 App.:1274(b)(7).
53710(c)..............  46 App.:1274(h).

    In subsection (a)(3), the words ``subject to the provisions 
of paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of this section'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a)(4)(B), the words ``well equipped, in good 
repair, and in every respect seaworthy and fit for service'' 
are substituted for ``tight, stanch, strong, and well and 
sufficiently tackled, appareled, furnished, and equipped, and 
in every respect seaworthy and in good running condition and 
repair, and in all respects fit for service'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b)(1), the reference to section 503 of the 
Merchant Marine Act, 1936, is substituted for the reference to 
``subchapter V of this chapter'' because the relevant 
characteristics referred to in the text are contained in that 
section and because that section is part of the construction-
differential subsidy program, which is not being restated.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53711(a)..............  46 App.:1273(b).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(b), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 969; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  1, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  3,
                                                        68 Stat. 1268;
                                                        June 25, 1956,
                                                        ch. 438, 70
                                                        Stat. 332; Aug.
                                                        7, 1956, ch.
                                                        1026, Sec.
                                                        1(a), (c), (d),
                                                        70 Stat. 1087;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  30, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        92-507, Sec.  3,
                                                        Oct. 19, 1972,
                                                        86 Stat. 910;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(136),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 166.
53711(b)..............  46 App.:1274(c)(1) (1st        June 29, 1936,
                         sentence), (2).                ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(c)(1) (1st
                                                        sentence), (2)
                                                        [Sec.  1104A
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        1104], as added
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        46, 52 Stat.
                                                        970; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  14, 53
                                                        Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 912; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521.

    In subsection (a), the words ``a security interest the 
Secretary considers necessary'' are substituted for ``such 
security interest, which may include a mortgage or mortgages on 
a vessel or vessels, as the Secretary may reasonably require'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53712(a)..............  46 App.:1274(k).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(k), (m),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3523, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.
53712(b)..............  46 App.:1274(m).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53713(a)..............  46 App.:1274(f)(1) (words      June 29, 1936,
                         before proviso).               ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(f)(1), (4)
                                                        [Sec.  1104A
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        1104], as added
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        46, 52 Stat.
                                                        970; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  14, 53
                                                        Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 913; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521; Pub.
                                                        L. 107-314,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3503(2), Dec.
                                                        2, 2002, 116
                                                        Stat. 2754; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3526(2), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1801.
53713(b)..............  46 App.:1274(f)(1) (proviso).
53713(c)..............  46 App.:1274(f)(4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53714(a)..............  46 App.:1274(e)(1).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(e) [Sec.
                                                        1104A formerly
                                                        Sec.  1104], as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 970; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  14,
                                                        53 Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 913; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.
                                                        1(12), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3131; Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-239, Sec.
                                                         13(c), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
53714(b)..............  46 App.:1274(e)(2).
53714(c)..............  46 App.:1274(e)(3).
53714(d)..............  46 App.:1274(e)(5).
53714(e)..............  46 App.:1274(e)(4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53715(a)..............  46 App.:1279a(a) (less         June 29, 1936,
                         proviso).                      ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1108,
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        1111, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 86-127,
                                                        Sec.  1(2), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 272;
                                                        renumbered Pub.
                                                        L. 92-507, Sec.
                                                        5, Oct. 19,
                                                        1972, 86 Stat.
                                                        916; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 108-
                                                        136, title XXXV,
                                                        Sec.  3521(a),
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1799.
53715(b)..............  46 App.:1279a(a) (proviso).
53715(c)..............  46 App.:1279a(b).
53715(d)..............  46 App.:1279a(g).
53715(e)..............  46 App.:1279a(c).
53715(f)..............  46 App.:1279a(d), (e).
53715(g)..............  46 App.:1279a(f).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53716.................  46 App.:1279b.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1109,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        107-107, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3503, Dec. 28,
                                                        2001, 115 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the word ``established'' is omitted for 
consistency with other codified titles of the United States 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53717.................  46 App.:1272.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1102,
                                                        as added June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec.  46,
                                                        52 Stat. 969;
                                                        Sept. 3, 1954,
                                                        ch. 1265, Sec.
                                                        2, 68 Stat.
                                                        1268; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        123, Sec.  1(2),
                                                        July 31, 1959,
                                                        73 Stat. 269;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 910; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1274(g).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(g) [Sec.
                                                        1104A formerly
                                                        Sec.  1104], as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 970; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  14,
                                                        53 Stat. 1187;
                                                        Sept. 28, 1950,
                                                        ch. 1093, Sec.
                                                        4, 64 Stat.
                                                        1078; Aug. 15,
                                                        1953, ch. 513,
                                                        Sec.  2, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  4,
                                                        68 Stat. 1269;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-123,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  1(3),
                                                        2, July 31,
                                                        1959, 73 Stat.
                                                        269, 271; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-127, Sec.
                                                        1(3), (4), July
                                                        31, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 273; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        685, Sec. Sec.
                                                        2, 3, Sept. 2,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        733; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        341, June 15,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        180; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec. Sec.
                                                        31, 32, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 914; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-561, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        220(3)(D), Dec.
                                                        22, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 3294; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        35, title XVI,
                                                        Sec.  1606(d),
                                                        Aug. 13, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 752;
                                                        Sec.  1104
                                                        renumbered as
                                                        Sec.  1104A,
                                                        Pub. L. 101-380,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(1), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521.
                        46 App.:1280.                  Pub. L. 85-469,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        101 (par. under
                                                        ``Federal Ship
                                                        Fund''), June
                                                        25, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 231; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(137), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The Federal Ship Financing Fund which had been created by 
46 App. U.S.C. 1272 is obsolete as a result of the Federal 
Credit Reform Act of 1990 (2 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). This section 
codifies the current requirements and practices for the 
management of funds under this chapter, based on the 
requirements of that Act.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53718.................  46 App.:1280b.                 Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3527, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53721(a)..............  46 App.:1275(a) (1st sentence  June 29, 1936,
                         less parenthetical).           ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1105(a), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 971; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  3, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  5,
                                                        68 Stat. 1272;
                                                        Aug. 7, 1956,
                                                        ch. 1026, Sec.
                                                        1(e)-(g), 70
                                                        Stat. 1087; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-520, July
                                                        15, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 358; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        33, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 914; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.  1(8),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3131.
53721(b)(1)...........  46 App.:1275(a) (last
                         sentence less proviso).
53721(b)(2)...........  46 App.:1275(a) (last
                         sentence proviso).
53721(c)..............  46 App.:1273(e) (last          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(e) (last
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.  1(1),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3130.
                        46 App.:1275(a) (1st sentence

    In subsections (a) and (b), the words ``or his agent'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53722(a), (b).........  46 App.:1275(b).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1105(b), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 971; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  3, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  5,
                                                        68 Stat. 1272;
                                                        Aug. 7, 1956,
                                                        ch. 1026, Sec.
                                                        1(e)-(g), 70
                                                        Stat. 1087; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-520, July
                                                        15, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 358; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        33, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 914; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.  1(9),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3131.
53722(c)..............  46 App.:1273(e) (last          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(e) (last
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.  1(1),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3130.
53722(d)..............  46 App.:1275(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1105(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3524, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

    In subsections (a) and (b), the words ``or the obligee's 
agent'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``an 
obligation or related agreement'' are substituted for ``a 
mortgage, loan agreement, or other security agreement'' for 
consistency in the revised chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53723.................  46 App.:1275(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1105(d), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 972; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  3, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  5,
                                                        68 Stat. 1272;
                                                        Aug. 7, 1956,
                                                        ch. 1026, Sec.
                                                        1(e)-(g), 70
                                                        Stat. 1087; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-520, July
                                                        15, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 358; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        33, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 914; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-561, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        220(4), Dec. 22,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        3294; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        35, title XVI,
                                                        Sec.  1606(e),
                                                        Aug. 13, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 752.

    In subsections (b) and (d), the words ``appropriate account 
under section 53717 of this title'' are substituted for 
``Federal Ship Financing Fund'' because the accounts under 
section 53717 replace the Federal Ship Financing Fund. See the 
explanation for section 53717.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53724.................  46 App.:1275(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1105(c), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 971; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  3, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  5,
                                                        68 Stat. 1272;
                                                        Aug. 7, 1956,
                                                        ch. 1026, Sec.
                                                        1(e)-(g), 70
                                                        Stat. 1087; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-520, July
                                                        15, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 358; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        33, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 914; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.
                                                        1(10), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53725.................  46 App.:1275(e).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1105(e), as
                                                        added June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  46, 52
                                                        Stat. 971; Aug.
                                                        15, 1953, ch.
                                                        513, Sec.  3, 67
                                                        Stat. 626; Sept.
                                                        3, 1954, ch.
                                                        1265, Sec.  5,
                                                        68 Stat. 1272;
                                                        Aug. 7, 1956,
                                                        ch. 1026, Sec.
                                                        1(e)-(g), 70
                                                        Stat. 1087; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-520, July
                                                        15, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 358; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        33, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; restated
                                                        Pub. L. 92-507,
                                                        Sec.  3, Oct.
                                                        19, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 915; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        595, Sec.
                                                        1(11), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``may take any action'' are 
substituted for ``shall take such action . . . that, in his 
discretion, may be required'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53731(a)..............  46 App.:1279c(a) (1st          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence), (1), (4).           ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1110,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        96-320, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        203(a), Aug. 3,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        992; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(136), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        166; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        35, title XVI,
                                                        Sec.  1606(f),
                                                        Aug. 13, 1981,
                                                        95 Stat. 752;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-514,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        22, 1986, 100
                                                        Stat. 2095; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-239, Sec.
                                                         11(3), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
53731(b)..............  46 App.:1279c(a) (2d sentence
                         words before (1)).
53731(c)..............  46 App.:1279c(a)(2).
53731(d)..............  46 App.:1279c(b).
53731(e)..............  46 App.:1279c(a)(3).
53731(f)..............  46 App.:1279c(c).
53731(g)..............  46 App.:1279c(d).
53731(h)..............  46 App.:1279c(e).

    In subsection (a), the words ``upon such terms as he shall 
prescribe'' are omitted as unnecessary because section 53702(a) 
of the revised title provides the Secretary authority to 
prescribe the terms. The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1279c(a)(1) is 
omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (f)(1), the words ``account established under 
section 53717(a)(1) of this title'' are substituted for 
``Federal Ship Financing Fund'' because the accounts under 
section 53717 replace the Federal Ship Financing Fund. See the 
explanation for section 53717.
    In subsection (f)(2)(B), the word ``conversion'' is 
substituted for ``conversional'' to correct an apparent error.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53732(a)..............  46 App.:1279d(a).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1111,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-160, div. A,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                         1355(a), Nov.
                                                        30, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 1811.
53732(b)..............  46 App.:1279d(b).
53732(c)(1)...........  46 App.:1274(d)(3)(A).         June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1104A(d)(3), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-160, div. A,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1813.
53732(c)(2)...........  46 App.:1273(g)(1).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.
                                                        1103(g), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-160, div. A,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1812.
53732(d)..............  46 App.:1274(d)(3)(B).
53732(e)..............  46 App.:1274(j).
53732(f)..............  46 App.:1273(g)(2).

    In subsection (f), the source provides that the authority 
to issue commitments to guarantee obligations for eligible 
export vessels expires after the later of three events. The 
first event, which is ``(A) the 5th anniversary of the date on 
which the Secretary publishes final regulations setting forth 
the application procedures for the issuance of commitments to 
guarantee obligations for eligible export vessels'', is omitted 
because the final regulations were published on September 16, 
1994. See 59 Fed. Reg. 47548. The second event, which is ``(B) 
the last day of any 5-year period in which funding and 
guarantee authority for obligations for eligible export vessels 
have been continuously available'', is omitted because that 
date was November 11, 1998, five years after enactment of the 
Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1994 (Pub. L. 103-
139, Nov. 11, 1993, 107 Stat. 1418).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53733(a)..............  46 App.:1279e(d).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1112,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-160, div. A,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                         1357(a), Nov.
                                                        30, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 1814.
53733(b)..............  46 App.:1279e(a).
                        46 App.:1280a.                 Pub. L. 103-160,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                         1358, Nov. 30,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.
53733(c)..............  46 App.:1279e(b) (words
                         before ``except'').
53733(d)..............  46 App.:1279e(b) (words
                         beginning with ``except'').
53733(e)..............  46 App.:1279e(c).

    In subsection (a)(2)(A)(i), the words ``(as defined in 
title 1)'' are omitted as unnecessary because chapter 1 of the 
revised title contains a title-wide definition of ``vessel'' 
that incorporates the definition in title 1, United States 
    In subsection (b), the words ``and subject to the terms the 
Secretary shall be prescribe'' are omitted as unnecessary 
because section 53702(a) of the revised title provides the 
Secretary authority to prescribe the terms. The words ``Only a 
private shipyard is eligible to receive a guarantee'' are 
substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 1280a to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53734(a)..............  46 App.:1274a(a), (b)(3).      June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1104B,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        101-380, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4115(f)(2), Aug.
                                                        18, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 521;
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        102-587, title
                                                        VI, Sec.  6204,
                                                        Nov. 4, 1992,
                                                        106 Stat. 5094;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-160,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1356(4), Nov.
                                                        30, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 1814; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-239, Sec.
                                                         11(2), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
53734(b)..............  46 App.:1274a(b) (less (3)).
53734(c)..............  46 App.:1274a(d) (words
                         before ``except'').
53734(d)..............  46 App.:1274a(c)(1) (1st
53734(e)..............  46 App.:1274a(c)(1) (2d
                         sentence related to fees).
53734(f)(1)-(3).......  46 App.:1274a(c)(1) (2d
                         sentence less fees), (2).
53734(f)(4)...........  46 App.:1274a(d) (words
                         beginning with ``except'').

    In subsection (a), in clause (1), the words ``as defined in 
section 1244 of this Appendix'' are omitted because the 
definition of ``foreign commerce or trade'' in chapter 1 of the 
revised title applies without having to say so specifically. 
Clause (6) is substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 1274a(b)(3) to 
improve the organization of the source provisions.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``by rule, regulation, or 
procedure'' are omitted as unnecessary and for consistency with 
section 53709(d) of the revised title.
    In subsections (c)(2) and (f), the reference to the account 
under section 53717 of the revised title is substituted for the 
reference to the Federal Ship Financing Fund because the 
accounts under section 53717 replace the Federal Ship Financing 
Fund. See the explanation for section 53717.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53735(a)..............  46 App.:1279f(e).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1111,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        104-297, title
                                                        III, Sec.  303,
                                                        Oct. 11, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3616;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-208,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        101 [title II,
                                                        Sec.  211(b)],
                                                        Sept. 30, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3009-
53735(b)..............  46 App.:1279f(a).
53735(c)..............  46 App.:1279f(b).
53735(d)..............  46 App.:1279f(c).
53735(e)..............  46 App.:1279f(d).

                    CHAPTER 539--WAR RISK INSURANCE

53901.  Definitions.
53902.  Authority to provide insurance.
53903.  Insurable interests.
53904.  Liability insurance for persons involved in war or defense 
53905.  Agency insurance.
53906.  Hull insurance valuation.
53907.  Reinsurance.
53908.  Additional insurance privately obtained.
53909.  War risk insurance revolving fund.
53910.  Administrative.
53911.  Civil actions for losses.
53912.  Expiration date.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53901(1)..............  46 App.:1281(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        1201(a), (b), as
                                                        added Sept. 7,
                                                        1950, ch. 906,
                                                        64 Stat. 773.
53901(2)..............  46 App.:1283(b) (last          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.
                                                        1203(b) (last
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Sept. 7,
                                                        1950, ch. 906,
                                                        64 Stat. 774;
                                                        Pub. L. 94-523,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        17, 1976, 90
                                                        Stat. 2474.
53901(3)..............  46 App.:1281(b).
53901(4)..............  46 App.:1281(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.
                                                        1201(c), as
                                                        added Sept. 7,
                                                        1950, ch. 906,
                                                        64 Stat. 773;
                                                        restated Pub. L.
                                                        107-107, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3502, Dec. 28,
                                                        2001, 115 Stat.

    In clause (1)(A), the words ``a documented vessel with a 
registry or coastwise endorsement under chapter 121 of this 
title'' are substituted for ``any vessel registered, enrolled, 
or licensed under the laws of the United States'' because of 46 
U.S.C. 12101(b).
    In clause (1)(B). the words ``or any department or agency 
thereof'' are omitted as surplus.
    In clause (1)(C), the word ``fisheries'' is substituted for 
``fishing trade or industry'' because of the definition of 
``fisheries'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53902.................  46 App.:1282.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1202,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        773; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        115, Sec.  7(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 694.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53903(a)..............  46 App.:1283(a) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence), (b) (1st            ch. 858, title
                         sentence), (c)-(f).            XII, Sec.
                                                        1203(a) (1st, 2d
                                                        sentences), (b)
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        (c)-(f), as
                                                        added Sept. 7,
                                                        1950, ch. 906,
                                                        64 Stat. 773,
                                                        774; Pub. L. 94-
                                                        523, Sec. Sec.
                                                        1-3, Oct. 17,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
53903(b)..............  46 App.:1283(a) (2d
53903(c)..............  46 App.:1284.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1204,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.

    In subsections (a)(2) and (b), the words ``foreign vessel'' 
are substituted for ``foreign-flag vessels'' because of the 
definition of ``foreign vessel'' in chapter 1 of the revised 
    In clause (3), references to the territories and 
possessions of the United States are omitted as unnecessary 
because of the definition of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of 
the revised title.
    In clause (5), the words ``individual on a vessel insurable 
under this section'' are substituted for ``masters, officers, 
and crews of such vessels, and of other persons transported on 
such vessels'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In clause (6), the words ``individual on a vessel insurable 
under this section'' are substituted for ``Masters, officers, 
members of the crews of such vessels and other persons employed 
or transported thereon'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53904.................  46 App.:1286.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1206,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        774; Aug. 3,
                                                        1956, ch. 929,
                                                        Sec.  5, 70
                                                        Stat. 986.

    In subsection (a), the words ``a vessel'' are substituted 
for ``any American- or foreign-flag vessel, public or private'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53905.................  46 App.:1285.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1205,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        774; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        261, div. A,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        1071(a), Oct.
                                                        17, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 2137.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53906.................  46 App.:1289(a)(2).            June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.
                                                        1209(a)(2), as
                                                        added Sept. 7,
                                                        1950, ch. 906,
                                                        64 Stat. 775;
                                                        Aug. 3, 1956,
                                                        ch. 929, Sec.
                                                        1, 70 Stat. 984;
                                                        Pub. L. 88-478,
                                                        Sec.  1, Aug.
                                                        22, 1964, 78
                                                        Stat. 587.

    In subsection (c), the words ``Provided, That in the event 
of an election by the insured to reject the stated valuation 
fixed by the Secretary and to sue in the courts, the amount of 
the judgment will be payable without regard to the limitations 
contained in section 1242-1 of this Appendix, although the 
excess of any amounts advanced on account of just compensation 
over the amount of the court judgment will be required to be 
refunded'' are omitted as obsolete because the section referred 
to, which was from the Department of Commerce and Related 
Agencies Appropriation Act, 1959 (Pub. L. 85-469, 72 Stat. 
231), has been omitted from the United States Code as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53907.................  46 App.:1287.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1207,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``insurance under this 
chapter'' are substituted for ``marine, war risk, and liability 
insurance'' for consistency in this chapter. The words ``in 
whole or in part'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words 
``obtain reinsurance from'' are substituted for ``reinsure 
with, or cede or retrocede to'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53908.................  46 App.:1293.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1213,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        777; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(141), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53909.................  46 App.:1288.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1208,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        775; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        743, Oct. 3,
                                                        1962, 76 Stat.
                                                        740; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(139), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1288a.                 Nov. 1, 1951, ch.
                                                        664, par. under
                                                        heading ``War-
                                                        Risk Insurance
                                                        Fund'', 65 Stat.
                                                        746; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(140), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (c), the reference to the Fiscal Service 
[previously Division of Disbursement] in the Treasury 
Department is omitted as unnecessary.
    The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1288(b) is omitted as 
unnecessary because enactment of a law authorizing certain 
governmental functions is itself an authorization of 
appropriations to carry out those functions. The text of 46 
App. U.S.C. 1288a is omitted as executed and impliedly repealed 
by 46 App. U.S.C. 1119.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53910(a)..............  46 App.:1289(c) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.
                                                        1209(a)(1), (b)-
                                                        (f), as added
                                                        Sept. 7, 1950,
                                                        ch. 906, 64
                                                        Stat. 775; Aug.
                                                        3, 1956, ch.
                                                        929, Sec.  1, 70
                                                        Stat. 984; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-523, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 17,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
53910(b)..............  46 App.:1289(a)(1) (1st-19th
53910(c)..............  46 App.:1289(b) (1st
53910(d)..............  46 App.:1289(b) (last
53910(e)..............  46 App.:1289(a)(1) (20th-last
53910(f)..............  46 App.:1289(d).
53910(g)..............  46 App.:1289(c) (last
53910(h)..............  46 App.:1289(e).
53910(i)..............  46 App.:1289(f).
53910(j)..............  46 App.:1283(a) (last          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.
                                                        1203(a) (last
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Sept. 7,
                                                        1950, ch. 906,
                                                        64 Stat. 774;
                                                        Pub. L. 94-523,
                                                        Sec.  1, Oct.
                                                        17, 1976, 90
                                                        Stat. 2474.

    Subsection (e) is substituted for ``may adjust and pay 
losses, compromise and settle claims, whether in favor of or 
against the United States and pay the amount of any judgment 
rendered against the United States in any suit, or the amount 
of any settlement agreed upon, in respect of any claim under 
insurance authorized by this subchapter'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53911.................  46 App.:1292.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1212,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
53912.................  46 App.:1294.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1214,
                                                        as added Sept.
                                                        7, 1950, ch.
                                                        906, 64 Stat.
                                                        777; Aug. 3,
                                                        1955, ch. 492,
                                                        69 Stat. 440;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-120,
                                                        July 31, 1959,
                                                        73 Stat. 266;
                                                        Pub. L. 89-89,
                                                        July 27, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 264;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  34, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-523, Sec.
                                                        5, Oct. 17,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
                                                        2474; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        195, Feb. 25,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        63; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        59, July 3,
                                                        1985, 99 Stat.
                                                        110; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        115, Sec.  7(b),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 694;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        1094, Feb. 10,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        461; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        239, Sec.  12,
                                                        Oct. 8, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3134.

                      Part D--Promotional Programs

                      CHAPTER 551--COASTWISE TRADE

55101.  Application of coastwise laws.
55102.  Transportation of merchandise.
55103.  Transportation of passengers.
55104.  Transportation of passengers between Puerto Rico and other ports 
          in the United States.
55105.  Transportation of hazardous waste.
55106.  Merchandise transferred between barges.
55107.  Empty cargo containers and barges.
55108.  Platform jackets.
55109.  Dredging.
55110.  Transportation of dredged material.
55111.  Towing.
55112.  Vessel escort operations and towing assistance.
55113.  Use of foreign documented oil spill response vessels.
55114.  Unloading fish from foreign vessels.
55115.  Supplies on fish processing vessels.
55116.  Canadian rail lines.
55117.  Great Lakes rail route.
55118.  Foreign railroads whose road enters by ferry, tugboat, or 
55119.  Yukon River.
55120.  Transshipment of imported merchandise intended for immediate 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55101(a)..............  46 App.:877 (words before      June 5, 1920, ch.
                         last proviso).                 250, Sec.  21,
                                                        41 Stat. 997;
                                                        Apr. 16, 1936,
                                                        ch. 228, 49
                                                        Stat. 1207; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(47), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
55101(b)(1)...........  46 App.:877 (last proviso).
55101(b)(2)...........  48:1664.                       June 14, 1934,
                                                        ch. 523, 48
                                                        Stat. 963.

    In subsection (a), the words ``apply to the United States, 
including '' are substituted for ``extend to'' for clarity. The 
words ``From and after February 1, 1922'' and ``not covered 
thereby on June 5, 1920'' are omitted as obsolete. The 
requirement to establish adequate steamship service to the 
island Territories and possessions is omitted as executed and 
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``and fix a date for the 
going into effect of same'' are omitted as surplus.
    The provisos of 46 App. U.S.C. 811 relating to the 
Philippine Islands are omitted as obsolete because of the 
independence of the Philippine Islands. See Proc. No. 2695 of 
July 4, 1946, 11 Fed. Reg. 7517, 60 Stat. 1352 (22 U.S.C. 1394 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55102.................  46 App.:883 (words before 1st  June 5, 1920, ch.
                         proviso, 11th proviso).        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (words before
                                                        1st proviso,
                                                        11th proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        July 2, 1935,
                                                        ch. 355, 49
                                                        Stat. 442; Pub.
                                                        L. 95-410, title
                                                        II, Sec.  213,
                                                        Oct. 3, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 904; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-329, Sec.
                                                         1(a)(1), June
                                                        7, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 588; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-587,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5501(b), Nov. 4,
                                                        1992, 106 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(1), the words ``(as defined in section 
2101 of the [sic] title 46)'' are omitted because the 
definition of ``State'' is being moved to chapter 1 and will 
apply to the entire title.
    In subsection (b), the words ``may not provide any part of 
the transportation of'' are substituted for ``No . . . shall be 
transported'' and ``or for any part of the transportation'' 
because of the reorganization of the language. The words 
``including Districts, Territories, and possessions thereof'' 
are omitted because of the definition of ``United States'' in 
chapter 1 of the revised title. The words ``to which the 
coastwise laws apply'' are substituted for ``embraced within 
the coastwise laws'' for consistency with section 55101. The 
words ``unless the vessel has been issued a certificate of 
documentation with a coastwise endorsement under chapter 121'' 
are substituted for ``in any other vessel than a vessel built 
in and documented under the laws of the United States and owned 
by persons who are citizens of the United States, or vessels to 
which the privilege of engaging in the coastwise trade is 
extended by section 808 of this Appendix or section 22 of this 
Act'' for consistency with the documentation requirements for a 
coastwise endorsement under chapter 121 and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the words ``any person'' are substituted 
for ``any consignor, seller, owner, importer, consignee, agent, 
or other person or persons'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55103.................  46 App.:289.                   June 19, 1886,
                                                        ch. 421, Sec.
                                                        8, 24 Stat. 81;
                                                        Feb. 17, 1898,
                                                        ch. 26, Sec.  2,
                                                        30 Stat. 248.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55104(a)(1)...........  46 App.:289c(b) (related to    Pub. L. 98-563,
                         meaning of certificate).       Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 2916.
55104(a)(2)...........  46 App.:289c(e).
55104(b)..............  46 App.:289c(a).
55104(c)..............  46 App.:289c(b).
55104(d)..............  46 App.:289c(c).
55104(e)..............  46 App.:289c(d).

    In subsection (a), the definition of ``certificate'' is 
added based on the language in 46 App. U.S.C. 289c(b)(1) and 
(2) to avoid repeating the substance of the definition twice in 
the section.
    In subsection (b), the words ``Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law'' and ``directly or by way of a foreign port'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55105.................  46 App.:883 (2d-6th            June 5, 1920, ch.
                         sentences, last sentence       250, Sec.  27
                         less provisos).                (2d-6th
                                                        sentences, last
                                                        sentence less
                                                        provisos), 41
                                                        Stat. 999; July
                                                        2, 1935, ch.
                                                        355, 49 Stat.
                                                        442; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        389, title V,
                                                        Sec.  502, Dec.
                                                        29, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 1954.

    In subsection (a), the words ``after December 31, 1983'' 
are omitted as obsolete. The words ``transportation of 
merchandise under section 55102 of this title'' are substituted 
for ``For the purposes of this section'' and ``transportation 
by water of merchandise between points in the United States'' 
for consistency with section 55102.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``all current'' are omitted 
as surplus.
    Subsection (c) is substituted for ``or after such time as 
an appropriate vessel has been constructed and documented as a 
vessel of the United States'' to improve the organization.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55106.................  46 App.:883 (7th proviso).     June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (7th proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        July 2, 1935,
                                                        ch. 355, 49
                                                        Stat. 442; Pub.
                                                        L. 92-163, Sec.
                                                        1, Nov. 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``non-self-propelled'' are 
omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of ``barge'' 
in chapter 1 of the revised title. The words ``between points 
in the United States'' and ``without regard to whether any such 
barge is under foreign registry or qualified to engage in the 
coastwise trade'' are omitted as surplus.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55107.................  46 App.:883 (6th proviso).     June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (6th proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        July 2, 1935,
                                                        ch. 355, 49
                                                        Stat. 442; Pub.
                                                        L. 89-194, Sept.
                                                        21, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 823; Pub.
                                                        L. 90-474, Aug.
                                                        11, 1968, 80
                                                        Stat. 700; Pub.
                                                        L. 92-163, Sec.
                                                        1, Nov. 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``by 
vessels of the United States not qualified to engage in the 
coastwise trade, or by vessels of foreign registry'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (4), the words ``by the 
Secretary of the Treasury'' are omitted as unnecessary because 
the section referred to provides who administers it.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55108(a)..............  46 App.:883 (last proviso      June 5, 1920, ch.
                         words after semicolon).        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (last proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        July 2, 1935,
                                                        ch. 355, 49
                                                        Stat. 442; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-329, Sec.
                                                         1(a)(2), June
                                                        7, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 588; Pub.
                                                        L. 107-295,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        213(c), Nov. 25,
                                                        2002, 116 Stat.
55108(b)..............  46 App.:883 (last proviso
                         words before semicolon).
55108(c)..............  46 App.:883 note.              Pub. L. 100-329,
                                                        Sec.  1(b), June
                                                        7, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 588.

    In subsection (c), the words ``A launch barge not listed on 
such inventory shall be deemed not to be `a launch barge of 
lesser launch capacity identified by the Secretary of 
Transportation' within the meaning of such proviso to section 
27 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because subsection (b)(2) requires that the launch 
barge be on the list published under subsection (c). Paragraphs 
(2) and (3) of section 1(b) of Public Law 100-329 are omitted 
as executed and obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55109.................  46 App.:292.                   May 28, 1906, ch.
                                                        2566, Sec.  1,
                                                        34 Stat. 204;
                                                        Pub. L. 102-87,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5501(a)(1), Nov.
                                                        4, 1992, 106
                                                        Stat. 5084.

    Subsection (a)(1) is substituted for ``(1) the vessel meets 
the requirements of section 883 of this Appendix'' and ``(3) 
for a vessel that is at least 5 net tons, the vessel is 
documented under chapter 121 of title 46 with a coastwise 
    Subsection (a)(2) is substituted for ``(1) the vessel meets 
the requirements of . . . sections 802 and 803 of this Appendix 
for engaging in the coastwise trade'' and ``(2) when chartered, 
the charterer of the vessel is a citizen of the United States 
under sections 802 and 803 of this Appendix for engaging in the 
coastwise trade''.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55110.................  46 App.:883 (12th proviso).    June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (12th proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        Pub. L. 100-329,
                                                        Sec.  1(a), June
                                                        7, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 588.

    The words ``or place'' are omitted as surplus. The words 
``as defined in the Presidential Proclamation of March 10, 
1983'' are omitted because ``exclusive economic zone'' is 
defined in chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55111.................  46 App.:316(a), (b).           R.S. Sec.  4370;
                                                        June 11, 1940,
                                                        ch. 324, 54
                                                        Stat. 304; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-307, Sec.
                                                        10, May 19,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        447; Pub. L. 100-
                                                        329, Sec.  2,
                                                        June 7, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 589;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-324,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1115(b)(3), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3972.

    In subsection (a), the words ``or to do any part of such 
towing'' and ``other than a vessel in distress'' in the source 
provision are made applicable to all the towing described in 
subsection (b) for clarity and consistency. The words ``not 
wholly owned by a person who is a citizen of the United States 
within the meaning of the laws respecting the documentation of 
vessels'' are omitted as unnecessary because a vessel may be 
issued a certificate of documentation only if wholly owned by a 
citizen of the United States. The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 316(b) 
is omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of 
``person'' in section 1 of title 1 and because of section 12103 
of the revised title.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``in the United States to 
which the coastwise laws apply'' are substituted for ``in the 
United States, its Territories or possessions, embraced within 
the coastwise laws of the United States'' because of the 
definition of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of the revised 
title and because of section 55101 of the revised title.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``or place'' are omitted as 
surplus. The words ``as defined in the Presidential 
Proclamation of March 10, 1983'' are omitted because 
``exclusive economic zone'' is defined in chapter 1 of the 
revised title.
    In subsection (c)(2), the words ``which sum may be 
recovered by way of libel or suit'' are omitted as surplus.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55112.................  46 App.:316a.                  Pub. L. 107-295,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        404, Nov. 25,
                                                        2002, 116 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``(as that term is defined in 
section 2101 of title 46, United States Code)'' are omitted 
because the definition of ``vessel of the United States'' is 
being moved from section 2101 to chapter 1 of the revised title 
and will apply title-wide.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55113.................  46:12101 note.                 Pub. L. 104-324,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1117, Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55114(a)..............  46 App.:251(a) (1st            R.S. Sec.  4311;
                         sentence).                     Sept. 2, 1950,
                                                        ch. 842, 64
                                                        Stat. 577; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-220, Sec.
                                                        1, Sept. 13,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        493; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        61, Sec.  2,
                                                        Aug. 15, 1979,
                                                        93 Stat. 407;
                                                        Pub. L. 96-594,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        126(b), Dec. 24,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        3459; Pub. L.
                                                        100-239, Sec.
                                                        8(a), Jan. 11,
                                                        1988, 101 Stat.
55114(b)..............  46 App.:251(a) (last
55114(c)..............  46 App.:251(b).
55114(d)..............  46 App.:251(c).
                        46 App.:251a.                  Pub. L. 87-220,
                                                        Sec.  2, Sept.
                                                        13, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 493.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``whether 
documented as a cargo vessel or otherwise'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (d), the words ``severally'' and ``in 
addition to any other penalty provided in law'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. The last sentence is substituted for 46 App. 
U.S.C. 251a.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55115.................  46 App.:883 (10th proviso).    June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (10th proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        July 2, 1935,
                                                        ch. 355, 49
                                                        Stat. 442; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-389, title
                                                        V, Sec.  504,
                                                        Dec. 29, 1982,
                                                        96 Stat. 1956.

    The words ``Section 55102 of this title does not apply to'' 
are substituted for ``for the purposes of this section'' and 
``shall be considered ship's equipment and not merchandise'' 
for consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55116.................  46 App.:883 (3d proviso).      June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (3d proviso), 41
                                                        Stat. 999; July
                                                        2, 1935, ch.
                                                        355, 49 Stat.
                                                        442; Pub. L. 85-
                                                        508, Sec.
                                                        27(a), July 7,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        351; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        324, title VII,
                                                        Sec.  747(1),
                                                        Oct. 19, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3943.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55117.................  46 App.:883 (5th proviso).     June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27,
                                                        as added Apr.
                                                        11, 1935, ch.
                                                        58, 49 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55118.................  46 App.:316(c).                R.S. Sec.
                                                        restated June
                                                        11, 1940, ch.
                                                        324, 54 Stat.

    The words ``company or corporation'' after ``foreign 
railroad'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``vessel not 
having a coastwise endorsement'' are substituted for ``such 
vessel'' (referring to a vessel described in 46 App. U.S.C. 
316(a)) for clarity and because of the reorganization of the 
source material in the revised title. The words ``However, the 
foreign railroad is subject to the same restrictions imposed by 
law on a vessel of the United States entering a port of the 
United States from the same foreign country'' are substituted 
for ``without being subject to any other or different 
restrictions than those imposed by law on any vessel of the 
United States entering ports of the United States from ports in 
the same foreign country'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
words ``Except as otherwise authorized by this chapter'' are 
substituted for ``except as authorized by section 883 of this 
Appendix'' because of the reorganization of the source material 
in the revised title. The words ``its Territories or 
possessions'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
definition of ``United States'' in chapter 1 of the revised 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55119.................  46 App.:883 (4th proviso).     June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  27
                                                        (4th proviso),
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        Exec. Order No.
                                                        6166, June 10,
                                                        1933, Sec.  12;
                                                        July 2, 1935,
                                                        ch. 355, 49
                                                        Stat. 442; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Reorg.
                                                        Plan No. 21 of
                                                        1950, eff. May
                                                        24, 1950, Sec.
                                                        204, 64 Stat.
                                                        1276; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(49), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55120.................  46 App.:291.                   Feb. 17, 1898,
                                                        ch. 26, Sec.  3,
                                                        30 Stat. 248.


                          SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

55301.  Priority loading for coal.
55302.  Transportation of United States Government personnel.
55303.  Motor vehicles owned by United States Government personnel.
55304.  Exports financed by the United States Government.
55305.  Cargoes procured, furnished, or financed by the United States 


55311.  Findings and purposes.
55312.  Determining prevailing world market price.
55313.  Exemption of certain agricultural exports from cargo preference 
55314.  Transportation requirements for certain exports sponsored by the 
          Secretary of Agriculture.
55315.  Minimum tonnage.
55316.  Financing the transportation of agricultural commodities.
55317.  Termination of subchapter.
55318.  Effect on other law.


55331.  Definitions.
55332.  Designating American Great Lakes vessels.
55333.  Exemption from restriction on transporting certain cargo.
55334.  Restrictions on operations.
55335.  Revocations and terminations of designations.
55336.  Civil penalty.

                         SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55301.................  46 App.:1121-1.                Pub. L. 96-387,
                                                        Sec.  5, Oct. 7,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        1546; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(68), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        159; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        662, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  947, Nov.
                                                        17, 1986, 100
                                                        Stat. 4200.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55302.................  46 App.:1241(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        901(a), 49 Stat.
                                                        2015; Aug. 26,
                                                        1954, ch. 936,
                                                        68 Stat. 832;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-316,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        125, Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``by sea'' are added for 
clarity. The words ``a territory or possession of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``any of the possessions of the 
United States'' for consistency in the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55303.................  46 App.:1241(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        901(c), as added
                                                        May 28, 1956,
                                                        ch. 325, 70
                                                        Stat. 187.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55304.................  46 App.:1241-1.                Mar. 26, 1934,
                                                        ch. 90, 48 Stat.
                                                        500; June 29,
                                                        1936, ch. 858,
                                                        Sec.  204, 49
                                                        Stat. 1987; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(127), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``Reconstruction Finance Corporation or'' in the 
Joint Resolution enacted March 26, 1934 (ch. 90, 48 Stat. 500), 
are omitted as obsolete because the Reconstruction Finance 
Corporation was abolished by section 6 of Reorganization Plan 
No. 1 of 1957 (5 App. U.S.C.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55305(a)..............  46 App.:1241(b)(1) (2d, last   June 29, 1936,
                         provisos).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        901(b), as added
                                                        Aug. 26, 1954,
                                                        ch. 936, 68
                                                        Stat. 832; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-266, Sept.
                                                        21, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 565; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        27, Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1034; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(126), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
55305(b)..............  46 App.:1241(b)(1) (words
                         before 1st proviso).
55305(c)..............  46 App.:1241(b)(1) (1st
55305(d)..............  46 App.:1241(b)(2).

    In subsection (a), the words ``the provisions of this 
subsection shall not apply to cargoes carried in the vessels of 
the Panama Canal Company'' are omitted as obsolete. The words 
``Nothing herein shall repeal or otherwise modify the 
provisions of section 1241-1 of this Appendix'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. The last proviso in 46 App. U.S.C. 1241(b)(1) is 
omitted as obsolete.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55311.................  46 App.:1241d.                 Pub. L. 99-198,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1141, Dec. 23,
                                                        1985, 99 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(1), the word ``security'' is substituted 
for ``national security objectives'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (b), the words ``Secretary of Agriculture'' 
in clause (1) and ``Secretary'' in clause (4) are substituted 
for ``Department of Agriculture'' because all functions of the 
Department are vested in the Secretary under 7 U.S.C. 2202 and 
6911 and Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953 (5 App. U.S.C.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55312.................  46 App.:1241f(e).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        901b(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 99-
                                                        198, title XI,
                                                        Sec.  1142, Dec.
                                                        23, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 1492.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55313.................  46 App.:1241e.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  901a,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        99-198, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1142,
                                                        Dec. 23, 1985,
                                                        99 Stat. 1490.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55314(a)(1)...........  46 App.:1241f(a).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        901b(a)-(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 99-
                                                        198, title XI,
                                                        Sec.  1142, Dec.
                                                        23, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 1491; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1525, Nov. 28,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        3667; Pub. L.
                                                        104-239, Sec.
                                                        17, Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        3138; Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3514, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.
                        46 App.:1241o.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  901k,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        99-198, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1142,
                                                        Dec. 23, 1985,
                                                        99 Stat. 1496.
55314(a)(2)...........  46 App.:1241f(c)(2).
55314(b)..............  46 App.:1241f(b), (d).
55314(c)..............  46 App.:1241f(c)(1), (3),

    In subsection (a)(1), before clause (A), the text of 46 
App. U.S.C. 1241f(a)(2)(A) and (B) is omitted as obsolete. 
Clauses (A) and (B) are substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 1241o to 
improve the organization and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``the 12-month period 
beginning October 1 of each year'' are substituted for ``12 
month periods commencing April 1, 1986, the 18-month period 
beginning April 1, 2002, and the 12-month period beginning 
October 1, 2003, and each year thereafter'' to eliminate 
obsolete and unnecessary language.
    In subsection (c)(4), before clause (A), the words ``or 
instrumentality'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the 
definition of ``agency'' in chapter 1.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55315.................  46 App.:1241g.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  901c,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        99-198, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1142,
                                                        Dec. 23, 1985,
                                                        99 Stat. 1493.

    In subsection (b), the words ``For fiscal year 1986 and'' 
are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55316(a)..............  46 App.:1241h(a).              June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  901d,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        99-198, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1142,
                                                        Dec. 23, 1985,
                                                        99 Stat. 1493.
55316(b)..............  46 App.:1241h(b).
55316(c)..............  46 App.:1241h(c).
55316(d)..............  46 App.:1241h(d) (last
55316(e)(1)...........  46 App.:1241h(d) (1st
55316(e)(2)...........  46 App.:1241h note.            Pub. L. 100-202,
                                                        101(a) [title V
                                                        (par. under
                                                        heading ``Ocean
                                                        , Dec. 22, 1987,
                                                        101 Stat. 1329,
55316(f)..............  46 App.:1241h(e).

    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``section 412(e) of the 
Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (7 
U.S.C. 1736f(e))'' are substituted for ``section 1733(b) of 
title 7'' because the latter provision, as amended in 1990, no 
longer contains provisions on valuation of commodities shipped 
from the inventory of the Commodity Credit Corporation, and a 
provision substantially the same as former 7 U.S.C. 1733(b) is 
now at 7 U.S.C. 1736f(e).
    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``considering the current 
average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of 
the United States Government of comparable maturities during 
the month before the obligations are issued'' are substituted 
for ``taking into consideration the average market yield on 
outstanding marketable obligations of the United States with 
remaining periods of maturity comparable to the average 
maturities of such obligations during the month preceding the 
issuance of such obligations of the Secretary of 
Transportation'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c)(2), the words ``after December 23, 1985'' 
are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (e)(1), the words ``commencing with the 
fiscal year beginning October 1, 1986'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (f), the words ``Notwithstanding the 
provisions of this section'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55317.................  46 App.:1241j.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  901f,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        99-198, title
                                                        XI, Sec.  1142,
                                                        Dec. 23, 1985,
                                                        99 Stat. 1494.

    The words ``except to the extent those activities are 
exempt under section 1707a(b) of title 7'' are omitted because 
the provision referred to has been repealed.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55318.................  46 App.:1241p.                 Pub. L. 99-198,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1143, Dec. 23,
                                                        1985, 99 Stat.

    The words ``section 1707a(b)(8) of title 7'' are omitted 
because the provision referred to has been repealed.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55331.................  46 App.:1241v.                 Pub. L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1527, Nov. 28,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.

    In clause (1), the words ``but only during the period the 
designation is in effect'' are added for clarity.
    In clause (3), the words ``created by the Act of May 13, 
1954 (33 U.S.C. 981 et seq.)'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    The definition of ``Secretary'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1241v(4) 
is omitted as unnecessary because the full title of the 
Secretary of Transportation is used the first time the 
Secretary is referred to in each section.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55332.................  46 App.:1241r.                 Pub. L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1522, Nov. 28,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``for purposes of sections 
1241q to 1241v of this Appendix'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c), before clause (1), the words 
``construction and purchase'' before ``agreement'' are omitted 
because the source provision for subsection (b) does not say 
anything about construction.
    In subsection (d), the words ``Not later than 60 days after 
November 28, 1990'' are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55333.................  46 App.:1241q.                 Pub. L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1521, Nov. 28,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.

    This section is substituted for the source provisions to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55334.................  46 App.:1241s.                 Pub. L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1523, Nov. 28,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55335.................  46 App.:1241t(a), (c).         Pub. L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1524(a), (c),
                                                        Nov. 28, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 3667.

    In subsection (a)(3), the words ``construction and 
purchase'' before ``agreement'' are omitted because the source 
provision for section 55332(b) of the revised title does not 
say anything about construction.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55336.................  46 App.:1241t(b).              Pub. L. 101-624,
                                                        title XV, Sec.
                                                        1524(b), Nov.
                                                        28, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 3667.

                       CHAPTER 555--MISCELLANEOUS

55501.  Mobile trade fairs.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
55501.................  46 App.:1122b.                 June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(B), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 87-839,
                                                        Sec.  1, Oct.
                                                        18, 1962, 76
                                                        Stat. 1074; Pub.
                                                        L. 89-66, July
                                                        7, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 211; Pub.
                                                        L. 90-434, July
                                                        27, 1968, 82
                                                        Stat. 449; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-418,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10003(a), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1572.

            Part E--Control of Merchant Marine Capabilities


56101.  Definition.
56102.  Approval required to transfer vessel to noncitizen.
56103.  Additional controls during war or national emergency.
56104.  Conditional approvals.
56105.  Penalty for false statements.
56106.  Forfeiture procedure.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56101.................   (no source).

    This section is added because 46 App. U.S.C. 883-1, 
restated in section 12118 of the revised title, refers 
specifically to 46 App. U.S.C. 808, restated partly in this 
chapter, and to 46 App. U.S.C. 835, restated in this chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56102(a)..............  46 App.:808(c).                Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        9(c), (d), 39
                                                        Stat. 730; July
                                                        15, 1918, ch.
                                                        152, Sec.  3, 40
                                                        Stat. 900; June
                                                        5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  18,
                                                        41 Stat. 994;
                                                        Exec. Order No.
                                                        6166, Sec.  12,
                                                        eff. June 10,
                                                        1933; June 29,
                                                        1936, ch. 858,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        204, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  904, 49
                                                        Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec.  42, 52
                                                        Stat. 964; Pub.
                                                        L. 89-346, Sec.
                                                        1, Nov. 8, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 1305;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(26),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 155; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-710,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        104(b)(3), Nov.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4750; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-225,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        304(a), Dec. 12,
                                                        1989, 103 Stat.
                                                        1924; Pub. L.
                                                        104-324, title
                                                        XI, 1113(c),
                                                        (e), Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        3970, 3971; Pub.
                                                        L. 107-295,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        205(d), Nov. 25,
                                                        2002, 116 Stat.
                        46 App.:808a.                  Pub. L. 98-454,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        302, Oct. 5,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
56102(b)..............  46 App.:808(e)                 Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        9(e), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 104-324,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1136(b), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3987.
56102(c)..............  46 App.:808(e)                 Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        9(e), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 104-239,
                                                        Sec.  6, Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
56102(d)..............  46 App.:808(d)(1).
56102(e)..............  46 App.:808(d)(2)-(4).

    In subsection (a), the text of 46 App. U.S.C. 808a is 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), the words ``owned by a 
citizen of the United States'' are omitted as unnecessary 
because ownership by a citizen is a requirement for 
documentation. See section 12103 as revised by the bill.
    In subsection (c), before clause (1), the words 
``Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, the 
Merchant Marine Act, 1936, or any contract with the Secretary 
made under this subtitle or that Act'' are substituted for 
``Notwithstanding subsection (c)(2) of this section, the 
Merchant Marine Act, 1936 [46 App. U.S.C. 1101 et seq.], or any 
contract entered into with the Secretary of Transportation 
under that Act'' because the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, is 
restated principally in this subtitle, but other provisions of 
that Act are being neither restated nor repealed.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56103(a)..............  46 App.:835(a)-(c) (less       Sept. 7, 1916,
                         provisos), (d)-(f).            ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        37, as added
                                                        July 15, 1918,
                                                        ch. 152, Sec.
                                                        4, 40 Stat. 901;
                                                        Exec. Order No.
                                                        6166, Sec.  12,
                                                        eff. June 10,
                                                        1933; June 29,
                                                        1936, ch. 858,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        204, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  904, 49
                                                        Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        346, Sec.  2,
                                                        Nov. 8, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1306; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(30), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
56103(b)..............  46 App.:835(c) (provisos).
56103(c)..............  46 App.:835 (2d par. after
                         cl. (f), last par. words
                         before 9th comma).
56103(d)..............  46 App.:835 (last par. words
                         after 9th comma).
56103(e)..............  46 App.:835 (1st, 3d pars.
                         after cl. (f)).

    In this section, the words ``facility for building or 
repairing vessels'' are substituted for ``shipyard, dry dock, 
shipbuilding or ship-repairing plant or facility'' (or similar 
language) to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(1), the words ``transfer to'' are omitted 
as surplus. The words ``Territory, District, or possession 
thereof'' are omitted as unnecessary because of the definition 
of ``State'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In subsection (a)(3), the words ``instrument of 
indebtedness'' are substituted for ``bond, note, or other 
evidence of indebtedness'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
words ``right, title, or'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a)(5), the words ``or the majority of the 
voting power'' are omitted as covered by ``controlling 
    In subsection (b)(1), before clause (A), the words ``and 
only if'' are added for clarity because the Secretary is 
required to disapprove a trustee that ceases to meet the 
specified conditions.
    Subsections (c) and (d) are substituted for the source 
provisions to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (e)(1), the words ``guilty of a misdemeanor'' 
are omitted, and the words ``fined under title 18'' are 
substituted for ``punishable by a fine of not more than 
$5000'', because of chapter 227 of title 18.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56104.................  46 App.:839 (1st par.).        Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        41 (1st par.),
                                                        as added July
                                                        15, 1918, ch.
                                                        152, Sec.  4, 40
                                                        Stat. 902; Exec.
                                                        Order No. 6166,
                                                        June 10, 1933,
                                                        Sec.  12; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(32), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    This section is substituted for the source provision to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56105.................  46 App.:839 (last par.).       Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        41 (last par.),
                                                        as added July
                                                        15, 1918, ch.
                                                        152, Sec.  4, 40
                                                        Stat. 903; Exec.
                                                        Order No. 6166,
                                                        June 10, 1933,
                                                        Sec.  12; June
                                                        29, 1936, ch.
                                                        858, title II,
                                                        Sec.  204, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  904,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(32), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``guilty of a misdemeanor'' are omitted, and the 
words ``fined under title 18'' are substituted for ``subject to 
a fine of not more than $5000'', because of chapter 227 of 
title 18.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56106(a)..............  46 App.:836.                   Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        38, as added
                                                        July 15, 1918,
                                                        ch. 152, Sec.
                                                        4, 40 Stat. 902;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-225,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        304(b), Dec. 12,
                                                        1989, 103 Stat.
56106(b)..............  46 App.:837.                   Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        39, as added
                                                        July 15, 1918,
                                                        ch. 152, Sec.
                                                        4, 40 Stat. 902.


56301.  General authority.
56302.  Charter terms.
56303.  Compensation.
56304.  Disputed compensation.
56305.  Vessel encumbrances.
56306.  Use and transfer of vessels.
56307.  Return of vessels.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56301.................  46 App.:1242(a) (1st, 2d       June 29, 1936,
                         sentences).                    ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  902(a)
                                                        (1st, 2d
                                                        sentences), 49
                                                        Stat. 2015; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(131), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        165; Pub. L. 100-
                                                        710, title I,
                                                        Sec.  104(c),
                                                        Nov. 23, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4750.

    The words ``or other watercraft'' are omitted because of 
the definition of ``vessel'' in chapter 1 of the revised title. 
The words ``The termination of any emergency so declared shall 
be announced by a further proclamation by the President'' are 
omitted as superseded by the National Emergencies Act (50 
U.S.C. 1601 et seq.).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56302.................  46 App.:1242(c) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  902(c)
                                                        (1st sentence);
                                                        as added Aug. 7,
                                                        1939, ch. 555,
                                                        Sec.  3, 53
                                                        Stat. 1255; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(131), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``requisitioned for use but 
not ownership under this chapter'' are substituted for ``taken 
and used under authority of this section, but the ownership 
thereof is not required by the United States'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The word ``requisition'' is substituted for 
``taking'', and the word ``vessel'' is substituted for ``such 
property'', for consistency.
    Subsection (b) is added because the provisions about 
disputed compensation, for both charter use and other takings, 
are consolidated in section 56304 of the revised title to avoid 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56303(a)..............  46 App.:1242(a) (3d sentence   June 29, 1936,
                         words before 2d comma), (d)    ch. 858, title
                         (1st par. words before 2d      IX, Sec.  902(a)
                         comma).                        (3d, last
                                                        sentences), (b),
                                                        (d) (1st par.
                                                        words before 2d
                                                        comma), 49 Stat.
                                                        2015, 2016; Aug.
                                                        7, 1939, ch.
                                                        555, Sec.  3, 53
                                                        Stat. 1255; Aug.
                                                        3, 1956, ch.
                                                        929, Sec.  3, 70
                                                        Stat. 985; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(131), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
56303(b)..............  46 App.:1242(a) (3d sentence
                         words after 2d comma, last
56303(c)..............  46 App.:1242(b).
56303(d)..............  46 App.:1242(c) (last

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56304.................  46 App.:1242(c) (2d            June 29, 1936,
                         sentence), (d) (1st par.       ch. 858, title
                         words after 2d comma).         IX, Sec.  902(c)
                                                        (2d sentence),
                                                        (d) (1st par.
                                                        words after 2d
                                                        comma); as added
                                                        Aug. 7, 1939,
                                                        ch. 555, Sec.
                                                        3, 53 Stat.
                                                        1256; Aug. 3,
                                                        1956, ch. 929,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  2, 3,
                                                        70 Stat. 985;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(131),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 165.

    This section is substituted for the source provisions to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56305.................  46 App.:1242(d) (last par.).   June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  902(d)
                                                        (last par.), as
                                                        added Mar. 24,
                                                        1943, ch. 26,
                                                        Sec.  3(d), 57
                                                        Stat. 49; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(131), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In this section, the words ``encumbrance'' and 
``encumbrances'' are substituted for ``any valid claim by way 
of mortgage or maritime claim or attachment lien'' and ``any 
valid claim by way of mortgage or maritime lien or attachment 
lien'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``The Secretary shall 
publish notice of the creation of the fund in the Federal 
Register'' are added for clarity, based on language barring a 
civil action not brought within 6 months after publication of 
such a notice.
    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``Within 6 months after 
publication of notice under subsection (b)'' are substituted 
for ``prior to June 30, 1943, or within six months after the 
first such deposit with the Treasurer and publication of notice 
thereof in the Federal Register, whichever date is later'' for 
clarity and to eliminate obsolete language.
    Subsection (c)(3) is substituted for ``and such suit shall 
be commenced in the manner provided by section 742 of this 
Appendix and service of process shall be made in the manner 
therein provided by service upon the United States attorney and 
by mailing by registered mail to the Attorney General and the 
Secretary of Transportation and due notice shall under order of 
the court be given to all interested persons'' because the 
relevant sentences in 46 App. U.S.C. 742 were struck by an 
amendment in 1996. See generally Henderson v. United States, 
517 U.S. 654, 116 S. Ct. 1638 (1996).
    In subsection (c)(4), the words ``any decree in said suit 
shall be paid out of the first and all subsequent deposits of 
compensation'' and ``any decree shall be subject to appeal and 
revision as now provided in other cases of admiralty and 
maritime jurisdiction'' are omitted as surplus.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56306.................  46 App.:1242(e).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        902(e); as added
                                                        Aug. 7, 1939,
                                                        ch. 555, Sec.
                                                        3, 53 Stat.
                                                        1256; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(131), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In this section, the word ``vessel'' is substituted for 
``property'' for consistency in the chapter.
    In subsection (b), the words ``Such reimbursements shall be 
deposited in the construction fund established by section 1116 
of this Appendix'' are omitted as impliedly repealed by 46 App. 
U.S.C. 1119 as amended in 1967.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56307.................  46 App.:1242(a) (4th           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        IX, Sec.  902(a)
                                                        (4th sentence),
                                                        49 Stat. 2015;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(131),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 165.

    The words ``requisitioned for use but not ownership'' are 
substituted for ``taken and used under authority of this 
section, but the ownership thereof is not required by the 
United States'' to eliminate unnecessary words.


56501.  Definition.
56502.  Adjusting obligations and arranging maintenance.
56503.  Types of adjustments and arrangements.
56504.  Changes in adjustments and arrangements.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56501.................  46 App.:1242a(a).              June 29, 1940,
                                                        ch. 442, subdiv.
                                                        (a), 54 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56502.................  46 App.:1242a(b), (e).         June 29, 1940,
                                                        ch. 442,
                                                        subdivs. (b),
                                                        (e), 54 Stat.
                                                        684, 686; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(132), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1242a(b) (1st sentence) is 
omitted as surplus. The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1242a(e) is 
omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56503.................  46 App.:1242a(c).              June 29, 1940,
                                                        ch. 442, subdiv.
                                                        (c), 54 Stat.
                                                        685; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(132), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
56504.................  46 App.:1242a(d).              June 29, 1940,
                                                        ch. 442, subdiv.
                                                        (d), 54 Stat.
                                                        686; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(132), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

               Part F--Government-Owned Merchant Vessels

                     CHAPTER 571--GENERAL AUTHORITY

57101.  Placement of vessels in National Defense Reserve Fleet.
57102.  Disposition of vessels not worth preserving.
57103.  Sale of obsolete vessels in National Defense Reserve Fleet.
57104.  Acquisition of vessels from sale of obsolete vessels.
57105.  Acquisition of vessels for essential services, routes, or lines.
57106.  Maintenance, improvement, and operation of vessels.
57107.  Vessels for other agencies.
57108.  Consideration of ballast and equipment in determining selling 
57109.  Operation of vessels purchased, chartered, or leased from 
          Secretary of Transportation.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57101.................  46 App.:1160(j).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(j),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        89-254, Sec.  2,
                                                        Oct. 10, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 980;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(91),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161.

    In subsection (a), the words ``vessel acquired by the 
Maritime Administration'' are subtituted for ``vessel 
heretofore or hereafter acquired under this section, or 
otherwise acquired by the Maritime Administration of the 
Department of Transportation under any other authority'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``except as provided in 
section 57102, 57103, or 57104 or chapter 533, 537, 573, or 575 
of this title'' are substituted for ``except as provided for in 
subsections (g) and (i) of this section. This limitation shall 
not affect the rights of the Secretary of Transportation to 
dispose of a vessel as provided in other sections of this 
subchapter or in subchapters VII or XI of this chapter'' 
because of the restatement.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57102.................  46 App.:1158(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  508(a),
                                                        49 Stat. 2000;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(89),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136,
                                                        title XXXV, Sec.
                                                         3512(1), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1789.

    In subsection (a), the words ``vessel owned by the Maritime 
Administration'' are substituted for ``vessel transferred to 
the Maritime Administration of the Department of Transportation 
by section 1112 of this Appendix, or hereafter acquired'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``The sale of a vessel under 
section (a) shall be made on the basis of competitive sealed 
bids, after an appraisal and due advertisement. The purchaser 
does not have to be a citizen of the United States.'' are 
substituted for ``after appraisement and due advertisement, and 
upon competitive sealed bids, either to citizens of the United 
States or to aliens'' for clarity. The words ``provide a surety 
bond, with a surety approved by the Secretary, to ensure that'' 
are substituted for ``enter into an undertaking with sureties 
approved by the Secretary of Transportation that'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57103.................  46 App.:1158(b).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  508(b),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XXXV, Sec.
                                                        3512(2), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1789.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words 
``Notwithstanding section 1160(j) of this title'' are omitted 
as unnecessary because section 46 App. U.S.C. 1160(j) is 
restated in section 57101 of the revised title and that section 
contains an exception which includes this section. In clause 
(1), the words ``Commonwealth, or possession of the United 
States'' and ``or the District of Columbia'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definition of ``State'' in chapter 1 
of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57104.................  46 App.:1160(i).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(i),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        86-575, July 5,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        312; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        254, Sec.  1,
                                                        Oct. 10, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 980;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  13, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1022; Pub.
                                                        L. 93-605, Sec.
                                                        1, Jan. 2, 1975,
                                                        88 Stat. 1965;
                                                        Pub. L. 95-177,
                                                        Nov. 15, 1977,
                                                        91 Stat. 1368;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(91),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 161; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-595,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        704, Nov. 16,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``vessel sold from the Fleet'' 
are substituted for ``traded-out vessel'' for clarity and 
    In subsection (d), the words ``without obtaining additional 
separate approval from the Secretary to transfer the vessel to 
a person not a citizen of the United States'' are substituted 
for ``Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 808 and 835 of 
this Appendix'' for clarity and to avoid the cross references.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57105.................  46 App.:1125.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  215,
                                                        as added June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec.  4, 52
                                                        Stat. 954; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(73), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1125 note.             Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  9, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 217.

    In subsection (a), the words ``and to pay for the same out 
of his construction fund'' are omitted as obsolete because the 
construction fund established under 46 App. U.S.C. 1116 was 
impliedly abolished by 46 App. U.S.C. 1119, as amended.
    In subsection (b), the words ``less depreciation based on a 
25-year life for a dry-cargo or passenger vessel and a 20-year 
life for a tanker or other liquid bulk carrier vessel'' are 
substituted for ``less depreciation based upon a twenty-five 
year life expectancy of the vessel'' because of section 9 of 
Public Law 86-518 (June 12, 1960, 74 Stat. 217), which provided 
that ``Nothing in any amendment made by this Act [including 
section 1 substituting `twenty-five' for `twenty' in 46 App. 
U.S.C. 1125] shall operate or be interpreted to change from 
twenty to twenty-five years the provisions of the Merchant 
Marine Act, 1936, as amended, relating to the commercial 
expectancy or period of depreciation of any tanker or other 
liquid bulk carrier.''

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57106.................  46 App.:871.                   June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  12,
                                                        41 Stat. 993;
                                                        June 6, 1924,
                                                        ch. 273, Sec.
                                                        2, 43 Stat. 468;
                                                        Feb. 11, 1927,
                                                        ch. 104, Sec.  1
                                                        (last par. under
                                                        heading ``United
                                                        States Shipping
                                                        Board''), 44
                                                        Stat. 1083;
                                                        Exec. Order No.
                                                        6166, Sec.  12,
                                                        eff. June 10,
                                                        1933; June 29,
                                                        1936, ch. 858,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        204, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  904, 49
                                                        Stat. 1987,
                                                        2016; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(43), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:891b.                  May 22, 1928, ch.
                                                        675, title II,
                                                        Sec.  202, 45
                                                        Stat. 690; Exec.
                                                        Order No. 6166,
                                                        Sec.  12, eff.
                                                        June 10, 1933;
                                                        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  204,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        904, 49 Stat.
                                                        1987, 2016; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(51), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    This section is substituted for the source provisions to 
eliminate obsolete and unnecessary provisions.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57107.................  46 App.:1125a.                 Feb. 6, 1941, ch.
                                                        5, Sec.  4, 55
                                                        Stat. 6; Pub. L.
                                                        97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(74), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``heretofore or hereafter'', 
``diminish or otherwise'', and ``and, to the amount of such 
obligation or expenditure, diminish'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57108.................  46 App.:864b.                  June 29, 1949,
                                                        ch. 281, Sec.  1
                                                        (proviso), 63
                                                        Stat. 349; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(36), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57109.................  46 App.:808(b).                Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        9(b), 39 Stat.
                                                        730; July 15,
                                                        1918, ch. 152,
                                                        Sec.  3, 40
                                                        Stat. 900;
                                                        restated June 5,
                                                        1920, ch. 250,
                                                        Sec.  18, 41
                                                        Stat. 994; Ex.
                                                        Ord. No. 6166,
                                                        Sec.  12, eff.
                                                        June 10, 1933;
                                                        June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  204,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        904, 49 Stat.
                                                        1987, 2016; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(26), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        155; Pub. L. 100-
                                                        710, title I,
                                                        Sec.  104(b)(2),
                                                        Nov. 23, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4750.

    The words ``only under a certificate of documentation with 
a registry or coastwise endorsement'' are substituted for 
``only under such registry or enrollment and license'' for 
clarity and to use the appropriate current language.

                  CHAPTER 573--VESSEL TRADE-IN PROGRAM

57301.  Definitions.
57302.  Authority to acquire vessels.
57303.  Utility value and tonnage requirements.
57304.  Eligible acquisition dates.
57305.  Determination of trade-in allowance.
57306.  Payment of trade-in allowance.
57307.  Recognition of gain for tax purposes.
57308.  Use of vessels at least 25 years old.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57301.................  46 App.:1160(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(a),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1183; July
                                                        17, 1952, ch.
                                                        939, Sec.  7, 66
                                                        Stat. 762; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-332, Feb.
                                                        20, 1958, 72
                                                        Stat. 17; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-755, Oct.
                                                        5, 1962, 76
                                                        Stat. 751; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        12(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1022; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In clause (1)(A), the words ``or is purchased under section 
1204 of this Appendix, as amended, by the person turning in an 
obsolete vessel under this section'' are omitted because the 
purchase authority under 46 App. U.S.C. 1204 was impliedly 
repealed by section 14 of the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946 
(50 App. U.S.C. 1735 note).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57302.................  46 App.:1160(b) (1st, last     June 29, 1936,
                         sentences).                    ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(b)
                                                        (1st, last
                                                        sentences), as
                                                        added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1184; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-401,
                                                        subdiv. (1),
                                                        Oct. 5, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 833; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``toward the cost of construction or purchase of 
a new vessel'' are added for clarity. The text of 46 App. 
U.S.C. 1160(b) (last sentence) is omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57303.................  46 App.:1160(c).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(c),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1184; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57304.................  46 App.:1160(b) (2d            June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(b)
                                                        (2d sentence),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1184; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-401,
                                                        subdiv. (1),
                                                        Oct. 5, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 833; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``At the option of the owner'' are substituted 
for ``if the owner so requests'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57305(a)..............  46 App.:1160(b) (3d            June 29, 1936,
                         sentence), (d) (1st, 2d        ch. 858, title
                         sentences).                    V, Sec.  510(b)
                                                        (3d sentence),
                                                        (d), as added
                                                        Aug. 4, 1939,
                                                        ch. 417, Sec.
                                                        7, 53 Stat.
                                                        1184; July 17,
                                                        1952, ch. 939,
                                                        Sec.  8, 66
                                                        Stat. 762; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 87-
                                                        401, Oct. 5,
                                                        1961, 75 Stat.
                                                        833; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec.
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1035; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
57305(b)..............  46 App.:1160(d) (3d, last

    In subsection (a), the words ``fair value'' are substituted 
for ``fair and reasonable value'' to eliminate unnecessary 
words. In clause (3), the word ``commerce'' is substituted for 
``trade'' for consistency in the chapter.
    In subsection (b), the words ``for the entire period of 
such use'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57306.................  46 App.:1160(b) (4th-7th       June 29, 1936,
                         sentences).                    ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(b)
                                                        sentences), as
                                                        added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1184; Pub.
                                                        L. 87-401,
                                                        subdiv. (1),
                                                        Oct. 5, 1961, 75
                                                        Stat. 833; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  12(b),
                                                        35(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                                                        1022, 1035; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``acquisition of the obsolete 
vessel occurs'' are substituted for ``title to the obsolete 
vessel is acquired'' for consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57307.................  46 App.:1160(e).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(e),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1184; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``for gain or loss upon a sale or exchange and 
for depreciation under the applicable Federal income-tax laws'' 
and ``or vessels exchanged for credit upon the acquisition of 
such new vessel'' are omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), 
the words ``the difference between the cost of the new vessel 
and the trade-in allowance of the obsolete vessel'' are 
substituted for ``the amount of the cost of such vessel (other 
than the cost represented by such obsolete vessel or vessels)'' 
for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57308.................  46 App.:1160(g).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        V, Sec.  510(g),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  7, 53
                                                        Stat. 1185; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(91), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``and vessels presently in the Secretary's laid-
up fleet which are or become twenty-five years old or more'' 
and ``or any such vessel in the laid-up fleet'' are omitted as 
obsolete. In clause (2), the words ``for the employment of the 
Secretary's vessels in steamship lines'' are omitted as 


                          SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

57501.  Completion of long-range program.
57502.  Construction, reconditioning, and remodeling of vessels.
57503.  Competitive bidding.
57504.  Charter or sale of vessels acquired by Department of 
57505.  Employment of vessels on foreign trade routes.
57506.  Minimum selling price of vessels.

                         SUBCHAPTER II--CHARTERS

57511.  Demise charters.
57512.  Competitive bidding.
57513.  Minimum bid.
57514.  Qualifications of bidders.
57515.  Awarding of charters.
57516.  Operating-differential subsidies.
57517.  Recovery of excess profits.
57518.  Performance bond.
57519.  Insurance.
57520.  Vessel maintenance.
57521.  Termination of charter during national emergency.


57531.  Construction and charter of vessels for unsuccessful routes.
57532.  Operation of experimental vessels.

                         SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57501.................  46 App.:1191.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  701,
                                                        49 Stat. 2008;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(103),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.

    The words ``find and'', ``finding and'', ``in whole or in 
part'', and ``previously adopted'' are omitted as unnecessary. 
The word ``shall'' is substituted for ``is authorized and 
directed to'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57502(a), (b).........  46 App.:1192.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  702,
                                                        49 Stat. 2008;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-191,
                                                        Aug. 28, 1957,
                                                        71 Stat. 471;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-624,
                                                        Sec.  35(c),
                                                        July 12, 1960,
                                                        74 Stat. 421;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(104),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 162.
57502(c)..............  46 App.:1193(b).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        703(b), 49 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``for such new construction or 
reconstruction, in accordance with the provisions of this 
chapter'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57503(a)..............  46 App.:1193(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        703(a), (c)
                                                        (related to
                                                        49 Stat. 2008;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(105),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.
57503(b)..............  46 App.:1193(c) (related to
                         reconstruction, or

    In subsection (b), the words ``Bids required under this 
section'' are substituted for ``All bids required by the 
Secretary of Transportation for the construction, 
reconstruction, or reconditioning of vessels'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The word ``hour'' is omitted as covered by 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57504.................  46 App.:1194.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  704,
                                                        49 Stat. 2008;
                                                        Apr. 1, 1937,
                                                        ch. 64, 50 Stat.
                                                        57; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(106), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57505(a)..............  46 App.:1195 (1st sentence).   June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  705
                                                        (1st, 2d
                                                        sentences), 49
                                                        Stat. 2009; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(107), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
57505(b)..............  46 App.:1195 (2d sentence).

    In subsection (a), the words ``As soon as practicable after 
June 29, 1936, and continuing thereafter'' are omitted as 
obsolete. The words ``However, the Secretary shall first 
determine that those routes are not being adequately served'' 
are substituted for ``Provided, That such needs are not being 
adequately served'' for clarity and because provisos are 
disfavored in modern drafting.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``in the manner provided in 
section 7 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 [46 App. U.S.C. 
866], and in strict accordance with the provisions of section 5 
of said Act'' are omitted because section 5 of that Act was 
repealed in 1988, and section 7 is being repealed as obsolete 
by this bill without being restated.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57506.................  46 App.:1195 (last sentence).  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  705
                                                        (last sentence),
                                                        as added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  11(a), 53
                                                        Stat. 1185; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        1, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(107), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                        46 App.:1125 note.             Pub. L. 86-518,
                                                        Sec.  9, June
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 217.

    Subsection (d) is substituted for ``less depreciation based 
on a twenty-five year life'' because of section 9 of Public Law 
86-518 (June 12, 1960, 74 Stat. 217), which provided that 
``Nothing in any amendment made by this Act [including section 
1 substituting `twenty-five' for `twenty' in 46 App. U.S.C. 
1195] shall operate or be interpreted to change from twenty to 
twenty-five years the provisions of the Merchant Marine Act, 
1936, as amended, relating to the commercial expectancy or 
period of depreciation of any tanker or other liquid bulk 


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57511.................  46 App.:1201.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  711,
                                                        49 Stat. 2010;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(113),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.

    The words ``for a term the Secretary considers to be'' are 
substituted for ``until January 1, 1940, shall be for terms of 
three years or less as the Secretary of Transportation may 
decide: Provided, That after January 1, 1940, charters may be 
executed by the Secretary of Transportation for such terms as 
the experience gained by the Secretary of Transportation shall 
indicate are'' to eliminate unnecessary and obsolete words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57512(a)..............  46 App.:1196(a) (1st           June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        706(a), (b) (1st
                                                        sentence related
                                                        49 Stat. 2009;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(108),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.
57512(b)..............  46 App.:1196(a) (last
                         sentence), (b) (1st sentence
                         related to announcement).
57512(c)..............  46 App.:1193(c) (related to    June 29, 1936,
                         chartering).                   ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        703(c) (related
                                                        to chartering),
                                                        49 Stat. 2008;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(105),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.

    Subsection (b)(4) is substituted for ``announce in his 
advertisements for bids that the Secretary of Transportation 
reserves the right to, reject any and all bids submitted'' in 
46 App. U.S.C. 1196(b) to improve the organization.
    In subsection (c), the words ``Bids required under this 
section'' are substituted for ``All bids required by the 
Secretary of Transportation . . . and for the chartering of the 
Secretary's vessels hereinafter provided for'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The word ``hour'' is omitted as covered by 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57513.................  46 App.:1196(b) (last          June 29, 1936,
                         sentence).                     ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        706(b) (last
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  11(b), 53
                                                        Stat. 1186; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(108), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57514.................  46 App.:1203.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  713,
                                                        49 Stat. 2010;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(115),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 164.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57515.................  46 App.:1196(b) (1st sentence  June 29, 1936,
                         related to authority).         ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        706(b) (1st
                                                        sentence related
                                                        to authority),
                                                        707, 49 Stat.
                                                        2009; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(108), (109),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.
                        46 App.:1197.

    In subsection (a), the words ``if the Secretary considers 
the charter hire offered too low'' are substituted for ``if, in 
the Secretary's discretion, the charter hire offered is deemed 
too low'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``lacks the 
qualifications required by section 57514 of this title'' are 
substituted for ``lacks sufficient capital, credit, or 
experience to operate successfully the line'' to avoid 
repeating the qualifications in more than one place.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57516.................  46 App.:1198.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  708,
                                                        49 Stat. 2009;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        31, 52 Stat.
                                                        962; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(110), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57517.................  46 App.:1199.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  709,
                                                        49 Stat. 2010;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(111),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57518.................  46 App.:1200.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  710,
                                                        49 Stat. 2010;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(112),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 163.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57519.................  46 App.:1202(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        712(a), 49 Stat.
                                                        2010; Aug. 7,
                                                        1939, ch. 555,
                                                        Sec.  1, 53
                                                        Stat. 1254; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(114), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57520.................  46 App.:1202(b), (c).          June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        712(b), (c), 49
                                                        Stat. 2010; Aug.
                                                        7, 1939, ch.
                                                        555, Sec.  1, 53
                                                        Stat. 1254; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(114), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57521.................  46 App.:1202(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        712(d), 49 Stat.
                                                        2010; Aug. 7,
                                                        1939, ch. 555,
                                                        Sec.  1, 53
                                                        Stat. 1254; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(114), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57531.................  46 App.:1204.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  714,
                                                        49 Stat. 2011;
                                                        June 23, 1938,
                                                        ch. 600, Sec.
                                                        32, 52 Stat.
                                                        962; Aug. 4,
                                                        1939, ch. 417,
                                                        Sec.  12, 53
                                                        Stat. 1186; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-3, Sec.
                                                        18(b)(3), Mar.
                                                        18, 1959, 73
                                                        Stat. 12; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-518, Sec.
                                                        5, June 12,
                                                        1960, 74 Stat.
                                                        216; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        469, Sec.  22,
                                                        Oct. 21, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1032;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(116),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 164.

    Subsection (b)(2) is substituted for ``Upon the basis of a 
twenty-five year life of the vessel'' because of section 9 of 
Public Law 86-518 (June 12, 1960, 74 Stat. 217), which provided 
that ``Nothing in any amendment made by this Act [including 
section 5 substituting `twenty-five' for `twenty' in 46 App. 
U.S.C. 1204] shall operate or be interpreted to change from 
twenty to twenty-five years the provisions of the Merchant 
Marine Act, 1936, as amended, relating to the commercial 
expectancy or period of depreciation of any tanker or other 
liquid bulk carrier.''
    In subsection (c), in clauses (1) and (4), references to 
the useful life specified in subsection (b)(2) are substituted 
for references to the twenty-five year useful life for the 
reason stated in explaining subsection (b)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
57532.................  46 App.:1205.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VII, Sec.  715,
                                                        as added July
                                                        11, 1956, ch.
                                                        574, 70 Stat.
                                                        531; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(117), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    Subsection (d) is substituted for ``Those provisions of law 
prescribed or incorporated under section 1241a of this 
Appendix, which relate to vessel operating activities of the 
Secretary of Transportation and to employment of seamen through 
general agents, shall be applicable in connection with charters 
and agreements entered into under this section'' for clarity.

                   Part G--Restrictions and Penalties


58101.  Operating in domestic intercoastal or coastwise service.
58102.  Default on payment or maintenance of reserves.
58103.  Employing another person as managing or operating agent.
58104.  Willful violation constitutes breach of contract or charter.
58105.  Preferences for cargo in which charterer has interest.
58106.  Concerted discriminatory activities.
58107.  Discrimination at ports by water common carriers.
58108.  Charges for transportation subject to subtitle IV of title 49.
58109.  Penalties.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58101.................  46 App.:1223(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        805(a), 49 Stat.
                                                        2012; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(122), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        164; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        239, Sec.
                                                        4(b)(1), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

    In this chapter, references to the ``operating-differential 
subsidy program'' are substituted for references to ``part A of 
subchapter VI of this chapter'', meaning 46 App. U.S.C. 1171-
1185a, because part A of subchapter VI contains the operating-
differential subsidy program and under 46 App. U.S.C. 1185a 
that program is being phased out. Consequently, part A is being 
omitted from the revised title and will instead appear as a 
note under section 53101, except for 46 App. U.S.C. 1177 and 
1177-l which are restated in chapter 535. References to 
``chapter 575 of this title'' are substituted for references to 
``subchapter VII of this chapter'', meaning 46 App. U.S.C. 
1191-1205, because those sections are restated in chapter 575.
    In subsection (b), the words ``A person may apply to the 
Secretary of Transportation for a waiver of subsection (a). 
Before deciding on the waiver, the Secretary shall give the 
applicant and other interested persons an opportunity for a 
hearing.'' are substituted for ``without the written permission 
of the Secretary of Transportation. Every person, firm, or 
corporation having any interest in such application shall be 
permitted to intervene and the Secretary of Transportation 
shall give a hearing to the applicant and the intervenors.'' 
for clarity.
    In subsection (c), the words ``domestic intercoastal or 
coastwise trade'' are substituted for ``domestic, intercoastal, 
or coastwise trade'' for consistency in the section.
    In subsection (d), the words ``and whosoever shall violate 
this provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor'' are omitted 
because section 3559 of title 18 provides for the 
classification of offenses. See the revision notes for section 
58109 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58102.................  46 App.:1223(b).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        805(b), 49 Stat.
                                                        2012; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(122), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        164; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        239, Sec.
                                                        4(b)(2), Oct. 8,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

    The words ``contractor under the operating-differential 
subsidy program or a charterer under chapter 575 of this title, 
receiving an operating-differential subsidy'' are substituted 
for ``contractor under part A of subchapter VI of this chapter 
or subchapter VII of this chapter receiving an operating-
differential subsidy'' for the reasons explained under section 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58103.................  46 App.:1223(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        805(d), 49 Stat.
                                                        2013; June 23,
                                                        1938, ch. 600,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  36,
                                                        37, 52 Stat.
                                                        963; Pub. L. 91-
                                                        603, Sec.  4(e),
                                                        Dec. 31, 1970,
                                                        84 Stat. 1675;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(122),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 164; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-239, Sec.
                                                         4(b)(2), Oct.
                                                        8, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3131.

    In subsection (a), the words ``contractor holding a 
contract under the operating-differential subsidy program or 
under chapter 575 of this title'' are substituted for 
``contractor holding a contract authorized under part A of 
subchapter VI or VII of this chapter'' for the reasons 
explained under section 58101.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58104.................  46 App.:1223(f).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        805(f), 49 Stat.
                                                        2014; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(122), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    The words ``in force under this chapter'' and ``forthwith'' 
are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``and any person 
willfully violating the provisions of this section shall be 
guilty of a misdemeanor'' are omitted because section 3559 of 
title 18 provides for the classification of offenses. See the 
revision notes for section 58109 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58105.................  46 App.:1226.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.  808,
                                                        49 Stat. 2015.

    The words ``and whosoever shall violate this provision 
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor'' are omitted because section 
3559 of title 18 provides for the classification of offenses. 
See the revision notes for section 58109 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58106.................  46 App.:1227.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.  810,
                                                        49 Stat. 2015.

    In subsection (b), the words ``United States Government'' 
are substituted for ``United States or any agency of the United 
States'' for consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the words ``bring a civil action'' are 
substituted for ``sue'' for consistency in the revised title. 
The words ``without respect to the amount in controversy'' are 
omitted because section 1331 of title 28 no longer contains a 
requirement of any particular amount in controversy for 
jurisdiction of civil actions arising under the laws of the 
United States. The words ``If the person prevails'' are added 
for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58107.................  46 App.:1115.                  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  205,
                                                        49 Stat. 1987;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  12(62),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 159.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58108.................  46 App.:884.                   June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        250, Sec.  28,
                                                        41 Stat. 999;
                                                        Ex. Ord. No.
                                                        6166, Sec.  12,
                                                        eff. June 10,
                                                        1933; June 29,
                                                        1936, ch. 858,
                                                        Sec. Sec.  204,
                                                        904, 49 Stat.
                                                        1987, 2016; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(50), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
                                                        157; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        88, title III,
                                                        Sec.  321(3),
                                                        Dec. 29, 1995,
                                                        109 Stat. 950.

    The words ``territory or possession'' are substituted for 
``possession or dependency'' for consistency in the revised 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
58109.................  46 App.:1228 (1st, 2d pars.).  June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        806(b), (c), 49
                                                        Stat. 2014; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(125), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the word ``individual'' is substituted 
for ``natural person'' for consistency in the revised title. 
The words ``convicted of violating section 58101(d), 58103, or 
58105 of this title'' are substituted for ``found guilty of any 
act or acts declared in this chapter to constitute a 
misdemeanor'' because the sections referred to restate the 
provisions which declare certain acts to be misdemeanors and 
because the restatement of those provisions does not use the 
word ``misdemeanor''. The words ``in any district court of the 
United States'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``shall 
be fined under title 18, imprisoned for at least one year but 
not more than five years, or both'' are substituted for ``shall 
be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by 
imprisonment for not less than one year or more than five 
years, or by both fine and imprisonment'' because of chapter 
227 of title 18. See 18 U.S.C. 3559 (which classifies offenses 
based on the maximum term of imprisonment) and 3571 (which 
establishes fines based on those classifications).
    In subsection (b), the word ``organization'' is substituted 
for ``corporation'' to reflect the probable intent that the 
penalty should apply to other organizations in addition to 
corporations. The words ``convicted of committing an act 
prohibited by this subtitle'' are substituted for ``found 
guilty of any act or acts declared in this chapter to be 
unlawful'' for clarity and consistency. The words ``shall be 
fined under title 18'' are substituted for ``shall be punished 
by a fine of not more than $25,000'' for consistency with 
subsection (a).
    In subsection (c), the words ``An individual or 
organization convicted of violating a section referred to in 
subsection (a)'' are substituted for ``any person or 
corporation convicted of a misdemeanor under the provisions of 
this chapter'' for consistency in the section. Reference to the 
Federal Maritime Commission is omitted because the Commission 
does not administer any of the provisions referred to.

           Subtitle VI--Clearance, Tonnage Taxes, and Duties

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Arrival and Departure Requirements...........................60101
      Tonnage Taxes and Light Money................................60301
      Discriminating Duties and Reciprocal Privileges..............60501


60101.  Boarding arriving vessels before inspection.
60102.  Production of certificate on entry.
60103.  Oath of ownership on entry.
60104.  Depositing certificates of documentation with consular officers.
60105.  Clearance of vessels.
60106.  State inspection laws.
60107.  Payment of fees on departing vessel.
60108.  Duty to transport tendered cargo.
60109.  Duty to transport money and securities of the United States 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60101.................  46 App.:163.                   Mar. 31, 1900,
                                                        ch. 120, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  1-3, 31
                                                        Stat. 58.

    In subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security is 
substituted for the Commissioner of Customs because the 
functions of the Customs Service and of the Secretary of the 
Treasury relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary of 
Homeland Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security 
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178). The functions of 
the Commissioner of Customs previously were vested in the 
Secretary of the Treasury under section 321(c) of title 31. For 
prior related transfers of functions, see the transfer of 
functions note under 46 App. U.S.C. 163. The word ``shall'' is 
substituted for ``is authorized and directed to'' for 
consistency in the revised title and to eliminate unnecessary 
words. The word ``port'' is substituted for ``seaports'' for 
consistency in the revised title. The word ``secured'' is 
substituted for ``placed in security'' to eliminate unnecessary 
words. The words ``from time to time'', ``properly'', and ``and 
for that purpose to employ any of the officers of the United 
States Customs Service'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``fined under title 18, 
imprisoned for not more than 6 months, or both'' are 
substituted for ``subject to a penalty of not more than $100 or 
imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both'' because of 
chapter 227 of title 18. The words ``in the discretion of the 
court'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c), the words ``section 2279 of title 18'' 
are substituted for ``section forty-six hundred and six of the 
Revised Statutes'' in the Act of Mar. 31, 1900, because R.S. 
Sec. 4606 (formerly classified to 46 U.S.C. 708 (1946 ed.)) was 
replaced by 18 U.S.C. 2279 in the codification of title 18 by 
the Act of June 25, 1948 (ch. 645, 62 Stat. 683). The words 
``section 9 of act August 2, 1882 (22 Stat. 189)'' are omitted 
because that law was repealed by section 4(b) of Public Law 98-
89 (Aug. 26, 1983, 97 Stat. 600).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60102.................  46 App.:57.                    R.S. Sec.  4184.

    The words ``vessel documented under chapter 121 of this 
title'' are substituted for ``vessel, recorded in pursuance of 
title 48 of the Revised Statutes'', and the words ``certificate 
of documentation'' are substituted for ``certificate of such 
record'', for consistency with chapter 121 of title 46. The 
words ``in charge'' are substituted for ``having the command or 
charge'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``customs 
officer'' are substituted for ``collector of the district'' 
because the office of collector of customs was abolished by 
Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1965. For additional requirements 
relating to entry of vessels, see 19 U.S.C. 1434.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60103.................  46 App.:42.                    R.S. Sec.  4173.

    In subsection (a), the words ``certificate of 
documentation'' and ``certificate'' are substituted for 
``register'' for consistency with chapter 121 of the revised 
title. In clause (2), the words ``sold or'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. The words ``owned only by citizens of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``no foreign subject or citizen 
has . . . any share, by way of trust, confidence, or 
otherwise'' for consistency in the revised title and to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60104.................  46 App.:354.                   R.S. Sec.  4309;
                                                        Apr. 5, 1906,
                                                        ch. 1366, Sec.
                                                        3, 34 Stat. 100.
                        46 App.:355.                   R.S. Sec.  4310;
                                                        Apr. 5, 1906,
                                                        ch. 1366, Sec.
                                                        3, 34 Stat. 100.

    In this section, the words ``certificate of documentation'' 
are substituted for ``register'' and ``papers'' for consistency 
with chapter 121 of title 46. The words ``sea-letter, and 
Mediterranean passport'' in R.S. Sec. 4309 are omitted because 
the use of those documents was discontinued by Presidential 
proclamation on April 10, 1815. The words ``consular officer'' 
are substituted for ``consul or vice consul'' for consistency 
with 22 U.S.C. 4205. The words ``commercial agent, or vice 
commercial agent'' in R.S. Sec. Sec. 4309 and 4310 are omitted 
because of the abolition of the grade of commercial agent by 
the Act of Apr. 5, 1906 (ch. 1366, 34 Stat. 99).
    In subsection (b), the words ``or commander'' are omitted 
as unnecessary and for consistency in the section.
    In subsection (c), the word ``failing'' is substituted for 
``refuses or neglects'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
words ``liable to the United States Government for a civil 
penalty'' are substituted for ``liable to a penalty'' for 
clarity and for consistency in the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60105.................  46 App.:91.                    R.S. Sec.  4197;
                                                        Aug. 5, 1935,
                                                        ch. 438, title
                                                        II, Sec.  209,
                                                        49 Stat. 526;
                                                        June 16, 1938,
                                                        ch. 476, Sec.
                                                        1, 52 Stat. 758;
                                                        Sept. 1, 1954,
                                                        ch. 1213, title
                                                        V, Sec.  501(a),
                                                        68 Stat. 1140;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-182,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        686(b), Dec. 8,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.
                                                        2221; Pub. L.
                                                        106-476, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1452(a)(3), Nov.
                                                        9, 2000, 114
                                                        Stat. 2167.

    The Secretary of Homeland Security is substituted for the 
Customs Service and for the Secretary of the Treasury because 
the functions of the Customs Service and of the Secretary of 
the Treasury relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary 
of Homeland Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security 
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60106.................  46 App.:97.                    R.S. Sec.  4202.

    This section is substituted for the source provision to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60107.................  46 App.:100.                   R.S. Sec.  4206.

    This section is substituted for the source provision to 
eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60108.................  46 App.:834.                   Sept. 7, 1916,
                                                        ch. 451, Sec.
                                                        36, 39 Stat.

    Only the word ``cargo'' is used, instead of 
``merchandise'', ``freight'', and ``cargo'', for consistency in 
the section.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60109.................  46 App.:98.                    R.S. Sec.  4204;
                                                        Apr. 5, 1906,
                                                        ch. 1366, Sec.
                                                        3, 34 Stat. 100.

    This section is substituted for the source provision to 
eliminate unnecessary words.


60301.  Regular tonnage taxes.
60302.  Special tonnage taxes.
60303.  Light money.
60304.  Presidential suspension of tonnage taxes and light money.
60305.  Vessels in distress.
60306.  Vessels not engaged in trade.
60307.  Vessels engaged in coastwise trade or the fisheries.
60308.  Vessels engaged in Great Lakes trade.
60309.  Passenger vessels making trips between ports of the United 
          States and foreign ports.
60310.  Vessels making daily trips on interior waters.
60311.  Hospital vessels in time of war.
60312.  Rights under treaties preserved.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60301(a)..............  46 App.:121 (2d sentence       Aug. 5, 1909, ch.
                         words before semicolon).       6, Sec.  36 (1st
                                                        sentence), 36
                                                        Stat. 111; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-508,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10402(a), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1388-398;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-66,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        9001(a)(1), (2),
                                                        (c)(1), Aug. 10,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.
                                                        402; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        33, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  9201(a),
                                                        Aug. 5, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 671.
60301(b)..............  46 App.:121 (2d sentence
                         words after semicolon).
60301(c)..............  46 App.:132.                   Mar. 8, 1910, ch.
                                                        86, 36 Stat.
                                                        234; Pub. L. 101-
                                                        508, title X,
                                                        Sec.  10402(b),
                                                        Nov. 5, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 1388-
                                                        399; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        66, title IX,
                                                        Sec.  9001(b),
                                                        Aug. 10, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 402;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-33,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        9201(b), Aug. 5,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.

    In this section, the tax rates for fiscal years 1991 
through 2002 are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (a)(1), the words ``West Indies Islands'' are 
substituted for ``West India Islands'' to conform to current 
geographic terminology. The word ``Newfoundland'' is omitted 
because Newfoundland is now part of Canada.
    In subsection (a)(2), the reference to the definitions in 
section 2101 is confined to ``recreational vessel'' because the 
definitions of ``vessel of the United States'' and ``barge'' 
are being moved to chapter 1 of the revised title and being 
made applicable title-wide.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60302(a)..............  46 App.:121 (1st sentence,     R.S. Sec.  4219
                         5th sentence words before      (1st, 2d
                         semicolon, last sentence       sentences, 4th
                         words after semicolon).        sentence words
                                                        semicolon, last
                                                        sentence words
                                                        before 1st
                                                        semicolon and
                                                        after last
                                                        semicolon); Feb.
                                                        27, 1877, ch.
                                                        69, Sec.  1, 19
                                                        Stat. 250.
60302(b)..............  46 App.:121 (4th sentence
                         words before proviso).
60302(c)..............  46 App.:121 (4th sentence      Mar. 4, 1915, ch.
                         proviso).                      171, Sec.  1, 38
                                                        Stat. 1193.

    In subsections (a) and (b), the words ``Regardless of 
whether a tax is imposed under section 60301 of this title'' 
are added for clarity. See 19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.20(c) (2003).
    In subsection (a)(1), the word ``owned'' is substituted for 
``belonging'' for consistency in the revised title.
    In subsection (a)(3), the words ``vessel of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``vessel'' for clarity.
    In subsection (c), the words ``The tax of 50 cents per 
ton'' are substituted for ``no such duty'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 
121 to conform more closely to the language in section 1 of the 
Act of March 4, 1915 (ch. 171, 38 Stat. 1193). The word 
``documented'' is substituted for ``registered'' for 
consistency in the revised title.
    The words ``In addition to the tonnage-duty above imposed, 
there shall be paid a tax, at the rate of thirty cents per ton, 
on vessels which shall be entered at any custom-house within 
the United States from any foreign port or place'' in R.S. 
Sec. 4219 were omitted from the original codification of R.S. 
Sec. 4219 in 46 U.S.C. 121 (1926 edition, 44 Stat. 1467). A 
codification note which first appeared in the 1958 edition of 
the United States Code for 46 U.S.C. 121 says that the words 
apparently were omitted as superseded and repealed by section 
14 of the Act of June 26, 1884 (ch. 121, 23 Stat. 57), as 
amended by section 11 of the Act of June 19, 1886 (ch. 421, 24 
Stat. 81), and section 1 of the Act of April 4, 1888 (ch. 61, 
25 Stat. 80).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60303(a)..............  46 App.:128 (words before      R.S. Sec.  4225.
60303(b)..............  46 App.:129.                   R.S. Sec.  4226.
60303(c)..............  46 App.:128 (proviso).         Mar. 4, 1915, ch.
                                                        171, Sec.  1, 38
                                                        Stat. 1193.

    In subsection (a), the word ``tax'' is substituted for 
``duty'', and the word ``imposed'' is substituted for ``levied 
and collected'', for consistency in the chapter. The words ``in 
the same manner'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(1), before clause (A), the words ``does 
not apply to'' are substituted for ``shall not be deemed to 
operate upon'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The word 
``unregistered'' is omitted as unnecessary. The word ``only'' 
is added for clarity and for consistency in the revised title. 
In clause (A), the words ``owned only by citizens of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``American property'' for 
consistency. In clause (B)(ii), the words ``sold or'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``owned only by citizens of 
the United States'' are substituted for ``no foreign subject or 
citizen has . . . any share, by way of trust, confidence, or 
otherwise'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b)(2), clause (A) is substituted for ``if 
the same shall be at the port at which the owner or any of the 
part owners reside'', and clause (B) is substituted for ``If 
the owner or any part owner does not reside at the port or 
place at which such vessel shall enter, then the master shall 
make oath to the like effect'', to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60304.................  46 App.:121 (5th sentence      R.S. Sec.  4219
                         words after semicolon).        (4th sentence
                                                        words after
                                                        semicolon); Feb.
                                                        27, 1877, ch.
                                                        69, Sec.  1, 19
                                                        Stat. 250.

    The words ``If the President is satisfied . . . the 
President shall suspend the imposition'' are substituted for 
``none of the duties . . . shall be levied . . . if the 
President of the United States shall be satisfied'', the words 
``does not impose'' are substituted for ``have been 
abolished'', and the words ``special tonnage taxes and light 
money'' are substituted for ``duties on tonnage above 
mentioned'', for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60305.................  46 App.:121 (3d sentence       Aug. 5, 1909, ch.
                         related to distress).          6, Sec.  36 (2d
                                                        sentence related
                                                        to distress), 36
                                                        Stat. 111; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-508,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10402(a), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1388-398;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-66,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        (c)(1), Aug. 10,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.

    The words ``and light money'' are added for clarity and 
consistency. See 19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.21 (2003).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60306.................  46 App.:121 (3d sentence       Aug. 5, 1909, ch.
                         related to trade).             6, Sec.  36 (2d
                                                        sentence related
                                                        to trade), 36
                                                        Stat. 111; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-508,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10402(a), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1388-398;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-66,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        (c)(1), Aug. 10,
                                                        1993, 107 Stat.

    The words ``and light money'' are added for clarity and 
consistency. See 19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.21 (2003).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60307.................  46 App.:122.                   R.S. Sec.  4220.

    The words ``with a registry endorsement or a coastwise 
endorsement'' are substituted for ``if such vessel be licensed, 
registered, or enrolled'' for consistency with chapter 121 of 
the revised title. The words ``belonging to any citizen of the 
United States'' are omitted as unnecessary because, under 
chapter 121 as amended by this bill, ownership by a citizen of 
the United States is a requirement for documentation. The words 
``and light money'' are added for clarity and consistency. See 
19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.21 (2003).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60308.................  46 App.:123.                   R.S. Sec.  2793;
                                                        Sept. 25, 1941,
                                                        ch. 423, 55
                                                        Stat. 733; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-182,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        686(a)(1), Dec.
                                                        8, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 2220; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-324,
                                                        title XI, Sec.
                                                        1115(b)(4), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3972.

    The words ``or light money'' are added for clarity and 
consistency. See 19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.21 (2003).
    The statutory source for this section, R.S. Sec. 2793, is 
amended by section 13(a) of this bill. See the explanation in 
this report for that amendment.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60309.................  46 App.:124.                   R.S. Sec.  2792;
                                                        May 28, 1908,
                                                        ch. 212, Sec.
                                                        1, 35 Stat. 424.

    The words ``at least 3 trips per week'' are substituted for 
``triweekly or oftener'' for clarity. The words ``and light 
money'' are added for clarity and consistency. See 19 C.F.R. 
Sec. 4.21 (2003). The words ``while such service triweekly or 
oftener is maintained'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60310.................  46 App.:125.                   R.S. Sec.  4221.

    The words ``is exempt from tonnage taxes'' are substituted 
for ``no tonnage fees shall be charged'' for consistency in the 
revised chapter. The words ``and light money'' are added for 
clarity and consistency. See 19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.21 (2003). The 
words ``by the officers of the United States'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60311.................  46 App.:133.                   Mar. 24, 1908,
                                                        ch. 96, 35 Stat.
                        46 App.:134.

    The words ``and possessions thereof'' are omitted as 
unnecessary because of the definition of ``United States'' in 
chapter 1 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60312.................  46 App.:121 (last sentence     R.S. Sec.  4219
                         words before semicolon).       (last sentence
                                                        words between
                                                        1st and last
                                                        Feb. 27, 1877,
                                                        ch. 69, Sec.  1,
                                                        19 Stat. 250.
                        46 App.:135.                   R.S. Sec.  4227.

    The words ``This chapter and chapter 605 of this title'' 
are substituted for ``title 48 of the Revised Statutes'' in 46 
App. U.S.C. 135 because the provisions of title 48 of the 
Revised Statutes which are still alive and relate to tonnage or 
other duties on vessels are restated in these two chapters. 
Although these two chapters restate other provisions which are 
not from title 48 of the Revised Statutes, expansion of the 
reference to include those provisions is done for consistency.


60501.  Vessels allowed to import.
60502.  Discriminating duty on goods imported in foreign vessels or from 
          contiguous countries.
60503.  Reciprocal suspension of discriminating duties.
60504.  Reciprocal privileges for recreational vessels.
60505.  Retaliatory suspension of commercial privileges.
60506.  Retaliation against British dominions of North America.
60507.  Suspension of free passage through Saint Marys Falls Canal.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60501(a)..............  19:130 (1st sentence).         Oct. 3, 1913, ch.
                                                        16, Sec.
                                                        IV(J)(2), (3),
                                                        38 Stat. 196;
                                                        Mar. 15, 1915,
                                                        ch. 171, Sec.
                                                        1, 38 Stat.
                                                        1193; Pub. L.
                                                        103-182, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        689(a)(2), Dec.
                                                        8, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 2222.
60501(b)..............  19:131 (words before
60501(c)..............  19:131 (words beginning with
60501(d)..............  19:130 (last sentence related
                         to 19:130).

    In this section, the word ``goods'' is substituted for 
``goods, wares, or merchandise'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (a)(2), before subclause (A), the words 
``owned only by'' are substituted for ``truly and wholly belong 
to'' for consistency in the revised title.
    In subsection (b), the words ``or goods, wares, or 
merchandise imported in vessels'' are omitted as unnecessary 
because of the wording of subsection (a) of the revised 
section. The word ``restriction'' is substituted for 
``regulation'' as being more appropriate.
    Subsection (d) is substituted for ``All goods, wares, or 
merchandise imported contrary to this section or section 128 of 
this title, and the vessel wherein the same shall be imported, 
together with her cargo, tackle, apparel, and furniture, shall 
be forfeited to the United States; and such goods, wares, or 
merchandise, ship, or vessel, and cargo shall be liable to be 
seized, prosecuted, and condemned in like manner, and under the 
same regulations, restrictions, and provisions as have been 
heretofore established for the recovery, collection, 
distribution, and remission of forfeitures to the United States 
by the several revenue laws'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60502(a)..............  19:128.                        Oct. 3, 1913, ch.
                                                        16, Sec.
                                                        IV(J)(1), 38
                                                        Stat. 196; Mar.
                                                        15, 1915, ch.
                                                        171, Sec.  1, 38
                                                        Stat. 1193; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-182,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        689(a)(1), Dec.
                                                        8, 1993, 107
                                                        Stat. 2222.
                        46 App.:146.
60502(b)..............  19:130 (last sentence related  Oct. 3, 1913, ch.
                         to 19:128).                    16, Sec.
                                                        IV(J)(2), 38
                                                        Stat. 196.

    In this section, the word ``goods'' is substituted for 
``goods, wares, or merchandise'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (a)(1), clauses (A) and (B) are substituted 
for ``but this discriminating duty shall not apply to goods, 
wares, or merchandise which shall be imported in vessels not of 
the United States entitled at the time of such importation by 
treaty or convention or Act of Congress to be entered in the 
ports of the United States on payment of the same duties as 
shall then be payable on goods, wares, and merchandise imported 
in vessels of the United States, nor to goods, wares, and 
merchandise imported in a vessel owned by citizens of the 
United States but not a vessel of the United States if such 
vessel after entering an American port shall, before leaving 
the same, be documented under chapter 121 of title 46'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    Subsection (a)(2) is substituted for ``or which being the 
production or manufacture of any foreign country not contiguous 
to the United States, shall come into the United States from 
such contiguous country'' and ``but this discriminating duty 
shall not apply . . . nor to such products or manufactures as 
shall be imported from such contiguous countries in the usual 
course of strictly retail trade'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    Subsection (b) is substituted for the source provision for 
consistency with section 60501(d) and to eliminate unnecessary 
words. See note for section 60501(d) in this report.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60503.................  46 App.:141.                   R.S. Sec.  4228;
                                                        July 24, 1897,
                                                        ch. 13, 30 Stat.

    In this section, the word ``goods'' is substituted for 
``produce, manufactures, or merchandise'', ``merchandise'', and 
``cargoes'' for consistency in the chapter. Other changes are 
made to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60503.................  46 App.:104.                   May 28, 1908, ch.
                                                        212, Sec.  5, 35
                                                        Stat. 425; Aug.
                                                        5, 1909, ch. 6,
                                                        Sec.  37 (3d
                                                        par.), 36 Stat.
                                                        112; June 26,
                                                        1948, ch. 673,
                                                        62 Stat. 1051.

    The Secretary of Homeland Security is substituted for the 
Commissioner of Customs because the functions of the Customs 
Service and of the Secretary of the Treasury relating thereto 
were transferred to the Secretary of Homeland Security by 
section 403(1) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 
107-296, 116 Stat. 2178). The functions of the Commissioner of 
Customs previously were vested in the Secretary of the Treasury 
under section 321(c) of title 31. For prior related transfers 
of functions, see the transfer of functions note under 46 App. 
U.S.C. 104.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60505.................  46 App.:142.                   June 19, 1886,
                                                        ch. 421, Sec.
                                                        17, 24 Stat. 82.

    In this section, the words ``vessels of the United States'' 
are used instead of both ``vessels of the United States'' and 
``American vessels'' for consistency in the section. The words 
``vessels of a foreign country'' and ``vessels of that 
country'' are substituted for ``foreign country whose 
vessels'', ``national vessels'', ``vessels of such foreign 
country'', and similar references, for consistency. The words 
``ports and waters'' and ``ports or waters'' are substituted 
for ``ports'', ``harbors, ports, or waters'', and ``ports, 
harbors, or waters'' for consistency.
    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``on 
receiving satisfactory information of the continuance of such 
discriminations against any vessels of the United States'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), the words ``given the 
same commercial privileges'' are substitued for ``placed on the 
same footing'' for clarity and for consistency in the section.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``excluding . . . from 
the exercise of such commercial privileges in the ports of the 
United States as are denied to American vessels in the ports of 
such foreign country, all vessels of such foreign country of a 
similar character to the vessels of the United States thus 
discriminated against'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    Subsection (c) is substituted for ``on and after such time 
as he may indicate'' for clarity.
    Subsection (d)(1) is substituted for ``and on and after the 
date named in such proclamation for it to take effect, if the 
master, officer, or agent of any vessel of such foreign country 
excluded by said proclamation from the exercise of any 
commercial privileges shall do any act prohibited by said 
proclamation in the ports, harbors, or waters of the United 
States for or on account of such vessel, such vessel, and its 
rigging, tackle, furniture, and boats, and all the goods on 
board, shall be liable to seizure and to forfeiture to the 
United States'' for consistency in the revised title and to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    Subsection (d)(2) is substituted for ``any person opposing 
any officer of the United States in the enforcement of this 
section, or aiding and abetting any other person in such 
opposition, shall forfeit $800, and shall be guilty of a 
misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be liable to 
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years'' because of 
chapter 227 of title 18.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60506.................  46 App.:143.                   Mar. 3, 1887, ch.
                                                        339, 24 Stat.

    In this section, the words ``fishermen or fishing vessels 
of the United States'' are substituted for ``American fishing 
vessels or American fishermen'' for consistency in the revised 
title. The words ``are or recently have been denied'' are 
substituted for ``are or then lately have been denied or 
abridged'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a), the words before clause (1) are 
substituted for ``Whenever the President of the United States 
shall be satisfied . . . then, and in either or all of such 
cases, it shall be lawful, and it shall be the duty of the 
President of the United States, in his discretion, by 
proclamation to that effect, to deny vessels, their masters and 
crews, of the British dominions of North America, any entrance 
into the waters, ports, or places of or within the United 
States . . . whether such vessel shall have come directly from 
said dominions on such destined voyage or by way of some port 
or place in such destined voyage elsewhere; and also to deny 
entry into any port or place of the United States of fresh fish 
or salt fish or any other product of said dominions, or other 
goods coming from said dominions to the United States'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(1)(B), the words ``regulations, or 
requirements'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (a)(1)(C), the words ``otherwise harassed'' 
are substituted for ``unjustly vexed or harassed in the 
enjoyment of such rights, . . . or otherwise unjustly vexed or 
harassed'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(2), before clause (A), the word ``dock'' 
is substituted for ``touch'' for clarity. In clause (C), the 
words ``otherwise harassed'' are substituted for ``unjustly 
vexed or harassed, in respect thereof, or otherwise be unjustly 
vexed or harassed therein'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (a)(3)(B), the words ``otherwise harassed'' 
are substituted for ``unjustly vexed or harassed in respect of 
the same, or unjustly vexed or harassed therein'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``(with such exceptions 
in regard to vessels in distress, stress of weather, or needing 
supplies as to the President shall seem proper)'' and ``The 
President may, in his discretion, apply such proclamation to 
any part or to all of the foregoing named subjects, and may 
revoke, qualify, limit, and renew such proclamation from time 
to time as he may deem necessary to the full and just execution 
of the purposes of this section'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    Subsection (c) is substituted for ``Every violation of any 
such proclamation, or any part thereof, is declared illegal, 
and all vessels and goods so coming or being within the waters, 
ports, or places of the United States contrary to such 
proclamation shall be forfeited to the United States; and such 
forfeiture shall be enforced and proceeded upon in the same 
manner and with the same effect as in the case of vessels or 
goods whose importation or coming to or being in the waters or 
ports of the United States contrary to law may be enforced and 
proceeded upon. Every person who shall violate any of the 
provisions of this section, or such proclamation of the 
President made in pursuance hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a 
misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a 
fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment for a term not 
exceeding two years, or by both said punishments, in the 
discretion of the court.'' for consistency in the revised title 
and with chapter 227 of title 18 and to eliminate unnecessary 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
60507(a)..............  46 App.:144 (1st par. words    July 26, 1892,
                         before 3d comma).              ch. 248, 27
                                                        Stat. 267.
60507(b)..............  46 App.:144 (1st par. words
                         after 3d comma).
60507(c)..............  46 App.:144 (last par.).
60507(d)..............  46 App.:145.

    In this section, the word ``cargo'' is substituted for 
``cargo'', ``cargoes'', ``portions or cargoes'', ``freight'', 
and ``freight of whatever kind or description'' for consistency 
and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    Subsection (a) is substituted for ``With a view of securing 
reciprocal advantages for the citizens, ports, and vessels of 
the United States'' to improve the organization of the section.
    In subsection (b), the words ``and so often as'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The word ``burdened'' is substituted 
for ``made difficult or burdensome'', the word ``unreasonable'' 
is substituted for ``reciprocally unjust and unreasonable'', 
the words ``the President by proclamation may suspend'' are 
substituted for ``he shall have the power, and it shall be his 
duty, to suspend by proclamation to that effect'', the words 
``even when carried in vessels of the United States'' are 
substituted for ``whether carried in vessels of the United 
States or of other nations'', and the words ``The suspension 
shall apply to the extent and for the time the President 
considers appropriate'' are substituted for ``for such time and 
to such extent (including absolute prohibition) as he shall 
deem just'', to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``the President shall 
impose a toll of'' are substituted for ``tolls shall be levied, 
collected, and paid as follows, to wit: . . . as shall be from 
time to time determined by the President'' for clarity and to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c)(2), the word ``landed'' is substituted 
for ``carried to and landed'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (d), the Secretary of Homeland Security is 
substituted for the Commissioner of Customs because the 
functions of the Customs Service and of the Secretary of the 
Treasury relating thereto were transferred to the Secretary of 
Homeland Security by section 403(1) of the Homeland Security 
Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2178). The functions of 
the Commissioner of Customs previously were vested in the 
Secretary of the Treasury under section 321(c) of title 31. For 
prior related transfers of functions, see the transfer of 
functions note under 46 App. U.S.C. 145.
    In subsection (d)(2), the words ``a port described in 
subsection (c)(2) of this section'' are substituted for ``some 
port or place within the limits above named'' for clarity.

              Subtitle VII--Security and Drug Enforcement

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Port Security................................................70101
      Maritime Security............................................70301
      Maritime Drug Law Enforcement................................70501

                       CHAPTER 701--PORT SECURITY

    This chapter was enacted by Public Law 107-295, title I, 
Sec. 102(a), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2068.

                     CHAPTER 703--MARITIME SECURITY

70301.  Definitions.
70302.  International measures for seaport and vessel security.
70303.  Security standards at foreign ports.
70304.  Travel advisories on security at foreign ports.
70305.  Suspension of passenger services.
70306.  Report on terrorist threats.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70301.................  46 App.:1807.                  Pub. L. 99-399,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        911, Aug. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

    In clause (2), the term ``vessel of the United States'' is 
omitted because the definition of that term in 46 U.S.C. 2101 
is being moved to chapter 1 of the revised title and will apply 
generally throughout the title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70302.................  46 App.:1801.                  Pub. L. 99-399,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        902, Aug. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

    The word ``vessel'' is substituted for ``shipboard'' for 
consistency in the revised title. The words ``and commends him 
on his efforts to date'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70303.................  46 App.:1803.                  Pub. L. 99-399,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        907(a), (b),
                                                        (d), (e), Aug.
                                                        27, 1986, 100
                                                        Stat. 891.

    The definition of ``Secretary'' is added and the term is 
substituted for ``Secretary of Transportation'' because the 
functions under this section are carried out by the Coast Guard 
and its functions have been transferred to the Department of 
Homeland Security (except when operating as a service in the 
Navy) by section 888 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. 
L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 2249).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70304.................  46 App.:1804.                  Pub. L. 99-399,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        908, Aug. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        891; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        277, div. G,
                                                        title XXII, Sec.
                                                         2224(b), Oct.
                                                        21, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 2681-819.

    In subsection (b), the words ``with respect to which the 
Secretary of Transportation had made the determination 
described in section 1803(d) of this Appendix'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70305.................  46 App.:1805.                  Pub. L. 99-399,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        909, Aug. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70306(a)..............  46 App.:1802.                  Pub. L. 99-399,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        Sec.  905, 913,
                                                        Aug. 27, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 890,
                                                        892; Pub. L. 107-
                                                        295, title I,
                                                        Sec.  110(a),
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        408(c)(3), Nov.
                                                        25, 2002, 116
                                                        Stat. 2091,
70306(b)..............  46 App.:1809.

    In subsection (a), the words ``February 28 of each year'' 
are substituted for ``February 28, 1987, and annually 
thereafter'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 1802 to eliminate obsolete 
language. The words ``Beginning with the first report submitted 
under this section after the date of enactment of the Maritime 
Transportation Security Act of 2002'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (b), the words ``To the extent practicable, 
the reports required under sections 903, 905, and 907 [46 App. 
U.S.C. 1801 note, 1802, 1803] shall be consolidated into a 
single document before being submitted to the Congress'' in 46 
App. U.S.C. 1809(a) are omitted as unnecessary and obsolete 
because sections 903 and 907 are being omitted from the revised 
title and repealed as obsolete. The words ``Committee on 
International Relations'' are substituted for ``Committee on 
Foreign Affairs'' to reflect changes in committee structure 
made by the 104th Congress.


70501.  Findings and declarations.
70502.  Definitions.
70503.  Manufacture, distribution, or possession of controlled 
          substances on vessels.
70504.  Jurisdiction and venue.
70505.  Failure to comply with international law as a defense.
70506.  Penalties.
70507.  Forfeitures.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70501.................  46 App.:1902.                  Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  2, Sept.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 1160; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-307, Sec.
                                                        7, May 19, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 447;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-570,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        3202, Oct. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3207-95; Pub. L.
                                                        99-640, Sec.
                                                        17, Nov. 10,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70502(a)..............  46 App.:1903(i).               Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  3(b), (c),
                                                        (i), Sept. 15,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        1160; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        570, title III,
                                                        Sec.  3202, Oct.
                                                        27, 1986, 100
                                                        Stat. 3207-95,
                                                        3207-97; Pub. L.
                                                        99-640, Sec.
                                                        17, Nov. 10,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3552, 3554; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-690,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7402(b), Nov.
                                                        18, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4483; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-324, Sec.
                                                        (b), Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        3988, 3989; Pub.
                                                        L. 107-295,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        418(a), Nov. 25,
                                                        2002, 116 Stat.
70502(b)..............  46 App.:1903(b).
70502(c)..............  46 App.:1903(c)(1).
70502(d)..............  46 App.:1903(c)(2).
70502(e)..............  46 App.:1903(c)(3).

    In subsection (b)(2), before clause (A), the words 
``individual who is a citizen of the United States'' are 
substituted for ``a citizen or national of the United States'' 
because of the definition of ``citizen of the United States'' 
in chapter 1 of the revised title. The words ``or a territory, 
commonwealth, or possession of the United States'' and ``the 
District of Columbia, or any territory, commonwealth, or 
possession of the United States'' are omitted as unnecessary 
because of the definition of ``State'' in chapter 1 of the 
revised title.
    In subsection (d)(1)(B), the word ``authorized'' is 
substituted for ``empowered'' for consistency with subsection 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70503(a)..............  46 App.:1903(a).               Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  3(a), (e),
                                                        (h), Sept. 15,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        1160; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        570, title III,
                                                        Sec.  3202, Oct.
                                                        27, 1986, 100
                                                        Stat. 3207-95,
                                                        3207-96, 3207-
                                                        97; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        640, Sec.  17,
                                                        Nov. 10, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 3552,
                                                        3554; Pub. L.
                                                        100-690, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        7402(a), Nov.
                                                        18, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4483.
70503(b)..............  46 App.:1903(h).
70503(c)..............  46 App.:1903(e) (1st
70503(d)..............  46 App.:1903(e) (last

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``may not'' 
are substituted for ``It is unlawful for'' for consistency in 
the revised title and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``applies to'' are substituted 
for ``is intended to reach'' for clarity and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70504.................  46 App.:1903(f).               Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  3(f),
                                                        Sept. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1160;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-570,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        3202, Oct. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3207-97; Pub. L.
                                                        99-640, Sec.
                                                        17, Nov. 10,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3554; Pub. L.
                                                        104-324, Sec.
                                                        1138(a)(5), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3989.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70505.................  46 App.:1903(d).               Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  3(d),
                                                        Sept. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1160;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-570,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        3202, Oct. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3207-96; Pub. L.
                                                        99-640, Sec.
                                                        17, Nov. 10,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3553; Pub. L.
                                                        104-324, Sec.
                                                        1138(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3989.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70506(a)..............  46 App.:1903(g).               Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  3(g), (j),
                                                        Sept. 15, 1980,
                                                        94 Stat. 1160;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-570,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        3202, Oct. 27,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3207-97; Pub. L.
                                                        99-640, Sec.
                                                        17, Nov. 10,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3554; Pub. L.
                                                        101-647, title
                                                        XII, Sec.  1203,
                                                        Nov. 29, 1990,
                                                        104 Stat. 4830.
70506(b)..............  46 App.:1903(j).

    In subsection (b), the words ``the commission of which was 
the object of the attempt or conspiracy'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
70507.................  46 App.:1904.                  Pub. L. 96-350,
                                                        Sec.  4, Sept.
                                                        15, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 1160; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-570, title
                                                        III, Sec.  3202,
                                                        Oct. 27, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 3207-
                                                        97; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        640, Sec.  17,
                                                        Nov. 10, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 3554;
                                                        Pub. L. 107-295,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        418(b), Nov. 25,
                                                        2002, 116 Stat.

                      Subtitle VIII--Miscellaneous

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Wrecks and Salvage...........................................80101
      Ice and Derelicts............................................80301
      Safe Containers for International Cargo......................80501

                    CHAPTER 801--WRECKS AND SALVAGE

80101.  Vessel stranded on foreign coast.
80102.  License to salvage on Florida coast.
80103.  Property on Florida coast to be taken to port of entry.
80104.  Salvaging operations by foreign vessels.
80105.  Canadian vessels aiding vessels in United States waters.
80106.  International agreement on derelicts.
80107.  Salvors of life to share in remuneration.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80101.................  46 App.:721.                   R.S. Sec.  4238.

    In this section, the words ``consular officer'' are 
substituted for ``Consuls and vice consuls'' and ``consul or 
vice consul'' for consistency in the revised title.
    Subsection (a)(1) is substituted for ``as well for the 
purpose of saving the vessels, their cargoes and appurtenances, 
as for storing and securing the effects and merchandise saved'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80102.................  46 App.:724.                   R.S. Sec.  4241.

    In subsection (a), the words ``the district court of the 
United States for a judicial district of Florida'' are 
substituted for ``the district court for the district of 
Florida'' because Florida now has more than one judicial 
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``properly equipped'' are 
substituted for ``properly and sufficiently fitted and 
equipped'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80103.................  46 App.:722.                   R.S. Sec.  4239.
                        46 App.:723.                   R.S. Sec.  4240.

    In subsection (a), the words ``of any description 
whatsoever'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``transporting property 
described in subsection (a) of this section'' are substituted 
for ``which shall be engaged or employed in carrying or 
transporting any property whatsoever, taken from any wreck, 
from the sea, or from any of the keys or shoals, within the 
jurisdiction of the United States, on the coast of Florida'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``may be seized by, and 
forfeited to, the United States Government'' are substituted 
for ``shall . . . be forfeited'' for consistency in the revised 
title. The words ``together with her tackle, apparel, and 
furniture'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``accrues 
half to the informer and half to the Government'' are 
substituted for ``one moiety to the informer and the other to 
the United States'' to use more commonly understood language.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80104(a)..............  46 App.:316(d) (words before   R.S. Sec.
                         proviso).                      4370(d), (e);
                                                        June 11, 1940,
                                                        ch. 324, 54
                                                        Stat. 305.
80104(b)..............  46 App.:316(d) (proviso).
80104(c)..............  46 App.:316(e).

    In subsection (a), the words ``authorized by a treaty'' are 
omitted because they are restated in subsection (c).
    In subsection (b), before clause (1), the Secretary of 
Homeland Security is substituted for the Commissioner of 
Customs because the functions of the Customs Service and of the 
Secretary of the Treasury relating thereto were transferred to 
the Secretary of Homeland Security by section 403(1) of the 
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 
2178). The functions of the Commissioner of Customs previously 
were vested in the Secretary of the Treasury under section 
321(c) of title 31. For prior related transfers of functions, 
see the transfer of functions note under 46 App. U.S.C. 316. 
The words ``and no penalty shall be incurred for such 
authorized use'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``owned only by'' are 
substituted for ``wholly owned by'' for consistency in the 
revised title. The words ``(including a corporation that is a 
citizen of the United States under section 12118 of this 
title)'' are added because the source for section 12118 (46 
App. U.S.C. 883-1) provides that a corporation which is a 
citizen of the United States under that section is also a 
citizen of the United States under 46 App. U.S.C. 316, restated 
in part in this section.
    Subsection (b)(2) is substituted for ``documented under the 
laws of the United States or numbered pursuant to the Act of 
June 7, 1918, as amended (46 U.S.C. 288)'' to refer to the 
current provisions on documentation and numbering.
    In subsection (c), the words ``authorized by treaty, 
including'' are added because the words ``authorized by a 
treaty'' are omitted from subsection (a).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80105.................  46 App.:725.                   June 19, 1878,
                                                        ch. 324, 20
                                                        Stat. 175; May
                                                        24, 1890, ch.
                                                        292, 26 Stat.
                                                        120; Mar. 3,
                                                        1893, ch. 211,
                                                        Sec.  1 (last
                                                        par. under
                                                        ``Department of
                                                        State''), 27
                                                        Stat. 683.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the word 
``equipment'' is substituted for ``appurtenance'' to use more 
commonly understood language. The words ``and assistance'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``this section shall 
cease to be in force and effect from and after the date of the 
proclamation of the President of the United States to the 
effect that said reciprocol privilege has been withdrawn, 
revoked, or rendered inoperative by the said Government of the 
Dominion of Canada'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80106.................  46 App.:726.                   Oct. 31, 1893,
                                                        No. 13, 28 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80107(a)..............  46 App.:729.                   Aug. 1, 1912, ch.
                                                        268, Sec. Sec.
                                                        1, 3-5, 37 Stat.
                                                        242; Pub. L. 102-
                                                        241, Sec.  40,
                                                        Dec. 19, 1991,
                                                        105 Stat. 2225.
80107(b)..............  46 App.:727.
80107(c)..............  46 App.:730.
80107(d)..............  46 App.:731.

    In subsection (c), the words ``civil action'' are 
substituted for ``suit'', the words ``must be brought within 2 
years after'' are substituted for ``shall not be maintainable 
if brought later than two years from'', and the word ``seize'' 
is substituted for ``arresting'', for consistency in the 
revised title. The words ``of the plaintiff's residence or 
principal place of business'' are substituted for ``in which 
the libelant resides or has his principal place of business'' 
for consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsectoin (d), the reference to section 2304 of title 
46 is omitted because of the amendment to section 2304 in 
section 14(8) of the bill.

                     CHAPTER 803--ICE AND DERELICTS

80301.  International agreements.
80302.  Patrol services.
80303.  Speed of vessel in ice region.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80301.................  46 App.:738.                   June 25, 1936,
                                                        ch. 807, Sec.
                                                        1, 49 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80302.................  46 App.:738a.                  June 25, 1936,
                                                        ch. 807, Sec.
                                                        2, 49 Stat.
                                                        1922; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        670, Sec.
                                                        6(b)(1), Oct.
                                                        15, 1966, 80
                                                        Stat. 938.

    In subsection (d), the words ``Secretary of the department 
in which the Coast Guard is operating'' are substituted for 
``Secretary of Transportation'' because of the transfer of the 
Coast Guard to the Department of Homeland Security (except when 
operating as a service in the Navy) by section 888 of the 
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 
2249). See also sections 1 and 3 of title 14, as amended by 
section 1704(a) of such Act (116 Stat. 2314).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80303.................  46 App.:738c.                  June 25, 1936,
                                                        ch. 807, Sec.
                                                        4, 49 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the words ``liable to the United States 
Government for a civil penalty'' are substituted for ``liable 
to a fine'' for clarity and for consistency in the revised 
title. The words ``for each offense'' are omitted as 


80501.  Definitions.
80502.  Application of Convention.
80503.  General authority of the Secretary.
80504.  Approval and examination.
80505.  Enforcement.
80506.  Delegation of authority.
80507.  Employee protection.
80508.  Amendments to Convention.
80509.  Civil penalty.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80501.................  46 App.:1501.                  Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  2, Dec.
                                                        13, 1977, 91
                                                        Stat. 1475.

    In the definition of ``international transport'', clauses 
(A) and (B) are substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 1501(d)(1)-(3) 
to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In the definition of ``owner'', the words ``includes the 
lessee or bailee of a container if a written lease or bailment 
provides for the lessee or bailee to exercise the owner's 
responsibility for maintaining and examining the container'' 
are substituted for ``means a person who owns a container, or, 
if a written lease or bailment provides for the lessee or 
bailee to exercise the owner's responsibility for maintaining 
and examining the container, the lessee or bailee of a 
container, to the extent such agreement so provides'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    The definition of ``Secretary'' is omitted because a 
complete reference to the appropriate Secretary is used the 
first time the Secretary is named in each section. Throughout 
this chapter, the phrase ``Secretary of the department in which 
the Coast Guard is operating'' is substituted for ``Secretary 
of Transportation'' because the Coast Guard has been 
transferred to the Department of Homeland Security (except when 
operating as a service in the Navy) by section 888 of the 
Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-296, 116 Stat. 
    The definition of ``United States'' is omitted because 
``United States'' is defined in chapter 1 of the revised title. 
The definitions of ``new container'' and ``existing container'' 
are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80502.................  46 App.:1502(a) (related to    Pub. L. 95-208,
                         application of Convention).    Sec.  3(a)
                                                        (related to
                                                        application of
                                                        Dec. 13, 1977,
                                                        91 Stat. 1476.

    This section restates the applicability criteria of 46 
App.:1502(a)(1) and (2) to improve the organization of the 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80503(a)..............  46 App.:1503(a).               Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  4(a), (b),
                                                        (c)(1), (3),
                                                        (e), Dec. 13,
                                                        1977, 91 Stat.
                                                        1476, 1477.
80503(b)..............  46 App.:1503(b).
80503(c)..............  46 App.:1503(c)(1).
80503(d)..............  46 App.:1503(c)(3).
80503(e)..............  46 App.:1503(e).

    In subsection (a), the words ``On and after the date the 
instrument of ratification is deposited by the United States in 
accordance with the provisions of article VII of the 
Convention,'' and ``and, unless an earlier date is specifically 
provided,'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (b), before clause (1), the words ``as soon 
as practicable after December 13, 1977'' are omitted as 
obsolete. The word ``prescribe'' is substituted for 
``promulgate, and from time to time, amend'' for consistency in 
the revised title and with other titles of the United States 
Code and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words ``he deems 
necessary for such enforcement'' and ``among other things'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), the words ``existing'' 
and ``new'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsections (c) and (d), the words ``At any time after 
December 13, 1977'' are omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80504.................  46 App.:1502(a) (related to    Pub. L. 95-208,
                         approval and examination).     Sec.  3(a)
                                                        (related to
                                                        approval and
                                                        Dec. 13, 1977,
                                                        91 Stat. 1476.

    In this section, the words ``Beginning on the date the 
instrument of ratification is deposited by the United States in 
accordance with the provisions of article VII of the 
Convention, for new containers, and beginning on September 6, 
1982, for existing containers'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsections (a)(1) and (b)(1), the words ``government of 
another country that is a party to the Convention'' are 
substituted for ``administration of another contracting party 
to the Convention'' for clarity.
    In subsection (c), the word ``initial'' is added for 
consistency in the section.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80505.................  46 App.:1504.                  Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  5, Dec.
                                                        13, 1977, 91
                                                        Stat. 1477; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-249, Sec.
                                                        1(2), Sept. 8,
                                                        1982, 96 Stat.

    In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words ``On and 
after the date the instrument of ratification is deposited by 
the United States in accordance with the provisions of article 
VII of the Convention'' are omitted as obsolete. The words 
``and regulations prescribed under this chapter'' are added for 
clarity. In clause (1), the words ``new . . . and existing 
containers which are subject to this chapter'' are omitted as 
obsolete. Clauses (2) and (3) are substituted for ``test, 
inspect, and approve designs for new containers and new 
containers being manufactured'' to eliminate unnecessary words. 
In clause (4), before subclause (A), the words ``is subject to 
this chapter'' are omitted as unnecessary. In subclause (A), 
the word ``valid'' is omitted as unnecessary. In clause (5), 
the words ``or regulations prescribed under this chapter'' are 
added for consistency. In clause (6), the word ``valid'' is 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``appropriation for the 
operating expenses of the Coast Guard'' are substituted for 
``appropriations bearing the cost thereof'' for clarity.
    In subsection (d)(2), the word ``reasonably'' is omitted as 
    In subsection (e), the words ``which first occurs'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. In clause (1), the words ``the 
Secretary declares'' are substituted for ``is declared by the 
Secretary, or under regulations promulgated by the Secretary'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80506.................  46 App.:1503(c)(2), (d).       Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  4(c)(2),
                                                        (d), Dec. 13,
                                                        1977, 91 Stat.

    Subsections (a) and (f) are substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 
1503(c)(2) and (d) (1st sentence) to improve the organization 
of the section.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``person to whom authority 
is to be delegated'' are substituted for ``person, public or 
private agency, or nonprofit organization as a recipient of 
delegated functions under such subsection'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    Subsection (b)(2) is substituted for ``the manner in which 
such recipient shall carry out such delegated functions, 
including the records such recipient must keep, and a detailed 
description of the exact functions such recipient may 
exercise'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    Subsections (c)-(e) are substituted for 46 App. U.S.C. 
1503(d) (last par.) to improve the organization of the section 
and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80507.................  46 App.:1506.                  Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  7, Dec.
                                                        13, 1977, 91
                                                        Stat. 1479.

    In subsection (a), the words ``in any manner'' and ``to the 
Secretary or his agents'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words 
``or a regulation prescribed under this chapter'' are added for 
    In subsection (b), the words ``employee alleging to be the 
subject of a violation of subsection (a) of this section may 
file a complaint'' are substituted for ``employee who believes 
that he has been discharged or discriminated against in 
violation of this section may . . . file a complaint alleging 
discrimination'' to eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the word ``appropriate'' is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80508.................  46 App.:1507.                  Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  8, Dec.
                                                        13, 1977, 91
                                                        Stat. 1479.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
80509.................  46 App.:1505.                  Pub. L. 95-208,
                                                        Sec.  6, Dec.
                                                        13, 1977, 91
                                                        Stat. 1478.

    In subsection (a), the words ``On and after the date the 
instrument of ratification is deposited by the United States in 
accordance with the provisions of article VII of the 
Convention'' are omitted as obsolete. The words ``liable to the 
United States Government for a civil penalty'' are substituted 
for ``subject to a civil penalty'' for consistency in the 
revised title.
    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``In determining the amount 
of'' are substituted for ``In assessing, remitting, mitigating, 
or compromising'' to eliminate unnecessary words.


    Section 11 of the bill amends section 109 of title 49.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
109(a)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No.
                                                        21 of 1950, eff.
                                                        May 24, 1950,
                                                        Sec.  201, 64
                                                        Stat. 1276.
                        46 App.:1601.                  Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  2, Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(b)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No. 7
                                                        of 1961, eff.
                                                        Aug. 12, 1961,
                                                        Sec.  201, 75
                                                        Stat. 842; Pub.
                                                        L. 88-426, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(19)(B), Aug.
                                                        14, 1964, 78
                                                        Stat. 425; Pub.
                                                        L. 91-469, Sec.
                                                        38(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1970, 84 Stat.
                        46 App.:1603.                  Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  4, Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(c)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No.
                                                        21 of 1950, eff.
                                                        May 24, 1950,
                                                        Sec.  203, 64
                                                        Stat. 1276.
109(d)................  46 App.:1111 note.             Reorg. Plan No.
                                                        21 of 1950, eff.
                                                        May 24, 1950,
                                                        Sec.  204, 64
                                                        Stat. 1276.
                        46 App.:1602.                  Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec.  3, Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(e)................  46 App.:1213(b).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        809(b), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 94-10,
                                                        Sec.  3, Mar.
                                                        23, 1975, 89
                                                        Stat. 16; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(121), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(f)................  46 App.:1122(d).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        212(d), 49 Stat.
                                                        1990; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(69), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(g)................  46 App.:1111(f) (2d sentence   June 29, 1936,
                         related to Secretary).         ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  201(f)
                                                        (2d sentence
                                                        related to
                                                        Secretary), 49
                                                        Stat. 1986; Aug.
                                                        4, 1939, ch.
                                                        417, Sec.  4, 53
                                                        Stat. 1182; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(58)(D), Aug.
                                                        6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 158.
109(h)................  46 App.:1117 (related to       June 29, 1936,
                         Secretary).                    ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  207
                                                        (related to
                                                        Secretary), 49
                                                        Stat. 1988; June
                                                        23, 1938, ch.
                                                        600, Sec.  2, 52
                                                        Stat. 954; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-31, Sec.
                                                        12(64), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(i)(1).............  46 App.:1119(a).               June 29, 1936,
                                                        ch. 858, title
                                                        II, Sec.  209,
                                                        49 Stat. 1988;
                                                        Aug. 26, 1937,
                                                        ch. 822, Sec.
                                                        3, 50 Stat. 839;
                                                        Pub. L. 90-81,
                                                        Sept. 5, 1967,
                                                        81 Stat. 193;
                                                        Pub. L. 91-469,
                                                        Sec.  2, Oct.
                                                        21, 1970, 84
                                                        Stat. 1018; Pub.
                                                        L. 95-173, Nov.
                                                        12, 1977, Sec.
                                                        6(a), 91 Stat.
                                                        1360; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        387, Sec.  4,
                                                        Oct. 7, 1980, 94
                                                        Stat. 1546; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-453, Sec.
                                                        3(a), Oct. 15,
                                                        1980, 94 Stat.
                                                        2008; Pub. L. 97-
                                                        31, Sec.
                                                        12(66), Aug. 6,
                                                        1981, 95 Stat.
109(i)(2).............  46 App.:1119(b).
109(i)(3).............  46 App.:1295c-1.               Pub. L. 100-202,
                                                        Sec.  101(a)
                                                        [title V (4th
                                                        proviso on p.
                                                        1329-28)], Dec.
                                                        22, 1987, 101
                                                        Stat. 1329, 1329-

    In subsection (b), the words ``The Assistant Secretary of 
Commerce for Maritime Affairs shall, ex officio, be the 
Administrator'' in section 201 of Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 
1961 are omitted as superseded by 46 App. U.S.C. 1601 and 1603. 
The words ``and who shall be compensated at the rate provided 
for level III of the Executive Schedule'' in 46 App. U.S.C. 
1603 are omitted as unnecessary because of 5 U.S.C. 5314.
    In subsection (c), the word ``Secretary'' means the 
``Secretary of Transportation'' because under 46 App. U.S.C. 
1602 all functions, powers, and duties relating to the Maritime 
Administration were transferred from the Secretary of Commerce 
to the Secretary of Transportation. The words ``in the 
competitive service'' are substituted for ``under the 
classified civil service'' because of 5 U.S.C. 2102(c). The 
words ``Provided, That such Deputy Administrator shall at no 
time sit as a member or acting member of the Federal Maritime 
Board'' are omitted as obsolete because the Federal Maritime 
Board was abolished by section 304 of Reorganization Plan No. 7 
of 1961 (46 App. U.S.C. 1111 note).
    In subsection (f), the words ``vessels of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``vessels of United States 
registry'' because of the definition of ``vessel of the United 
States'' in chapter 1 of the revised title.
    In subsection (g), the words ``equal to the amount that 
would be paid to an individual performing work the Secretary 
considers to be of similar importance, difficulty, and 
responsibility'' are substituted for ``equal to the pay and 
allowances he would receive if he were the incumbent of an 
office or position in such service (or in the corresponding 
executive department), which, in the opinion of . . . the 
Secretary of Transportation, involves the performance of work 
similar in importance, difficulty, and responsibility'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (h)(2), the words ``according to approved 
commercial practice as provided in the Act of March 20, 1922 
(42 Stat. 444)'' are omitted as obsolete and unnecessary.
    In subsection (i)(2), the words ``Notwithstanding any other 
provision of this chapter or any other law'' are omitted as 
unnecessary. In clause (G), the words ``National Defense 
Reserve Fleet'' are substituted for ``reserve fleet'' for 
clarity. Clause (H) is substituted for ``(7) maritime training 
at the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York'', 
``(8) financial assistance to State maritime academies under 
section 1295c of this Appendix'', ``(10) expenses necessary for 
additional training provided under section 1295d of this 
Appendix'', and ``(10) expenses necessary to carry out 
subchapter XIII of this chapter'' because of the reorganization 
of revised title 46 and to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1119 (proviso) is omitted as obsolete.


    Section 12(a) of the bill makes conforming cross reference 
amendments to chapter 531 of title 46, which was added by 
section 3531(a) of the Maritime Security Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 
108-136, 117 Stat. 1803).
    Section 12(b) of the bill implements certain amendments 
contained in that Act which have prospective effective dates as 
set forth in section 3537 of that Act (117 Stat. 1819). The 
amendments are included here because the provisions to be 
amended by that Act are being replaced by provisions enacted by 
this bill.
    Section 12(b)(1) amends section 12111(c)(3) of title 46, 
which restates existing section 12102(d)(4) of title 46. This 
amendment corresponds to the amendment contained in section 
3534(b)(1) of that Act (117 Stat. 1818).
    Section 12(b)(2) amends section 56102(c) of title 46, which 
restates to section 9(e) of the Shipping Act, 1916 (46 App. 
U.S.C. 808(e)). This amendment corresponds to the amendment 
contained in section 3532(a)(2) of that Act (117 Stat. 1817).
    Section 12(c) contains effective dates for these amendments 
in accordance with the effective dates contained in section 
3537 of that Act (117 Stat. 1819).


                             Section 13(a)

    Section 13(a) of the bill amends section 2793 of the 
Revised Statutes, which appears in the United States Code at 
three places with editorial variations. The version at 46 App. 
U.S.C. 123 includes the language about tonnage tax but omits 
the language about entry fees and clearance fees. The versions 
at 19 U.S.C. 288 and 46 App. U.S.C. 111, which are identical, 
include the language about entry fees and clearance fees but 
omit the language about tonnage tax. Section 2793 is amended to 
strike the language about tonnage tax because section 2793, 
insofar as it relates to tonnage tax, is restated in section 
60308 of title 46. Section 2793, as amended by this section, 
will relate only to entry fees and clearance fees and will be 
classified only to 19 U.S.C. 288.

                             Section 13(b)

    Section 13(b) of the bill amends the third sentence of 
section 809(a) of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936 (46 App. U.S.C. 
1213(a)), which relates to the seasonal closure of the Saint 
Lawrence Seaway. The amendment strikes the reference to section 
211(a) of that Act (46 App. U.S.C. 1121(a)) because the 
substance of the third sentence of the amended provision is 
restated, along with 46 App. U.S.C. 1121(a), in section 50103 
of title 46.


    Section 14 of the bill makes additional amendments to title 
46 to replace references to provisions which are repealed and 
restated by the bill with references to the corresponding new 
provisions, and to fix typographical errors. Other amendments 
are explained as follows:
    Certain definitions in section 2101 which are restated in 
chapter 1 as title-wide definitions are repealed.
    Section 2108 is repealed because it is revised and restated 
as section 504 of title 46.
    Section 2301 is amended to include a reference to section 
2304 because of the amendment to section 2304.
    Section 2304 is amended to restate 46 App. U.S.C. 731 as it 
relates to section 2304. The remainder of 46 App. U.S.C. 731 is 
restated in section 80107(d) of title 46.
    In section 14305(a)(6), the reference to 46 App. U.S.C. 883 
is replaced with only a reference to section 12132 of title 46, 
which restates the first proviso of 46 App. U.S.C. 883. That is 
because only the first proviso of 46 App. U.S.C. 883 is 
relevant to the alternative tonnage measurement determined in 
accordance with section 14305.
    Section 31342(b) is amended to incorporate the definition 
of ``public vessel'' in section 30101(3) of title 46 because 
chapter 301 is being repealed and replaced.


    Section 15 of the bill makes conforming cross reference 
amendments to positive law titles of the United States Code and 
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).


    Section 16 of the bill contains provisions relating to 
legislative construction and transitional provisions.

                          SECTION 17--REPEALS

    Section 17 of the bill repeals laws replaced by the bill 
and laws that are obsolete or superseded.