[Congressional Record Volume 154, Number 156 (Sunday, September 28, 2008)]
[Page H10303]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]


  (Mr. ACKERMAN asked and was given permission to address the House for 
1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
  Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I take this minute to call to the 
attention of the House today a true American patriot. One of our 
colleagues is spending his last few hours, day and night, with us after 
two decades in the House. I refer to our Speaker pro tem, the gentleman 
from New York, Mike McNulty, who has given two decades of his life to 
the service of our country. He has been one of our most exemplary 
colleagues. He has probably served as Speaker pro tem--in the chair 
that he has right now--with the gavel in his hand, for hundreds of 
hours, for probably more hours as Speaker pro tem than has any other 
Member of the House today.
  I just want to say thank you, Mike, for your years of service and to 
your family for sharing you with us for these two decades. As you ride 
off, back to your district to share the rest of your life with your 
family and new challenges, I say thank you and God's speed. You're 
leaving here at the height of your game and under your own power and 
terms, not into the sunset but into a bright new future and a new dawn.
  Thank you, Mike, for your service to our country.
